Category of gravity of work performed for a sample to fill

Категория тяжести выполняемых работ для втэк образец заполнения

There are rules for filling in the category of work performed in the occupational characteristics; upon request by a doctor, a job description can be requested at work; the basis for the extradition is a statement; in general, the document provides an assessment of the working conditions; on the basis of the medical certificate, the specialists decide on the suitability of the employee to hold the post; and on the basis of the document, the citizen returns to the health centre, where the medical certificate is issued.

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Characteristics of working conditions

J Builder Staff Labour Organization: Main Archival: The stress of the work process The stress of the work process is a characteristic of the work process, reflecting the stress on the central nervous system, the sense organs, the emotional sphere of work, the smart work involves the perception and processing of a large amount of information. Smart work combines the work of receiving and transmitting information that requires increased thinking, attention, memory.

This type of work is characterized by a significant decrease in motor activity: the main indicator of mental work is the tension that reflects the pressure on the central nervous system; the energy input in mental work is kcal per day; however, energy costs vary according to the working position; higher total energy costs in mental work are determined by the degree of nervous-emotional tension.

In addition, the brain is prone to inertia, because after work is stopped, the thinking process continues, leading to more fatigue and depletion of the CNC than in physical labour; this type of work is characterized by a significant decrease in the motor activity of hypokinesia, which results in cardiovascular pathology; long mental stress oppresses mental health, impairs the function of attention, memory.

All indicators are qualitative or quantitative and grouped by type of load: The stress of the work process must be assessed at every workplace; the assessment of labour stress is based on the analysis of workers ' work activities, job instructions, timing of photographs of the working day and expert assessment.

The categories of working conditions should be defined according to all 23 estimates presented in table 18 of Manual P 2. Intellectual pressure.

Example: The simplest tasks are performed by cleaners, loaders of class 1 working conditions, and activities requiring simple tasks, but already with the choice of instructions, are common to labs, nurses, telephone telephones, repairers, storekeepers, trackers, wagons, signalers, electrical workshopers, etc.

The complex tasks carried out by the known algorithm for a series of instructions take place in the work of directors, shop managers, masters, vehicle drivers, brigades, drivers, train drafters, stations on duty, etc.

The most complex work requiring, to varying degrees, heuristic creative activity has been done by researchers, designers and surgeons of the other.

Class 3: This type of work is characteristic of operators, locomotive drivers, craftsmen, electric mechanics, etc. Where work requires the perception of signals with a subsequent comprehensive assessment of all production parameters of information, the work on tension falls into class 3. Any work activity is characterized by a division of labour among workers.

Accordingly, the more the worker is assigned to the tasks, the higher the tension in his work, for example, the work that contains simple tasks aimed at processing and performing a specific task does not lead to significant work stress, such as the work of a labian, a cleaner, a class 1 loader.

Tensions increase when processed, followed by the performance of the Class 2 task, which is characteristic of such professions as accountant, division engineer, nurse, driver, electrician, telephone operator, janitor, plumber, plumber, etc. The test in this case is self-monitoring.

Processing, testing and, in addition, monitoring the performance of the task indicate a greater degree of complexity on the part of the employee, and consequently there is a greater tension in the work of the master of enterprises, the heads of divisions, class 3, the most complex function is the preparatory work, followed by the assignment of tasks to other persons in class 3.

When the work is done on a case-by-case basis, the level of work tension is lower than 1 class — labs, cleaners, trackers.

If the work is carried out on a strictly fixed schedule and may be adjusted as necessary, the 2nd class — nurses, locksmiths, accountants, masters, workshop managers, etc. — increases the tension when the work is performed in a time-deficit context of Class 3 — and the work must be characterized by a lack of time in day-to-day activities rather than in emergency situations. 3 The highest level of stress is the high level of responsibility for the final result of the work of surgeons, reanimatologists, nuclear reactor engineer, air traffic controllers.

The more time spent on focused observation during the shift, the higher the tension, the more focused observation means that the employee looks at the observation site without looking at it in isolation.

The number of messages received and transmitted makes it possible to assess employment, the specifics of the workers' activities. The greater the number of signals and messages received and transmitted, the higher the information load leading to increased tension. By form or method of providing information, signals may be sent from special devices to light, audible alarms, instrument scales, tables, graphs and diagrams, symbols, text, formulas, etc.

