Production profile for an intern student

Производственная характеристика для студента практиканта

Example: The students' responsibilities included accounting, inventory, financial reporting analysis, etc. The students' theoretical training and ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice should be assessed; an example: in carrying out the instructions given by the manager in the course of the practice of Ivanov I. The students' theoretical level enables her to perform her duties at a good professional level. Then the skills acquired by the student in practice should be reflected. This may be the compilation of records, contracts, etc.

VIDEO ON THEME: Filling up the diary of practice - Model

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Discretion of a student from a place of work

The structure of the characterization of a student in a practice should be written by his curator from the organization, but often this obligation, with reference to employment or without any explanation, is politely delegated to the intern himself.

The document shall be on an official form of the organization, if any, or on a regular A4 page. The characteristics of the student should include: full name of the host organization, contact information, telephone; title of the document; information on the student F. List of the individual and professional qualities of the intern should be as detailed as possible. It is worth noting such positive features as performance, efficiency, initiative, ability to build relationships with colleagues, punctuality and others.

A model of a students' characterization is written in business style, and the narrative is done in the past time. It is easier to draw up a document using a template; an example of a students' characterization from the field of practice can be requested from the faculty, from seniors or from a template drawn up in accordance with standard rules and structure.

Name of host organization.

The students' profile from the field

The content of the activity is the type, form, titles of the activities carried out, etc. The characteristics of the students' level of knowledge: the extent to which he/she has successfully achieved his/her objectives, the degree to which he/she implements the principles of science, systematicity and consistency.

How do you write, and when you write a profile from the workplace, the characterization of a student from the workplace is designed to describe his level of professional training: how he relates to work, how deep his knowledge is, what his abilities are; this document is requested by educational institutions, it is necessary for admission to final certification or protection of a diploma; information from the profile affects the evaluation of specialization.

During the course of the practice, a female student has shown herself to be a better person, proving herself to be a modest, tactful, up-to-date, curious, active, executive and hardworking person, performing all the tasks performed in a quality and timely manner by an economist or accountant of an enterprise, showing great interest in innovations in the organization and payment of labour and in the organization of the work of structural units, actively cooperating with the specialists of the enterprise, the material provided being properly and qualitatively understood.

Model characteristics for a student in practice: rules for filling

An example of the characteristics of the practice is a necessary element in the educational curriculum of any educational institution: it must be attended by a college student, techma, university, institute. The characteristics of the student from the field allow for an assessment of the student's work outside the educational institution and for an assessment of the potential employer's view of the trainee as a future professional. This document is given together with a written report on the practice and diary. But what is it? Let's look at it. The characteristics of the student who has undergone the practice: how to write, where to take in the course of production and especially pre-graduate practice, the intern examines the activities of the organization "in-house", his purpose is to determine whether his knowledge is sufficient for self-employment? He must demonstrate his knowledge and skills to the head of practice from an organization that, replacing a teacher, will describe his opinion of the student, as well as to evaluate it from the perspective of a potential employer - because the student shows, you can even say, "read" himself as a "ready" specialist - will be valued as a framer? The characteristics of the student must be written by the head of the practice, who may be the head of the head or the head of the department, but the head of the head of the head of the head of the department, who is the head of the head of the head of the head of the department.

Discretion of a student

The majority of the educational institutions, after studying the theoretical part of the student, refer it to practice in order to consolidate the knowledge gained. The most important result after this stage of education is the characteristics of the student who has undergone the practice. Who issues the characteristics from the place of practice, the template of the characteristics, the rules on how to write and shape such a document, and other fineties will be considered further. The requirements for filling in the characteristics of the educational institution are considered in the general principles for filling out the characteristics of the student after the practice at the enterprise and are considered in the general principles for filling out such a document. The initial model for the report of practice is taken up, and the student must then complete it himself.

The characteristic of a student who has worked in the workplace is an official document that confirms the actual performance of the trainees' required practical work in a given enterprise; this document is now again in demand and sometimes serves as a letter of recommendation.

The structure of the characterization of a student in a practice should be written by his curator from the organization, but often this obligation, with reference to employment or without any explanation, is politely delegated to the intern himself.

The characteristics of a student in an industrial practice

L. L.s' practice manager is self-sufficient and willing to translate into practice and to increase the knowledge gained from the WGEI. It is particularly desirable to note the ability to plan well in line with the team development strategy and to perform the work with maximum efficiency. The report on practice is a completed research work done at a sufficiently high level and meets all the requirements of relevance, depth, validity and credibility of the findings.

Take a look at this topic: How to describe a student from the field

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A model of the students' characteristics in the practice


The characteristics of student trainees: download, technological, accounting, production, economic, veterinary.








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