Order for movement of property, plant and equipment between staff members upon separation

Приказ на перемещение основных средств между сотрудниками при увольнении

The table contains rows to describe the technical condition of the object. Next, there are the signatures of the issuing and receiving object: title, signature and decrypting of the signature, registration number, date. The standardized form OS-2 is signed by the general accountant. In order to quickly and without error fill out the consignment note in the form OS-2, download and study the filling-in: An order for write-off of property, plant and equipment shall be issued upon removal of property, plant and equipment. At the end of the article, you may download a sample of an order for write-off of property, plant and equipment. When it becomes necessary to remove the object from the register?

VIDEO ON THEME: Movement of property, plant and equipment

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Form OS-2 - Inland movement consignment note for property, plant and equipment

The table contains rows to describe the technical condition of the object. The following are the signatures of the issuing and receiving object: title, signature and decryption of the signature, registration number, date. The standardized form OS-2 is signed by the general accountant. In order to complete the consignment note quickly and without errors, download and study the filling-in: An order for write-off of property, plant and equipment upon removal of property, plant and equipment from the register is issued for write-off of the facility.

At the end of the article, you can download a sample of the write-off order for property, plant and equipment. When it becomes necessary to remove the item from the register? In this case, the enterprise decides that it would be better to spend money on the purchase of a new item than to use the old one. So either the main asset in use has run out of useful life, or it has deteriorated so badly that it is no longer useful and inefficient to operate it. When these moments occur, the manager approves the write-off order, which specifies the reason why the object goes out of service and is subject to disposal, sets up a special commission that controls the disposal process.

In doing so, write-off of the form OS-4, OS-4a, OS-4b, download forms of these forms can be found in this article, and you can find a sample of the filling-in of the OS.

When this form is issued, the person responsible for issuing and registering the credentials shall register it at the counter of the certificate of trust, and the trust books and the certificate of credentials issued shall be kept in the custody of the person responsible for the registration of the credentials; the authorization shall be issued by the organizations' accounts in a single copy and shall be issued to the recipient on receipt.

The issue of credentials to persons not employed in the organization shall not be permitted; the power of attorney shall be completed in full and shall contain a model of the signature of the person to whom it is issued.

These documents are issued in respect of property, plant and equipment: contracts for sale, men, gifts, financial leases if the main item is accounted for on the lease holder's balance sheet, as well as other contracts; purchase of cash for payment, manufacture for own use and commissioning of completed buildings, built and constructed buildings in accordance with established procedures.

The certificates of acceptance and transfer are prepared in at least two copies and must be accompanied by technical documentation relating to the object of the main equipment, approved by the heads of the organizations of the recipient and the sensor, and listed in article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

This requirement is not required for the acquisition of vehicles because vehicles do not belong to real estate, and large organizations with large amounts of property, plant and equipment generally maintain cards.

Organizations with few property, plant and equipment may record property, plant and equipment in inventory books, records in inventory cards or books on the basis of receipt and transfer certificates, technical passports and other documents for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment.

We have reviewed the procedure for the receipt of property, plant and equipment that does not require installation, but some of the equipment that will subsequently be accounted for by an organization comprising property, plant and equipment requires installation.

The certificate shall be drawn up in two copies by the commission responsible for receiving the property, plant and equipment and shall be approved by the head of the organization or by the person authorized to do so.

The installation may be carried out either by the organization itself or by external organizations; the authorized representative of the installation organization included in the reception committee shall, in the receipt of the equipment for responsible storage, be signed directly in the act and a copy of the act shall be given to him; the consignment note shall be in triplicate by the responsible person of the structural unit which transmits the main equipment.

The first copy is submitted to the bookkeeping office, the second copy remains in the survey unit, the third copy is transferred to the unit receiving the main item. The responsible persons of each office sign all three copies of the consignment note. The blank consignment note must be marked. How can the write-off order be drawn up?

In the course of economic activity, any fixed assets of the OS of enterprises and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, are worn out; objects that are unable to generate income or other practical benefits are subsequently written off.

A number of documents are being processed, one of which is the order, and the rules of procedure are set up by an order from the head of the firm, which is composed of: the chairman, usually one of the deputy directors; the general accountant; specialists in economists, engineers, etc.

The commissions' task is to examine assets, make recommendations for further use or lack thereof, in the latter case reference is made to the reasons for doing so, indicating those responsible for the premature departure of LOs and proposing that they be brought to justice. The commissions' opinion shall be issued by an act signed by its members. The write-off act shall be drawn up in an appropriate form in two copies, one for the accountant, the other for the person responsible.

This document not only indicates the reason for the write-off, but also provides a detailed description of the condition of the property on the date of production, the useful life, the start-up value, the accumulated depreciation, etc. In cases where the company, enterprise or organization does not have a qualified employee who is capable of giving an opinion on the write-off, the commission may be engaged by a qualified outside entity.

The way in which the bookkeeping process is processed is the following video: Here you will find a classification of property, plant and equipment by amortization group. On the basis of this, an order is issued to the enterprise.

