The return of the money isn't done.

Возврат денег договор не исполнен зпп

The payment is confirmed by a cashiers' check of the full value of the furniture in accordance with the Contract and the Sales Contract Specification, which amounts to two hundred and seven hundred and forty-eight roubles. All of my obligations to your organization at that stage have been fulfilled. The contract concluded between me and your organization is a contract of sale. Under the Treaty, the obligation to provide furniture is 45 days, as reflected in the first form of the Kitchen Project, which is a drawing from your manager.

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The return of the money isn't done.

The payment is confirmed by a cashiers' check for the full cost of furniture in accordance with the Contract and the Sales Contract Specification, which amounts to two hundred and seven hundred and forty-eight roubles.

I have fulfilled all my obligations to your organization at that stage. The contract concluded between me and your organization is a sales contract. Under the contract, the obligation to provide furniture is 45 days, which is reflected in the first form of the Kitchen Project to be used by your manager.

On 17 April, however, the contract was not executed and the furniture was not brought to my attention. As a result, I am obliged to file a claim for termination of the contract and to demand the return of the money paid under the Treaty; however, there is a unilateral waiver of the obligation to provide furniture on the part of your organization.

The Consumer Protection Act establishes liability for the delay in the delivery of the goods. The sales contract of the Russian Federation, which provides for the obligation of the consumer to pay the goods in advance, must include a condition on the time when the goods are handed over to the consumer.

If a seller who has received the amount of advance payment in a given sales contract has failed to comply with the obligation to deliver the goods to the consumer within the time limit specified in the contract, the consumer of his choice is entitled to demand: the consumer is also entitled to claim full compensation for damages caused to him as a result of the breach of the contracts' period of delivery of the prepaid goods, in which case the seller shall pay the consumer for each day of delay of the penalty of half of the amount of the prepayment of the goods.

The penalty shall be recovered from the day on which, under the sales contract, the goods were to be handed over to the consumer, until the date on which the goods were handed over to the consumer, or until the date on which the consumers' claim for the return of the amount of the prior payment to the consumer was satisfied.

The consumers' claim for the return of the amount paid for the goods and for full compensation for damages is to be met by the seller within ten days of the date of the presentation of the claim. 9 500 roubles. Based on the above, and in accordance with article 9, I shall be required to pay a total of one hundred and nine thousand five hundred roubles. If I refuse to meet my legal claims within one day of receipt of the present claim, I shall be required to apply to the court and to demand, in addition to the above, compensation for moral damage.

The date of the signature of the quality questions of the furniture is a special item that needs to be carefully examined during delivery. The most difficult is furniture from a natural tree or a natural spoon. It allows for a variety of features associated with the complex structure of the tree. It does not allow lacquer chips or wood muffins that may affect the appearance. The quality of the furniture received and the quantity of its elements are reflected in the Certificate of Acceptance, which is signed by the customer and the representative of the manufacturers' seller.

If the furniture is delivered in sealed form and packed in sealed boxes, the Act needs to record the number of boxes and state that their contents have not been examined. The contract for the sale of furniture sets the time limit for the elimination of defects in accordance with article. It states: That is, within the minimum time required to correct them, taking into account the method normally used.

If it becomes clear that the defects will not be corrected within the prescribed time limit, the parties may conclude an agreement on a new time limit, and the absence of the necessary spare parts, materials, equipment and other such reasons does not constitute a basis for the conclusion of a new time limit agreement and do not exempt from liability for the breach of the original period set by the agreement of the parties; the amount of the penalty is not limited by the price of the goods.

Under a contract for the manufacture of furniture, the time limit for the elimination of defects is determined in accordance with article. It reads as follows: This period is stated in the contract or in another document, or in a statement addressed by the consumer to the performer; thus, under the contract, the consumer may set a time limit for the correction of the defects; but this period must be reasonable and must be specified in a written statement to the implementer; and in what cases does the employer have the right to refuse to perform the manufacture of furniture?

Under the sales contract, the consumer has the right to refuse to perform the contract and to demand the return of advance payment in the event of a breach of the period of transfer of paid furniture or of a breach of a new period of time, as well as if the goods were of inadequate quality.

In addition, the employer has the right to claim full compensation for damages under article of the Russian Federation's Consumer Protection Act. Under the Contract for the Construction of Furniture, the consumer is entitled to refuse to perform the contract and to request the return of payment in advance if the perpetrator has breached the time limit for the performance of the service performed and if the defects of the service performed have not been corrected within the time limit specified by the contract.

