Statement of claim for reduction of maintenance

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If you have a settlement agreement between the former spouses, they can reduce the amount of the settlement; and if you have a settlement agreement between the former spouses, then they can reduce the amount of the settlement; and if you have a settlement agreement between the former spouses, you may not have recourse to a court of law; and if you have a settlement between the former spouses, you may not have recourse to a court of law.

VIDEO ON THEME: Reduction of maintenance: How to reduce maintenance, Family Lawyers' Councils

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Claim for reduction of maintenance

The requirement to change the amount of maintenance or to exempt it from payment may be submitted by both the person obliged to pay alimony and the recipient of maintenance in the event of a change in the material or family status of either party.

When authorizing a parent who pays alimony for a minor child to reduce maintenance, it should be borne in mind that the change in the parents' material or family status does not constitute an unconditional basis for the satisfaction of his or her claim, since it must be established that such changes do not allow him or her to maintain maintenance at the same level; the Supreme Court of the Russian Federations' Presidency requested an increase in the amount of child support for minor children by the claimant of the childs' mother as a rule.

The claim for a reduction in maintenance was made by the person who paid alimony on the basis of a court act by the debtor, in most cases by the father of the child.

In these cases, the existence of a court order for the recovery of maintenance on another minor child was considered by some courts to be an unconditional ground for reducing the amount of maintenance ordered in favour of the defendant.

The courts, however, established a different amount of maintenance for the child, which was determined in accordance with the rules of article 81, paragraph 1, of the Code of Criminal Procedure. In so doing, the judge did not examine other circumstances essential to the resolution of the dispute; however, other courts in similar cases examined whether the debtors' material and or family situation had changed to such an extent that he was unable to provide maintenance to minor children at the same level, and how such a change would affect the childrens' material situation.

In most cases, the existence of a dependent contributor to the maintenance of other children, for whom the question of the judicial recovery of maintenance was not resolved, was not an unconditional reason for the courts to change the amount of maintenance, which should be considered correct, and in some cases the alimony payers requested a reduction in the amount of maintenance on the basis of the maintenance arrears incurred.

This fact was not properly considered by the courts as an unconditional reason to change the reduction in the amount of maintenance ordered; in some cases, the courts, while refusing to grant a change in the amount of maintenance, considered that, if the alimony was awarded in a firm sum, it could not be changed to maintenance in the proportion of earnings; this position is erroneous, since the change in the amount of maintenance in the manner prescribed by article of the UK of the Russian Federation is also permissible if the alimony was awarded in a firm amount of money.

However, in the said case, the plaintiff must prove that there was no change in the circumstances that gave rise to the payment of maintenance in a firm monetary amount, article 83 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The most common reason for the recipient of maintenance to apply to the court for an increase in the amount of maintenance to be recovered was that one of the children had reached the age of majority if the person paying maintenance paid alimony for two or more children in the proportion of earnings and other income.

As a rule, such claims were granted by the courts.

Claim for reduction of maintenance

A reduction in the amount of maintenance is permitted in the following circumstances: if the parent from whom maintenance is recovered is a disabled person in the first or second group, it is clear that the disabled person is in need of outside care and additional maintenance costs; on this basis, the court may reduce the amount of maintenance; and if the child has reached the age of 16 and has income or income from business activities that fully or significantly meet the needs of the child, the court may reduce the amount of maintenance.

A copy of the judgement or agreement, information on the plaintiffs' income, evidence and documents supporting the grounds for the reduction of maintenance.

The claim for a reduction in maintenance is contained in part. In determining the amount of maintenance to be paid by a parent to a minor child, if child support has been awarded as a percentage of the defendants' earnings and other income, the amount of the payment in satisfaction of the claim for a reduction in the amount of maintenance must also be determined in proportion rather than in a firm sum, except in the cases provided for by article.

How can a claim for a reduction in maintenance be made correctly?

In order to reduce the amount of maintenance payments, it is necessary to prepare and file an application for a reduction in the amount of maintenance; within one month, the application will be reviewed by the court which will decide on the amount of maintenance; the request that the application be accepted by the Magistrates' Court must comply with a number of requirements set out in article 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure; the application for a reduction in maintenance payments must contain: the name of the court to which the applicant applies; F. F. The list of documents submitted must include a copy of the payment of the State duty pursuant to article 6 of the Code of Civil Procedure; copies of the application, the number of which must be equal to the number of persons involved, i.e., at least two; you can download the application form for a reduction in the amount of maintenance provided for in article 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure; the court may refuse to accept the application from the individual if: the claim is filed by an outsider whose legitimate interests are not violated; the application has already been filed and there is a valid court decision on it.

Application for reduction of maintenance

Since we have a wealth of experience in dealing with such situations, of course, we have offered him several solutions: the division of property, alimony and other questions are free of charge: you are offered a model application for reduction of maintenance, a way to draw up a claim for reduction of maintenance by one or two children; the legislator does not provide an exhaustive list of the grounds on which the amount of child support established by law may be reduced; in each case, the court decides the matter individually and takes into account all the factors.

The requirement to change the amount of maintenance or to exempt it from payment may be submitted by both the person obliged to pay alimony and the recipient of maintenance in the event of a change in the material or family status of either party.

A vocal explanation of the reasons for the reduction of maintenance will not be taken into account by the court, and documentary evidence will be required: if the payer has been disabled, medical certificates will be required; if the reduction of the payment on the basis of a reduction of work is made available, it is desirable to bring a copy of the order; therefore, each of the reasons must be supported by documents; they are made available to the court together with the statement of claim, the secretary will withdraw copies from them and return them to the plaintiff.

How to write a claim for reduction of maintenance

VIDEO DEME: Reduction of maintenance payments, reduction of maintenance arrears, Application for reduction of maintenance at the birth of a second child I wish to submit an application for reduction of maintenance on the occasion of the birth of a second child to the husband of a second child. Model application for recovery: Claim for reduction of maintenance at the birth of a second child added: 11 Jan in 9 Admin. Unfortunately, the topic of divorce and nuance of child support payments does not lose popularity. Marriages break down and parents eventually enter into new relationships in which children are born together.

The procedure is conducted only through a judicial procedure, and the person liable for maintenance must, if necessary, file a claim for a reduction in maintenance; the grounds for reducing maintenance for minor children are regulated by chapter 13 of the Code of Criminal Procedure; for example, the application for a reduction in maintenance is made in the following cases: the person entitled to maintenance was disabled in the first or second group; in such a case, he or she is himself or herself in need of increased financial expenses, and he or she cannot pay the childs' money in the previous amounts; and a sharp increase in the level of income of the person liable to maintenance.

Claim for reduction of maintenance


Comments on the claim for the reduction of maintenance, reasons for the reduction of maintenance, explanation of the grounds.


Claim for reduction of maintenance: sample 2019


Application to the court for reduction of maintenance




Statement of claim for reduction of maintenance, model application to court



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  2. Angelina.

    I can't believe it.

  3. Nestor

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