How to obtain a hunting permit for public services

Как на гос услугах получить разрешение охоту

Some people ask for a home address or come for a document themselves. This is their right. In case a citizen takes a permit in person, he doesn't have to stand in line and fill out a paper application. He's just signing for a permit already issued. The electronic way of applying is different from the traditional one. Many local hunters have already evaluated the benefits of this public service.

VIDEO ON THEME: Authorization to hunt for a journey through the State Service

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Gap: You can get a hunting permit online without leaving home.

On November 20, the knowledge base is known to everyone that hunting has been popular in Russia at all times. This is not surprising, because the fauna of our vast country is rich in animal species. It is also common for amateurs to hunt in modern times. However, one cannot simply go hunting at any place and time. Russian legislation combats poaching and regulates such matters.

So in order not to break the law, the hunter must get a hunting ticket. How do you do it through the State Services portal? Why do you need a hunting ticket? The hunting ticket is a document that allows hunting in a particular area. Without that ticket, any hunter will be considered a poacher.

A hunting ticket may not be obtained by anyone who wishes, as the candidate must meet the following requirements: full capacity, maturity, safety and minimum hunting.

It's worth noting that getting this service electronically through the State Services website does not require a hunting minimum and safety test, which can't be happy. How do you get a hunting ticket through the State Services?

Your application will be processed within five days of registration, after which you will be notified of the outcome of your request. If so, you will need to visit the department at the scheduled time and obtain a hunting ticket. If a hunting ticket is refused, you will be advised to find out the reason for the refusal and, if possible, to correct the problem.

The reasons for refusal may be an incorrect application and errors of information, a valid hunting ticket.

We're getting a hunting ticket through government services.

You can also apply and obtain the result in person. Select the location of the hunting trip. The user is given the right to choose among several options: in the hunting department or by means of a registered letter that will be sent to the hunters' postal address. You will need to enter the applicants' personal data, in particular the place of birth and the address of registration.

The procedure for the allocation of hunting permits to natural persons contained in the State hunting register planning to hunt in publicly available hunting grounds on the territory of Novosibirsk Region 1. The competent authority shall arrange for the allocation of hunting permits to natural persons contained in the State hunting register planning to hunt in publicly available hunting grounds further to natural persons for every publicly available hunting pleasure in the territory of Novosibir region.

The Russian Federation is currently experiencing a difficult economic situation, with the Russian Government taking measures to improve the economic situation and carrying out reforms aimed at improving the performance of State and local self-government bodies, one method of improving the efficiency of State and local government bodies is to optimize work processes, reduce administrative procedures and adopt a unified approach to the provision of public services; this trend is evident in the field of hunting and the preservation of hunting resources; the main objectives of the Strategy are, inter alia, to increase the number of hunting resources by at least two times the size of the year.

My experience of getting a hunting permit through State Services.

The article will examine whether and how a hunting permit can be obtained through the State Services and how to do so. How to obtain a hunting permit through the State Services website. According to article. The authorized authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation issue permits only for public use. In order to hunt in fixed areas, the hunter of these lands needs to contact the owner of these lands. c. Instructions to obtain a hunting permit through the State Services website: Go to the Personal Office on service. Make sure that your record has a confirmed status. You can confirm the record through certification centres or online, through the personal office of some banks. The result is issued for a specific city. The name of the service may vary according to the rules by which hunting is performed in the region.


In order to obtain it, you must have a valid hunting ticket or other document confirming the need to acquire it, such as a request from an accredited Russian sports organization confirming that you are shooting professionally. In order to obtain a licence through public services, you must complete an electronic statement on the portal. The price of pleasure will be rubles, not discounted. In the case of a weapons permit, the cost will be rubles, both for extension and for the first time in the RX.

The next steps are clear.

The following package of documents should also be collected: confirmation of the payment of the State Ministrys' permission to shoot fauna objects: the State is dependent on the type of game and the duration of the hunting; the passport; the statement in which the personal and passport data, the alleged type of hunting, the amount of the intended prey, its size, the dates and location of the hunting, as well as the address and data from the applicants' hunting ticket; the confirmation of the fee for the use of fauna objects; the simplest way to apply through the State Service portal; the issuance of mining permits; most of the information on the applicants' identity will be drawn up in the application from the State Service portal; additional information should be provided on the game and its quantity, timing and location.

How to issue a license to hunt for State Services

On November 20, the knowledge base is known to everyone that hunting was popular in Russia at all times, not surprisingly, because the fauna of our great country is rich in species of animals.


To obtain a licence through a public service portal.


It's the most convenient thing to do on the State Service Portal to get a hunting permit form for hunting resources.








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