The consumer is also entitled to claim full compensation for the damage caused to him due to the shortcomings of the service performed, and the loss is compensated within the time limits set for the satisfaction of the relevant consumers' claims.

An error occurred: Right to exchange goods of good quality: Under the agreement of the consumer with the seller, the exchange of goods may be provided upon arrival of the suitable goods, which the seller is obliged to report to the consumer without delay.

The consumer has the right to exchange the good of good quality within fourteen days, except on the date of its purchase, and only if the product has not been used, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels, a cashiers' cheque or other proof of payment for the goods in question has been retained, it is true that the consumers' lack of such a document does not prevent him from invoking the witnesss' statement.

The list of non-food items of good quality not to be returned or exchanged for similar goods of other sizes, shape, size, colour, colour or equipment is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. By a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, I purchased several bottles of expensive cognac at the Dutch Free Airport as a gift, but my flight was cancelled and my trip failed.

Consumer protection: In the first half of the year, the Office of the Rosspernadzor for the Republic of Mordivia, in carrying out federal State supervision of compliance with consumer protection legislation, in analysing and evaluating the terms of contracts concluded with consumers, found 56 different violations of the inclusion in the contract of conditions that infringe on the rights of consumers compared with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer rights protection.

Such offences occurred when consumers entered into contracts for the provision of tourism, education and health services, the sale of goods by sample and remote means, and the execution of domestic contracts at 11 control sites.

Eleven administrative offences have been initiated for the offences identified. Recently, employers are particularly popular with the effect of including in the contract the condition of the consumers' obligation to make money at the time of signing the contract as a deposit that is not refundable if the consumer refuses to perform the contract or is compensated for by the goods in the amount of the deposit.

Such conditions violate the consumers' right to refuse to perform the service contract at any time while paying the seller the actual costs incurred in performing the obligations under the contract.

The relationship between consumers and manufacturers, performers, importers, sellers in the sale of goods for the performance of works, the provision of services, the rights of consumers to purchase goods of work, services of good quality and safe for life, health, consumer property and the environment, to obtain information on the goods of work, services and their manufacturers, sellers, education, public and public protection of their interests, and the mechanism for the realization of these rights are regulated and established by the Consumer Protection Act.

In accordance with articles 1 and 4 of the Act, the return of the missing goods to print the recovery of money for the services they have not provided is a frequent occurrence.

What is the procedure for returning money for a service that has not been provided, how it is correct to make a statement, and what articles of the law govern the matter, read in the article below; often in the life of every person there are circumstances in which, due to circumstances beyond his control, there is a need to refuse a fee and to return an earlier advance payment.

Therefore, every consumer has an immediate question about how to return the money for an unserviceed service. Refund of the money for a service that has not been provided. Yes, you can return it if the service has not been used. Good evening, I paid part of the money for English courses, but I want to refuse and return the advance payment.

How do you do that? Hello, Elena, you need to send to the company with which you have a contract to refuse to perform the contract and to demand the return of the money paid, write a pre-trial claim for the termination of the service contract and the return of the money, send the customer with the notice, wait 10 days from the date of receipt of the notice, and then bring the case to the court for the STD.

The Supreme Court explained how to treat the failure to recover from the individual entrepreneur Wesloguzov S. In satisfaction of the rest of the claims, Demchenko O. After hearing the report of Judge Kulkova S. In support of the claim, it was stated that Demchenko O. Under the terms of the contract, the defendant undertook to hand over to her, within 25 working days of the advance payment, four wardrobes according to the design and application, and the plaintiff Demchenko O. She had fulfilled her obligation to pay in advance, asking whether it was possible to count on the return of money for the jacket if the labels and the check had been thrown out after the purchase, but the jacket itself had never been dressed.

The Gymnast performed a jump and broke both legs at the time. If the furniture company fails to deliver the paid goods as stipulated in the sales contract, a written claim must be addressed to the company manager or the shop manager. In case the seller fails to meet the deadline for the delivery of the paid goods, the seller is obliged to pay the consumer for each day of the delay to a penalty of 0.5 per cent of the prepayment.

Prepayment of advance or deposit? I have made an advance payment of 100,000 rubles. Consumer rights in case of defects in the product. Comment to Article 18 1.

It is not for the Parties to demand the return of what they have performed under an obligation before the time of modification or avoidance of the contract, unless otherwise provided by law or agreement of the parties.

