Where to obtain an archive certificate of residence in 1965

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It is not necessary to explain it to the young generation of the beginning of the twenty-first century, but it is incumbent upon this generation to know that this phenomenon has really existed half a century ago and has had an enormous impact on the activities of the State and the people. It also seems that the number of religions is constant in every generation. For example, in the years in which no one believed the astrologers and there was no "million dollar." In response to solidarity with the State as a reward to the people for the overburdening of two decades, the principle of public policy has been made permanent, albeit modest, to improve the well-being of the population. This was reflected, for example, in the large and regular price cuts 13 times in six years; it was at that time that the specific stereotypes of the Soviet mass consciousness, which were enshrined in the States' ideology and at that time reinforced the States' specific stereotypes, namely, confidence in the future and the conviction that life can only improve.

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Soviet civilization, Volume 2, Part 1.

But there was another way in which the Germans came into the city, destroying the last source of resistance on the northern outskirts of Taganroga, in the area of the Y Line, that's what street C was called in those years.

Chaumyana, the Germans headed to the centre of the city, and when they entered the Socialist Street, they reached the Stalin factory club and turned to the central street of V. Lenin, leading directly to the port. By the way, for other readers, we will notice that in Taganrog, all the streets in the old part of the city are being led to the port. Five years after the Taganroga was founded, it will be repeated in the construction of St. Petersburg.

The Germans' entrance to Taganrog was told by P. We're going to bring it a little hold, and we're going to keep the style and orthography here, and there was almost no resistance on the part of Taganrog, even a heavy shooting, and we were all of a sudden on the left side of this isthmus just off the coast of the Taganrog Bay.

As we climbed to the high shore of Tuganrog, we saw a wonderful panorama of the Taganrog Bay, and at the bottom of the boat, people rushed into.

He took out my gun and started shooting people in boats.

So we sort of figured out the two routes, the Germans used this route, or we confined ourselves to entering the northern village, we don't know, but there's no way that the road from Nikolaevka was blocked by an anti-tank moat and rug, but there's no documentary evidence of it.

In those years, the road from Nikolaevka was very different from the modern road. It was an ordinary dirt road, resembling the terrain. In the days ahead, in the rain, in the snow, and in the rain, it was raining so that it became impassable. So in the spring of the year, the Germans took up its installation. Togo demanded a regular link between the city and the battle positions in Mius-Fronte.

All the workers were given rations on the count of Mr. Z., op. But why were the Germans so sure and easy to use in a strange city? That's the answer, even two.

First of all, the Germans may have had local volunteers accompanying them, and in support of this, one more quote from Mr. Butkov's memories, the German map of Taganrog of the year, and this is what the witness who witnessed the German troops entering the Taganrog, an already known resident of the village of Petrosino, Gennady Alexeyevich Maropulo, said: "There have been all sorts of conversations that the German tanks have passed through Petrushino on Taganrog.

So, I'm gonna go to the rock, no tanks through our village went through either the morning or the day, and that's how it really happened, and we were woken up by heavy explosions, and we thought it was a bomb, and it turns out that there were mines at the air and instrument plants, and it was our miners that blew up the plant and the equipment, and the shrapnel was flying all over the village.

And then there was a sudden silence, but we couldn't sleep anymore, and they were riding motorcycles with wheelchairs and armoured vehicles, and weird cars like, in front of the engine, where the wheels were, and the bodies were standing on caterpillars.

There were no tanks or trucks in the convoy. Our house was open, a few metres from the road. Then there were no buildings and no houses around, and I saw it well, so I remembered. The convoy headed towards the entrance factory and hid behind its gates. So where did the enemy tanks come from in Shevchenko Street if they didn't pass through the village of Petrushino?

For example, after passing through the villages of the Taganrog rural region, the tanks in Petrushino did not go in, but went to the left towards the Polish crossing. Where on the street of Molokov Freedom now they could go down to the sea streets in the area of the old brick factory and then go out to the street of Shevchenko. Chapter 2 Bleb salt for the occupying forces in Taganroge, covered by centuries-old legends, there are still rumours of how the inhabitants of the city have met the Germans with bread and salt.

