Tax deduction documents for the purchase of apartment 2019

Документы на налоговый вычет за покупку квартиры 2019

Tax deductions for the purchase of an apartment in the years covered by this report are entitled to a tax deduction, with the exception of dividends; it is not possible to obtain tax deductions for this type of income; the purchase of an apartment for own money or with the funds of a credit institution for mortgage lending purposes; and the location of housing in the territory of the Russian Federation.

VIDEO ON THEME: Tax return documents for the purchase of an apartment

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How to get a tax deduction when buying an apartment in 2019

The tax base may be reduced by the cost of purchasing the following items: an apartment or a room; a residential home, including one that has not yet been completed, as well as a building block in the Townhouse; land for the construction of its own housing; land under an acquired dwelling; and shares in all the property transferred.

Only Russian tax residents are entitled to a tax deduction of property per year; these include individuals who are actually present in the Russian Federation for at least a calendar day for the next 12 consecutive months.

In other words, most Russians are entitled to declare a deduction of c. For example, a standard salary or proceeds from the sale of personal property c. To determine who is entitled to declare a deduction and who is not, will help the table, taking into account the changes for the year below, which is referred to in paragraph 13 of paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of article 1 of the Russian Tax Code.

The costs included in the deduction include tax deduction for the purchase of a dwelling only for expenses that are paid from an individuals' own funds; expenses for the purchase of an apartment; expenses for the purchase of an apartment or a share room include expenses for: the purchase of an apartment, a room or a right to an apartment, a room in a building house, i.e. the cost of a dwelling; the purchase of finishing materials; and the cost of work related to the completion of an apartment or a room.

Costs for the purchase of a dwelling: costs for the construction of a dwelling include costs for: the development of design and design documents; the acquisition of construction and finishing materials; the acquisition of a dwelling, including construction work; the construction or construction services of a house that has not been completed; the connection to electricity, water, gas and sewage networks; or the cost of establishing self-contained sources.

The cost of the purchase of sanitation equipment and electricity plits is not included in the cost of housing and the tax deduction for real estate is not included in the letter from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 28 April. Interest on the loan reduces the NPFL base if the loan funds are earmarked for the Russian organization and are spent on the purchase of housing or land on Russian territory; interest is to be paid; interest may also be increased by the interest paid on refinancing loans for the re-creditation of loans and loans previously taken for the purchase of housing and land.

No matter which bank refinances the loan, either in the original bank or in another bank, this is referred to in paragraph 1, paragraph 4, paragraph 4, of article NC, in a letter from the Ministry of Finance dated 4 April. The lender may also obtain a loan for the refinancing of another loan, which, in turn, has been loaned for the refinancing of the original mortgage; if the contract for the new loan refers to the original mortgage contract, interest on it may be included in the property deduction.

If there is no such clause in the contract, it is not possible to obtain a deduction for interest on property, which is explained in a letter from the Ministry of Finance dated 25 May. How many times the deduction for property deduction is made once, but if the costs are less than 2 rubles.

The truth is, if the first purchase is not made earlier than a year, the deduction from this year is tied to the amount of expenditure, not to the number of facilities, the use of which was allowed until the limit was fully exhausted, but with respect to interest on loans and loans for the purchase and construction of housing, the carry-over rule does not apply.

If the benefit is first claimed for property that was acquired in the year and before, the old scheme of granting the benefit, under which it is not possible to transfer the balance of the benefit to a new facility, is applied.

This follows from article 1, paragraph 3, of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and article 2, paragraph 2, of the 23 July Act. Useful recommendations:

Tax deduction for the purchase of an apartment

If a person has already exhausted his or her property right, yes, the property deduction can only be obtained once if he or she has purchased a dwelling before a year, but since 1 January the Tax Code has been amended: if the tax deduction for the purchase of real estate is not received at the maximum of 2 million roubles, then the balance can be obtained when another property is purchased.

The tax base may be reduced by the costs associated with the purchase of the following items: an apartment or a room; a dwelling, including not yet built, as well as a building block in the Townhouse; land for the construction of its own housing; land under the purchase of a dwelling; shares in all the property transferred; who is entitled to a tax deduction in the year only for Russian tax residents, including natural persons who are actually present in the Russian Federation for at least a calendar day for the next 12 consecutive months.

We're going to look at the most common options. Find out what documents you need to file in your case. You can register at the NPFLK online service. You can use the website's materials to guide yourself in the sale of real estate, control your real estate agent, and ask him the right questions.

Tax deduction documents for the purchase of an apartment between 2018 and 2019

How to obtain a tax deduction for the purchase of an apartment on April 10, the State allows for a tax deduction for the purchase of housing, and it has been shown that many are willing to take advantage of this option. According to the FNS Regional Office, the property deduction is the most popular form of tax deduction in the Altai province: in the year it was claimed by 65,500 inhabitants of the province. As a result, they were able to recover from the budget about 2 billion roubles. You want a property deduction, but you don't know how to do it? Then read the Amic material. We have found who can recover some of the housing and how to do it. Property deduction is made for the purchase of land for the construction, purchase of an apartment or house, for the construction of a mortgage, for the payment of interest on mortgage. You can also receive a deduction for the construction and repair of a house, apartment or room, if the contract specifies that a citizen has purchased a dwelling without a trim or a construction facility.

Property tax deduction in 2019: changes, explanations

Property deduction for the purchase of housing is granted to every citizen with a fixed limit of 2 million. There is also a deduction on interest per mortgage, which is a maximum of 3 million. In order to obtain a tax deduction, it is necessary to apply to the Tax Inspectorate with a completed declaration on form 3-NDFL, as well as a list of all necessary documents. The declaration can be completed in several ways: you can download the correct form on the tax website, and there is also a program to fill it out.

Refund of tax deduction through the employer. What is tax deduction?

In fact, this is a refund to the payer of the NPFL paid earlier on his own income, for example, from his salary; in addition, when buying into mortgage, the State provides the possibility of refunding the funds spent on bank interest; who is entitled to a tax deduction for the purchase of the dwelling, partial reimbursement of the cost of the purchase of the dwelling is available: working citizens and tax residents of the Russian Federation who pay the NPFL in the budget; pensioners who are employed and paying a tax on earnings or other income, for example, from the rental of property; it is not possible to obtain reimbursement of the costs if: the real estate was purchased before one year and the refund of the tax has already been made; the buyer does not have the income from which the NPFL was paid; in the acquisition, the buyer took advantage of public programmes, for example, bought housing with maternal capital; the apartment is purchased at the employers' expense; the transaction is made between the interdependent persons of close relatives; the deduction has already been completed in previous purchases.

Give the NDFL back for the real estate!

It is important to know that if you have purchased an apartment or paid for education or treatment, charity, pension contributions, etc. it is important to know that if you have purchased an apartment or have improved your housing conditions in another way, such as building a house, you are entitled to a property tax deduction.

Take a look at this: Tax deduction on apartment 2019, how to make a tax deduction, how to get more money.

In accordance with Russian law, when you buy an apartment, house or land, you can return a portion of the money you have paid in the amount of your income tax. This tax deduction is prescribed in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Tax deduction for the purchase of an apartment/house/land


Once the apartment is purchased, the amount can and should be returned! When you can get a tax deduction for real estate, you can get a proof of ownership of the dwelling: an extract from For example, you can no longer file an application in a year and get a deduction for a year.


Tax deduction after buying a mortgage: how to get in 2019







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