Where, prior to avoidance or modification of the contract, one of the parties, having received performance of the obligation under the contract from the other party, failed to perform its obligation or provided an unequal performance to the other party, the rules on obligations as a consequence of unjustified enrichment Chapter 60 apply to the relations of the parties, unless otherwise provided by law or contract or derived from the substance of the obligation.

A model of a claim for delay in the delivery of the goods: The Federal Law on Losses shall be reimbursed within the time limits prescribed for meeting the relevant requirements of the consumer; the new time-limits for the performance of the service shall be specified by the consumer in the contract for the performance of the service; the price of the work performed shall be paid back to the consumer upon refusal to perform the contract for the performance of the service and shall be taken into account in the reduction in the price of the work performed for the service provided shall be determined in accordance with article 24, paragraphs 3, 4 and 5, of this Law.

It's a payback for the phone.

Article 32 Consumers' right to refuse performance of a contract of performance (service)

The claimant's claims are based on the fact that, from the time the contract was concluded to date, no contractual services were provided by the defendant.

The bank recovered the debts in court but did not file a claim for cancellation of the loan contract; the court of first instance denied the claims; the court found that the plaintiff did not have the right to unilaterally cancel the loan contract because the contract had outstanding debts.

The Courts' decision to terminate the contract for the provision of services under article 32 of the ZPP in the first half of the year, by means of the Federal State supervision of compliance with the law on consumer protection, in the analysis and evaluation of the terms of the contracts concluded with consumers, revealed 56 different violations of the provisions of the contract concerning the inclusion in the contract of conditions that infringe on the rights of consumers compared with the rules established by the laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer rights protection.

Such offences have occurred when consumers enter into contracts for the provision of tourism, education and health services, the sale of goods in samples and by remote means, the performance of domestic contracts at 11 control sites, and 11 cases of administrative offences have recently been brought to the attention of entrepreneurs. 11 cases have been brought in response to these offences, in particular, to include in the contract the condition of the obligation of the consumer to make money when signing the contract as a deposit that is not refundable if the consumer refuses to perform the contract or is compensated for by the goods in the amount of the contract; these conditions are a violation of the right of the consumer to refuse to perform the service contract at any time while paying the seller the actual costs incurred in fulfilling the obligations under the contract. Relations between consumers and manufacturers, performers, importers, sellers in the sale of goods for the performance of works, services, consumers ' rights to purchase goods of good quality and safe quality of life, health, consumer property and the environment, to obtain information on the goods, services and their manufacturers, sellers, education, public protection of their interests and the mechanism for the realization of these rights are regulated and established by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.

The Federal Act shall compensate for the loss of the service performed within the time limits prescribed for meeting the relevant requirements of the consumer. The new time-limits for the performance of the service provided by the consumer shall be specified in the contract for the performance of the service; the price of the service performed shall be returned to the consumer upon refusal to perform the contract for the performance of the service performed and shall be taken into account in the reduction of the price of the work performed by the service rendered, shall be determined in accordance with article 24, paragraphs 3, 4 and 5, of this Act. If the performance contract for the performance of the service performed, the performing agent shall not be entitled to claim reimbursement of the costs incurred in performing the service performed and the payment for the work performed for the service performed, except if the consumer has accepted the service performed.

Consumer protection in the performance of services Article Consumers' right to refuse to perform a contract for the performance of services The consumer is entitled to refuse to perform the contract for the performance of services at any time provided that the perpetrator pays the actual costs incurred by him in performing the obligations under the contract.

The right to exchange goods of good quality: A model claim for delay in the delivery of goods: If the furniture company fails to deliver the goods paid in accordance with the contract of sale, a written claim must be addressed to the head of the company or store; it must: If the seller fails to meet the deadline for the delivery of the goods paid, the seller must pay the consumer for each day of delay a penalty of 0.5 per cent of the amount of the advance payment.

In the first half of the year, the Office of the Public Prosecutor for the Republic of Mordovia, in carrying out federal State supervision of compliance with consumer protection legislation, in analysing and evaluating the terms of contracts concluded with consumers, found 56 different violations of the inclusion in the contract of conditions that infringe on the rights of consumers compared with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer rights protection.

LOOK AT THE TIME:...................................................................................................



The return of the money is not performed pursuant to article GC, paragraph 5, if the claim for avoidance of the contract and recovery of the money.








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  1. Tikhon.

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  2. Inna

    Don't you write for it?

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