Formula for calculating the indexation of maintenance in a firm amount of money in the law

Формула для расчета индексации алиментов в твердой денежной сумме в законе

The procedure is required to increase alimony payments in proportion to the increase in payers ' income, but to do so it is necessary to know the frequency, formula and legislative characteristics of the maintenance index: what is this and why? Economicly, the indexation should be understood as a way to protect citizens ' income from inflation by linking wages and benefits to the level of increase in consumer prices for goods and services. The amount of indexation is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of the testimony of statistical bodies examining price increases and the standard of living of the population.

VIDEO ON THEME: Recovery of maintenance in a firm amount of money.

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Formula for calculating the indexation of maintenance in a firm amount of money in the law

If maintenance is assigned in a fixed amount, the court shall base its determination on the maximum possible retention of the childs' previous level of support. (c) For the purpose of indexation, the amount of fixed maintenance may be set not as a firm sum but as a multiple of the subsistence minimum, or as a proportion of the subsistence minimum. If the amount of maintenance is given in proportion to the minimum wage of the SMIC, the applicant shall be entitled to apply to the court for a change in the manner and manner of implementation of the executive document.

As an example of how to index alimony, the size of which is multiplied by the subsistence minimum, a case in which a company based in Moscow received an executive retention certificate from senior engineer N. Plutocratov for two underage children aged 5 and 10 years per child, equal to one and a half times the subsistence minimum for children in the Perm province where the beneficiary of maintenance lives.

At that time, in the first quarter of the year, the subsistence minimum in the Perm Province, in accordance with an order from the Government of the Perm Region, was issued later by an order from the Government of the Persmka Province.

The initial amount of maintenance set at a fixed level was: (a) rubies; (b) an index of maintenance index; (c) an index of the growth of the subsistence minimum: 1 rubles; (c) an index of maintenance: (c) an index of 5 rubles; (d) an index of maintenance: (e) an index of the second quarter of the year.

Note the model Maintenance Indexing Order: When the subsistence minimum is reduced, maintenance is not indexed in part. What is at risk for miscalculation of maintenance for malfeasance with court decisions is punishable by up to two years ' imprisonment. If a bailiff finds that an executive document has been received by the company but the accountant has failed to retain or list alimony, a fine of between 15 and 20 roubles may be imposed on the person responsible for the detention.

A company can be fined between 50 and 50 rubles. What is the test indicator for the indexing of maintenance fixed in a firm amount? Federal SMIC Regional SMICS is the subsistence minimum set for the relevant socio-demographic group in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the person receiving maintenance. For the indexing of maintenance, the subsistence minimum set in the constituent entity of the person receiving maintenance must be selected.

This procedure for indexing maintenance in a firm amount is prescribed in article 1, paragraph 1, of the Federal Act.

Recalculation of maintenance in hard cash amount

If maintenance is assigned in a fixed amount, the court shall base its determination on the maximum possible retention of the childs' previous level of maintenance. (c) For the purpose of indexation, the amount of fixed maintenance may be set not as a fixed sum but as a multiple of the subsistence minimum, or as a proportion of the subsistence minimum. (c) If the amount of maintenance is given in proportion to the minimum wage of the SMIC, the applicant shall be entitled to apply to the court for a change in the manner and manner in which the executive document is carried out.

In the case of a judgement on the calculation of maintenance arrears or manifest arithmetical errors, the bailiff or other officer of the bailiff may, on his own initiative or on the application of persons involved in the execution proceedings, correct the records and arithmetical errors; in the event of disagreement with the amount of maintenance arrears determined by the bailiff, any party whose interests have been violated may appeal against the actions of the bailiff in the manner prescribed by the law in force.

Attention: In those entities of the federation where such a parameter is not established, reference is made to Russias' general approach: who calculates the procedure for adjusting maintenance grants has been introduced specifically to reduce the number of applications to the court for adjustments of the relevant contributions; it is the responsibility of the body responsible for the transfer of the relevant amounts: the accounting of the enterprise where the payer is employed; the Service of the Court Guards; attention: if the relevant paragraph is included in the voluntary agreement, the payment is made by the payer himself; there are certain limitations for the enterprises: there are certain restrictions: the accountant acts on the basis of an order issued by the manager.

Indexation of maintenance

Indexation of maintenance by VIDEO TO TEME: The recovery of maintenance in a firm monetary amount has previously been the subject of constant complaints by those who have received maintenance in a firm monetary amount that inflation takes away the fixed amount of maintenance and by the mother it is very difficult to cover the childs' expenses when prices are regularly raised. To this end, the State Duma introduced the concept of indexation, which has now led to a constant revision of the amount of maintenance payments according to the price level of the consumer basket of a given region. Thus, the indexing of maintenance is a method of protecting the money received in a firm monetary amount against price increases that vary according to the inflation rate. The price index and its ratio to fixed payments is determined by Rosstat. Rosstat also determines the frequency of indexation - month, quarter, year. Previously, instead of this indicator, the minimum wage has been applied. This is because the minimum amount of maintenance payments has been revised once a year or several years, and the level of subsistence allowance has a direct impact on the index. The amount of subsistence and its ratio is determined either at the federal or at the regional level.

Maintenance in fixed amount: accrual, size, indexation

It is worth recalling that until recently, in the territory of the Russian Federation, the amount of the minimum wage has been used in indexing; however, because of its long-standing nature, the Government of the Russian Federation has decided to attach maintenance to the subsistence minimum; it must be borne in mind that the subsistence minimum may change one by one quarter; in addition to the positive aspects, attention should be paid to one nuance: the problem is that the subsistence minimum may not only increase but also decrease.

Also on the topic: How is the maintenance index being indexed in hard money? In the process, the letter is a substitute for the signatorys' intelligence.

Monthly payments are made in relation to the maintenance of children who have not reached the age of majority or who are unable to work because of disability, a relationship between parents that is usually long-term, and in this article we will describe how to calculate the indexation.

Calculation of the indexation of maintenance in a firm amount of money.

Indexing the amount of maintenance payments to the firm amount of maintenance payments is envisaged in order to keep the amount of maintenance payments up to date; over time, the economic situation as a whole and its measure such as retail prices change significantly; therefore, the retentions that may be made over the years must be consistent with the current situation; and the subsistence level is determined by the cost of the consumer basket.

Your mans' progress in the responses is understated, i.e. indexed with a negative sign, since the Family Code is tied only to the increase of this indicator. For the indexation of the maintenance debt of the recipients for the maintenance of a minor child, it must be borne in mind that the indexation is not only the maintenance paid monthly but also the resulting amount of maintenance debt. For it not to occur, the amount of maintenance debt must also be indexed periodically in proportion to the growth of the subsistence minimum in the territory of the Russian Federation. However, since it is not generally possible for an official person to have the debt to be indexed, it is the duty of the judicial officer to carry out the procedure.

Calculation of maintenance indexation


The formula for calculating the indexation of maintenance in the firm monetary amount of maintenance in a firm monetary amount with the existing law is not.


Indexation of flat maintenance


Calculation of maintenance indexation formula






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  1. Alevity

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  2. Mitofan

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  3. teamcoutons

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  4. Pancracy

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  5. Anthia

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