For example, air traffic controllers have the highest number of links and signals to ground services and aircraft crews — more than class 3.

The driver's work during driving is slightly lower — on average about one hour in class 3, the same class includes the work of telegraphists, and within an hour the number of telephone calls per hour is between 25 and 2 for nurses and resuscitation doctors, an urgent call to the patient, and alarms with monitors about the patient's condition.

The lowest number of signals and messages is found in occupations such as laboratory technicians, managers, masters, carpenters, plumbers, class 1. Various indicators, displays, controls, keyboards, etc. are the subjects of simultaneous observation for the operators' activity.

The largest number of simultaneous observation sites are located at air traffic controllers, 13, which corresponds to Cashier 3. Up to five simultaneous observation sites are observed at telephone operators, technicians, managers, nurses, doctors, etc. For locomotive drivers, the simultaneous observation facilities are those in front of the moving locomotive signals, the state of the track, the state of the wire, etc.

The smaller the size of the item in question, the detail, the digital or the literal information, and so on, the corresponding increase in the class of labour tension; for example, for a carrier, the size of the object is more than 5 mm - 1 class; for an accountant, when working with documents and PEMS, the size of the object is 1 - 0.

The lowest size of the object of distinction is less than 0.Z mm, selected when working with the microscope. The time of the clock, the minutes of operation of the optical instrument, the greater the percentage of time, the greater the load that results in the pressure of the optic analyser.

According to this indicator, the hours, minutes of direct operation of the VDT user with the display display are recorded throughout the working day when entering data, editing text or software, reading literal, digital and graphic information from the screen. The longer the eye-to-screening time of the VDT user, the greater the pressure on the optic analyser and the higher the stress of work.

For an accountant, it's a maximum of 4 hours, because it works, and with documents, the look goes from the screen to the document, from the document to the screen, so the time spent with the PEMS is conditionally divided in half, and that's the real time of a fixed observation of the PEMS screen.

If the noise level is more than 80 dBAs, the rating is already in class 3. The voltage of the voice machine depends on the length of the speech load. Voice stress is observed in long-term, undisturbed voice activity. Class 3 is the highest load. Less so for other occupational groups, managers, craftsmen, doctors, etc. The lowest criteria can be observed in other professions such as labs, tacars, drivers of motor vehicles of class 1.

This indicator indicates the extent to which an employee can influence the outcome of his or her own work at different levels of complexity of the activity, increasing the degree of responsibility, as misbehaviour results in additional efforts on the part of the employee or the whole community, resulting in increased emotional stress.

Such professions, air traffic controllers, doctors, motor vehicle drivers, nuclear reactor management engineer have the highest degree of responsibility for the final performance, and errors may lead to a halt in the process, creating dangerous situations for the lives of class 3 people.

If the employee is responsible for the main type of assignment and the errors result in additional effort on the part of the whole team, the emotional burden is already slightly lower than class 3. Where the level of responsibility is related to the quality of the auxiliary assignment and the errors result in additional effort on the part of the superior, in particular the commander, the shift manager, etc.

The lowest value of the criterion is noted in the work of the laboratory, cleaner, freighter, where the employee is responsible only for the performance of the individual elements of the product, and in the case of an error, the additional effort is made only by the employee of Class 1 himself.

Only jobs where there is a direct danger are exposed to risk to their own lives, where the risk is present if the workers comply with safety regulations, i.e. potentially dangerous work and sections, such as work at altitude, work related to high voltage electrical equipment, train track work, etc.

A number of occupations are characterized by responsibility only for the safety of other persons by air traffic controllers, reanimators, surgeons, electric train mechanics, factory masters if they prescribe high-risk work orders, etc. But there are a number of categories of work where there is a possible combination of risk to themselves and responsibility for the lives of others, infectious doctors, car drivers, assistant electric train drivers, etc.

In this case, the emotional burden is significantly higher, so these indicators should be assessed as separate incentives, and there are a number of professions where the factors are completely absent from the directors, shop managers, divisions, labs, accountants, telephones, cooks, nurses, masseuses, etc.

The smaller the number of jobs performed, the higher the tension caused by the multiple workloads, the higher the tension in this indicator is in class 3, the shorter the time, respectively, the higher the monotony of the loads.

This indicator, as well as the previous one, is the most pronounced in the construction work class 3. The smaller the time of active activity and the longer the time of monitoring the progress of the production process, the higher the monotony of the loads, respectively.