This document shows the managers' decision to write off specific fixed assets that for any reason are not suitable for further exploitation, such as violations of operating rules, long-term non-use of the facility in the production process, disasters, accidents, natural disasters and other emergencies.

Practice shows that the causes of their liquidation are most often physical as well as moral obsolescence: the former refers to a change in the properties of property whose repair is not economically viable; the moral obsolescence is caused by the loss of the consumer value of LOs, which is caused by the low functionality of obsolete assets.

The order must also refer to the opinion of the commission listing the assets written off and indicating the accumulated depreciation for each facility; it must specify the number, date of issuance and the name of the firm; it must be signed by the head and the chief accountant and stamped by the organization; in essence, the order is a document recording the wear and tear of the organization's fixed assets for subsequent write-off and de-accounting.

On the basis of an order and an act of the Chief Accountant, there are grounds for recording the withdrawal of the OS from the businesss' records. The inventory card of the facility in question contains the relevant data for write-off. This document is kept in the organization for about five years, i.e. the Act on the Taking and Transfer of Property is used to account for the receipt and transfer of the goods transferred from the parties.... The Act on the Transfer of Property to the Sub-account for the Transfer of Property from the Sub-account for Discharge of Discharge is issued to employees on a reduction of the staff, they are sub-accounted.... The return of the goods which is the consignment note for the return of the goods when the goods correspond to the quality of the goods may occur when a part of the lot or the entire shipment is to be returned.... An order to accept the entry into service of fixed assets if the organization has acquired as a contribution to the statutory capital....

Order for movement of property, plant and equipment between staff members upon separation

At the end of the order, there must be a signature from the head of the enterprise or his/her deputy; in addition, a special receipt shall be drawn up when the principal of the enterprise or his/her deputy is handed over to another financially responsible person; it shall act as an agreement with the information obtained during the inventory.

Transfer of LOs in the event of a change of person of financial responsibility Good day, according to paragraph 1.

And we'll talk about how to properly process the transfer of assets when the person responsible changes, such as taking leave, moving him to another position or dismissing him or her, whether an inventory should be carried out, how to determine the extent of the damage and in which the damage caused can be recovered from the staff member in its entirety, and the publication, in order to recover from the person responsible the damage caused by him or her, must, in addition to the conclusion of the burglarys' full liability report, correct the receipt and transfer of the property.

Dismissal inventory order

The employee who is responsible for these assets must be present at the time of the transfer; otherwise the act will not be valid; in case of refusal to transfer the TPK, the liability of the employee remains; after the transfer of the assets, the employee is discharged from liability and the employer is not entitled to make a claim; the procedure is the same as the dismissal of the ordinary employee; the only difference is that, until the termination of the employment contract, the person responsible must hand over all the property in full; the dismissal procedure is not different from the dismissal of the ordinary employee; first, he informs the employer of his wish within two weeks.

We're dealing with employee liability issues.

In other words, all those who work with the financial flows of the enterprise have at their disposal and use the assets that are the property of the organization, and the liability of the employees does not automatically pass: to assign it, just as to transfer it from one employee to another, an order is issued; to whom cannot be trusted by a financially responsible person, any employee of the enterprise may be appointed except those who have previously been tried for crimes of robbery, theft, theft and official abuse.

Form of LO

What documents should be used to document the transfer of LOs between the physical responsible persons in a single office? Do you need an inventory order to replace the requirement to carry out physical inventory in the case of the change of physical responsible persons, on a separate basis from the annual inventory prior to the annual accounting exercise, as set out in paragraph 1.

Order to change the person responsible

The provisions on the procedure for the transfer and disposal of property are contained in article 3 of the Russian legislation. Before attempting to understand the subtleities of the change of persons responsible, it is necessary to specify who may be appointed, in accordance with the Russian Labour Code: the inclusion in the account of 27 basic items allocated to employees for personal use of uniforms. In accordance with the legislation of the enterprise, employees are required to be provided with personal protective equipment for physical protection and protection against pollution in the context of hazardous and dangerous work. Consider the theoretical aspects of carrying out such operations, taking into account accounting and tax characteristics, as well as the practical way of entering data into programme 1C: Accounting 8.

The form serves as a guarantee that he has handed over the goods to another person. Normally, the completion of such a document takes place before the transfer takes place or at a time when questions arise. On how the movement between warehouses is handled in programme 1C, look at the following video: The procedure for filling out the forms to fill out the form of the TOR needs to be done. The title requires a description of the company within which the movement takes place. In addition, the date of the consignment note and its number should also be indicated.

Transfer of LOs between materially responsible persons


For example, when you take on a financially responsible job, the inventory records can be filled out as with the computer and the document in question, according to the order of Minfin No. N, there must be..........................................................................................................


Act on the internal movement of property, plant and equipment







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  1. Ephrosinius

    I think it's obvious. Try looking for an answer to your question in Google.com.

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