Detçad, 1st floor of the residential home

Детсад в 1 этаже жилого дома

Kindergarten in a residential home, Kindergarten on the ground floor of the residential home: architectural solutions, Moscow experience Experience Svetla Yahkind, kand.

♪ A fire in kindergarten ♪ ♪ 1 BIS ♪

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Children's Hell, Elitist House Residents are not happy with the neighborhoods.

It is expected that such a home will be available this year, and in the Gomel Home Building Complex, which has invented this concept, it is believed that this option is not only convenient for tenants but also economically beneficial.

If the experience is successful, it can be replicated by other cities, the author of the idea being the design workshop of the Gomel DSC, and the building of an experimental house is being planned on Mazurova Street in the neighbourhood, where a group of three large-scale polytechnics will be located, and the kindergarten will be located on the ground floor of one of them.

A site with verandas and playgrounds has been planned in close proximity, and traffic is not allowed between it and the building; it has places and trips from the back of the house; access to the kindergarten and residential areas will be on different sides; and the DSC is of the view that this option is cost-effective for the city, reducing the cost of communications, and spending space more efficiently.

At the same time, it is believed that the price of a square metre for buyers of apartments will not be affected by the bonus because it is financed on a different basis as a social object, while the tenants receive a day care centre, which, to be sure, can be taken down on the elevator.

The garden has a capacity of 60 places, with three groups of 20 children of different ages, including a gymnastics and music hall and other auxiliary facilities.

One such garden will not solve the local problem of the shortage of pre-school facilities, but the presence of such facilities in different areas could mitigate it; construction is to begin soon and the facility is to be put into operation this year.

Kindergarten on the ground floor of the residential home: architectural solutions, Moscow experience

A kindergarten on the first floor of the residential building: architectural and technical solutions; the Moscow experience: Date of publication of Moscow The practice of creating built-in kindergartens has a number of advantages; first, the capacity of the network of pre-school educational organizations is being increased, the building area is being used more effectively and the first floors of the residential buildings are being managed rationally.

Hell of a baby.

It is expected that such a home will be available this year: in the Gomel Home-building Complex, which has invented this concept, it is believed that this option is not only convenient for the occupants but also cost-effective; if the experience is successful, it can be adopted by other cities; the author of this idea is the design workshop of the Gomel DSC; and the construction of an experimental house is planned on Mazurova Street in the neighbourhood.

In Syktyvkar, a new day care centre was opened on the first floor of the residential home.

At the end of the year, in Gomel, there will be a house with a built-in kindergarten on the first floor of the residential building: architectural solutions. The experience of Moscow Bitwa has been unscathed. The owners of the flats demand that the management company terminate the lease agreement with the kindergarten owners and release the commercial property. As it turns out, this is not the first conflict between tenants and entrepreneurs opening private kindergartens in residential homes. The essence of the claims of the residents of the elite home is as follows. Children will play on the children's playground of the enclosed yard, make noise, interfere with the children living in the house. Also, the owners of the flats are concerned by the parents of the children who will park their cars, walk through the general entrance and disrupt the peace of happy owners of expensive properties.

Detçad, 1st floor of the residential home

The whole first floor is completely pre-school, and now has 72 children aged 3 to 6, and in the Soviet Union childrens' institutions have often been placed on the first floors of homes, and then this practice has been abandoned, and now it is time to restore good experience.

The residents of the elite home are not happy with the neighborhood of the Beatwa kindergarten, and the owners of the flats demand that the management company terminate the lease with the kindergarten owners and release the commercial estate.

I'm asking the legal league for help, and the problem is, in our apartment building on the ground floor, we've opened a set, and we know it's an ip.

Experiment: Kindergartens will for the first time try to fit into new multi-codes

Previews: Transcrypt 1 Childrens' day care centre on the first floor of the residential building: architectural solutions; Moscow experience of Svetla Yahkind, kand; Moscow practice of building built-in kindergartens has a number of advantages.

LOOK AT THE TIME: Smolensk opened a day care centre on the first floor of the residential home.


Kindergarten on the ground floor of the residential home: architectural and technical solutions.


The first floor of the private day-care centre is open from the outside, so less than 1,000 places were purchased in the year, this one in the year.


Kindergarten opened on the first floor of the residential home.


Gomel has a day care centre located on the first floor of the residential home.






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