The greatest monotonicity in this indicator is found in class 3 chemical managers. The more time the passive observation of the process is spent, the more monotonous the work, the same as the previous one, the most pronounced among the operators working in the waiting mode are the operators of the chemical management units, the power plants, etc. are singled out as distinct from other classifications.

This is due to the fact that, regardless of the number of shifts and the rhythm of work in the workplace, the actual working hours vary from 6 to 8 hours for teachers, doctors, managers of enterprises and organizations, accountants, etc. A number of occupations have a shift duration of 12 hours or more for doctors, nurses, guards, guards, etc. The longer the work time, the greater the total workload, and therefore the higher the workload.

3. Regulated breaks are only those which have been introduced into the working hours regulations on the basis of internal production documents by orders, internal labour regulations or in accordance with the requirements of State documents of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, sanitary rules and regulations, labour protection regulations and others.

They are intended for short-term rest and personal physiological needs and should be introduced in types of work where the operator of the adopted technology is unable to leave the workplace, even for a short time, the majority of ticket cashiers, the miners in intensive work, the operators of the television surveillance posts, the checkers of checkpoints, etc. The overall assessment of the stress of the work process is carried out as follows:

There are no indicators for the third harmful class, while work is of the 1st degree 3 and work of the 2nd degree 3.

Categories of gravity of work to be performed by the mse locksmith

If the employment relationship is terminated, the former employer is not entitled to refuse the issuance of the document, but the medical and labour expert commission has previously performed the function of the examination by the TEC. How do you complete the work profile for ITU?

Information on the nature and conditions of work of the workers' work for medical social assessment is required by ITU on the nature and conditions of the workers' work and is required by ITU for the determination of the degree of incapacity for work; a certificate for ITUC is required for the appointment of the disability and the benefits granted with it; after the procedure, a certificate may be provided which is used for the pension of the RPF.

J Builder Staff Labour Organization: Main Archival: The stress of the work process The stress of labour is a characteristic of the work process, which reflects the pressure mainly on the central nervous system, the senses, the emotional sphere of work, and it involves the perception and processing of a lot of information.

Production characteristic: sample 2018

Individual cleansing of the body! In the course of medical and social examination, specialists pay a great deal of attention to the amount of physical pressure that is being experienced by the person undergoing the examination. The severity of physical labour in ITU will be measured by the amount of the actions performed and the forces used to perform them. The main and additional factors in the production of the category of gravity of the work performed for an accountant of a type of health impairment under ITU are the criteria for medical and social disability in certain pathologies: Hypertonic disease Revmatoid arthritis Chronic Pancreatith. According to these criteria, working conditions can be divided into the following types: To these criteria can be added the stress parameters defined by the intensity of work, while the stress on the nervous and psychological sphere of the body, called the information load, is evaluated. It takes into account more than twenty criteria: It takes into account the energy input of the body when calculating these factors. In addition to the stress, there are several other parameters that influence the working environment.

How to complete the profile for ITU?

In the latter case, it is mandatory to write that he was given a half-hour heating break in a warm room in accordance with the requirements of São Pihn. If you make up an employees' production profile for a sub-class of conditions 3, list the numbers and dates of medical reports for periodic medical examinations. Tatiana Chirkina is the editor-in-chief of the Trudohran site. The employee was provided with milk and equivalent products, sanatorium and spa treatment, additional paid leave, salary allowance, reduced shifts, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, vitamin prevention, vaccinations, etc.

Work performed in conjunction, if any.

Three teaching stories in which a human resource person takes on too much, but often a document characterizing an employee is needed for presentation to other companies, services and bodies. This is an external appointment document, which may be requested by law enforcement agencies, banks, educational institutions, social services, etc. It may also be necessary in new employment, if the prospective employer wishes to know the previous candidates' opinion on the suitability of the job. Please note with whom the employer decides to enter into an employment contract.

Emotional Load for WTeck

How do you change the profile of the work? I need to fill out a performance profile for ITU for an interpreter. I've described my problem above.

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Emotional load for Mse


In the "category of gravity" of the work to be performed, the characteristics of the working environment for ITU — a sample of fillings — are required.


Production characteristic for ITU (ETEC): sample filling


Job characteristics for msek sample




Factors for working conditions



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