How much does it cost to get a medical check-up in 2 city health centres?

Сколько стоит пройти медосмотр во 2 городской поликлинике прейскурант

When you conclude the contract, you will be informed of your personal number and pin code. You will see a doctor for 15 minutes. This is what you call a person who, of his own free will, gives his blood to sick people. There are no medications available today to replace donor blood.

VIDEO ON THEME: The hernias are removed in a new way.

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Purchasing services of GBZ "City Health Centre No. 2"

We have qualified specialists, our doctors regularly upgrade their skills abroad, participate in all seminars and symposiums on improving the quality of medical care and various innovations, provide multidisciplinary primary and specialized medical care, our clinic has a reasonable pricing policy, and our patients are already thousands of people, half of whom have come on the advice of their friends and acquaintances who have been treated before.

The level of our medical equipment and the quality of our services are in line with the standards of medical care adopted in Russia, Europe and the United States, and our clinic is certified and licensed for all the services we provide.

There are two fee-paying units at the GBK 7 GAZ: the Department of Paid Medical Services of Chuykov, D. Decabrista, D. Adoratsky and D. Highly qualified outpatient diagnostic counselling, which are conducted by leading specialists: professors, doctors and candidates of medical sciences, doctors of higher and first qualification categories, and medical examinations for employment, for the GAI, to obtain weapons permits and pre-shipment examinations.

A 1-day comprehensive pre-inception survey.


The price, manner and timing of payment of the liability of the parties in non-compliance with the contract; the mandatory point is the name of the customer of the service and its performer; the contract specifies the name of the institution, its location, telephone, licence and requisitions.

We have qualified specialists, our doctors regularly upgrade their skills abroad, participate in all seminars and symposia on improving the quality of medical care and various innovations.

Question - The answer is in social media: on the health organization Corporate management: Administration of the Aims and Objectives of the Licensing and Certificates Organizational structure Strategic Plan NAP Organization Annual Report Analysis of the Internal Audit Service Review Board, Declarations of NAP Outcomes and Reports.

Question - Answer

The voluntary wish of a patient who has requested a service without a doctors' assistance is paid for it, i.e., the planned medical assistance to patients who do not have a compulsory health insurance policy of the OMS, unless otherwise established by law and by the Programme of State Guarantees for the Provision of Free Medical Care to Citizens of the Russian Federation, the territorial programme of State guarantees for the provision of free medical assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation residing in Sverdlov province; 3. the absence of appropriate types and services in the programme of State guarantees for the provision of free medical assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation, the territorial programme of State guarantees for the provision of free medical assistance to citizens residing in Sverdlovsk province; except in cases of emergency or emergency medical treatment; 4. the planned examination, visit to a counselling facility if the patient wishes to receive this type of medical assistance outside the line unless otherwise provided by legislation for certain categories of citizens; 5. The provision of other non-medical services within the framework of the basic statutory activities of the medical institution; 6. The provision of medical services under the voluntary medical insurance scheme, in accordance with current legislation in the field of medical insurance.

Price schedule for paid medical services

25 years ' medical seniority, awarded by the Ministry of Health of the Chelabine Region, Kazakova Svetlana Valentininin, a drug psychiatrist in category 1, 35 years ' medical experience, and Kuznetsov, Hope Veniaminov, gynaecologist and gynaecologist, 33 years ' medical experience, and information on the health centre: the area of the health centre, its equipment: the diagnostic and laboratory bases and the staff of specialists are designed to carry out any medical examination of citizens every shift.

The patient's willingness to receive medical care on a fee-based basis is a sufficient basis for the provision of fee-paying services; paid medical services are provided independently to the requesting citizens, with a pre-supplied contract for the provision of paid medical services on the list.

Tatiana was in the functional diagnostics office today, on the F.S.G., and she went to the office, and a patient sat, and I asked her what time she had, and she answered.



LOOK AT THE TIME: The rules for the medical commission to obtain a driving licence have been changed.


Payment services (tel. 919-000)


2. The doctor's appointment (inspection, consultation) is a cardiologist. 1 consultation. 81, 3.








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  1. Nice to meet you.

    I'm sorry, but I think you're wrong.

  2. Clarissa.

    Thank you for the information, I didn't know that.

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