This local phenomenon is almost impossible to disprove or confirm today, and it has taken a precious time to ask, ask, or clarify from an older generation of Tajiks who have survived the occupation, but the train has left, and today it is only to wonder, or to look back at the events of days past.

To raise this question in the old days was to question the political maturity of the Soviet people, who could not take such a step; there was no documentary evidence of the warm meeting of the occupiers by the people of Taganrog; among those who met were the future burgomaster of Taganrog, Nikolai Khodaevsky, and the head of the Russian auxiliary police, Yuri Kirsanov; the Taganrog, in the 1930's, was extremely diverse in his social and class composition; the term was dominated by mixed language with a clear sense of common psychology.

A large proportion of the inhabitants of the city were former merchant families, and despite the countrys' dominant Marxist-Leninist-Satlinian ideology, the said category of inhabitants was critical of Communist power and was in a certain anti-Council mood, thus the beginning of the occupation of Taganrog, a social environment in which German-fascist invaders of bread and salt could meet in the city.

And this must be acknowledged with all honesty: just recently, on one of the central television channels, a documentary was shown telling us how in the western regions of the USSR the Germans actually met with salt bread, as liberators of Stalin terror and Communist regime, and we saw pictures of dressed girls in national dresses, smiles on their faces, flowers in their hands, and platters.

The camera was moving along well-established people who warmly welcomed Hitlers. It was hardly a stage story. Everything looked natural and deeply natural. The people of the occupiers then, as we know, regretted it, so the inhabitants of western Ukraine met the German troops. Joy was short-lived. Now, a few words about the sources of this legend. But the leaflets with this content have not reached us, and we are not aware of their existence.

They probably didn't, so the paper, as a source, doesn't go away, so where did the rumors come from? Aw, Rusie, shuts up as always, Rusie, doesn't answer, and they're not particularly inclined to reminisce about the old town's past, they're silent and the competent authorities.

And we could tell a lot of interesting things, but we did get to know something, and those figures that we mentioned earlier have not yet been institutionalized, and we haven't known each other yet. Secondly, on 17 October, the Germans entered the Taganrog so quickly and so suddenly that no one was able to remember and focus on the situation, and the meeting with the bread-sale offering takes some time to prepare, but it may have happened on the second day, but again, the consolidation of a loyal part of the population around the occupiers has not yet taken place.

There's no smoke without fire, and the fire, unfortunately, was, rather, its own sparks, and it's a tradition that's lived in the city for a long time, and it's a German thing in the city, and it's like, don't go out there, and it's probably grown-ups put them in their children, and they don't know what kind of berries they're gonna follow, and at this time there's a humble, intelligent woman at the crossroads of Lenin and Socialist streets, there's a modestly dressed woman of intelligent appearance.

Her shoulders were covered by a large knitted handkerchief, and she held a dish on which a vodka graphite stood and lay neatly sliced slices of fragrant apples, calling the woman Natalia Nikolaevna K.

Just in case we hide the name, but it's very well known to the town's regionalists and historians, and there was another woman waiting at the next junction of the occupying forces.

The Germans came into the city, pretending to be liberators. The convoy was accompanied by a car with a field radio station.

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The evolution of the assessed payments based on the results of the tax checks carried out in the Russian Federation shows a decrease in the proportion of the fixed tax checks assessed in the structure of the additional payments received by the percentage of the tax payments paid by organizations and individuals on the basis of the tax exit checks carried out during the period under review, and the rate of increase in the amount of tax payments received is also decreasing.

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But there was another way in which the Germans came into the city. By destroying the last source of resistance on the northern outskirts of Taganroga, in the area of linya, it was called S. Shaumyan Street in those years, and the Germans headed to the centre of the city. When they went to the Socialist Street, they reached the Stalin Plant Club and turned to the Central Street of V. Lenin, leading directly to the port. By the way, for other readers, all the streets in the old part of the city were led to the port. Five years after the Taganrog's founding, it would be repeated in the construction of St. Petersburg.

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  1. inorconve

    I totally agree with you.

  2. Nelson.

    That's a great idea to have, by the way.

  3. Antonina

    They're fucking tired of dying.

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