How to Surrender Public Programs

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In the event that foreign nationals and stateless persons who are members of the State programme to facilitate voluntary relocation to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad and their family members have a registered residence in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation chosen by them for permanent residence in accordance with the said State programme, they may be admitted to the citizenship of the Russian Federation without respect for the conditions of residence, the existence of a legal source of livelihood and the possession of Russian language. 2 A notarized copy of the passport containing information on the authorization for temporary residence in the territory of the Russian Federation. 2 A notarized copy of the passport with translation 3. Certificate of the participant in the State programme for the assistance of voluntary relocation to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad, approved by the Presidential Decree of 22 June of the Russian Federation.


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Where to file for resettlement programme

2. The validity of the translation and the authenticity of the signature of an interpreter must be notarized and the validity of the passport must be at least six months before its completion on the date of the application; for children of Kazakhstan who have not reached the age of age, in the absence of a passport, a birth certificate may be provided as an identity document.

In the future, however, when children leave Kazakhstan, they will have to issue a passport regardless of age, in accordance with Kazakh law.

For citizens of foreign States, citizens of the Russian Federation and stateless persons of the LSF are required to provide a residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan with a translation into Russian; such documents may include, for example: a certificate of change of name, name and patronymic if the name has not been changed because of marriage; documents on the establishment of paternity; and an archive certificate from the civil registry on the replacement of the birth certificate, due to the change of data in the document: IFI, date and place of birth, and information on parents.

It is also mandatory to provide an archival certificate of marriage and a certificate of divorce for each of the prisoners and subsequently dissolved marriages, regardless of the current marital status of the applicant or family members; the applicant student shall provide a certificate from the dean of the educational institution of the region, which shall include information on the type of study, the course, the approximate period of completion of the study and the direction of the training or occupation, and shall also include in the certificate information that the previous level of education, together with its details, is in the students' personal file if the applicant cannot produce the original educational document in this case a notarized copy of the document is admissible if necessary, i.e.

The employment record, contract of employment or contract provides the applicant with an original and a copy with a translation into Russian of all completed pages of the document. 10 days. Four photographs of a size of 3.5 cm. The State programme involves the simultaneous participation of the spouses by submitting one application, including both the applicant and the family member. The staff member checks the original documents and copies, after which the originals are returned to the applicant.

Documents issued on the territory of foreign States, copies of which are submitted, must be legalized unless otherwise provided in the international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a party. Documents drawn up in a foreign language, including the text in marks, stamps, etc. If the applicant is brought to justice by members of the family included in para.

Concealment of information or communication of false information is the basis for refusal to issue a certificate to a compatriot of a member of the State programme; the grounds for refusal of admission to the application are: a person who wishes to participate in the State programme refuses to accept documents if the person concerned is not in accordance with the Federal Act of 24 May.

Resettling - incentive and support payments to resettlement programme participants

Copies of refugee certificates issued to the complainant and or members of his family in the territory of the Russian Federation, if the complainant and or members of his family are recognized as refugees in accordance with the established procedure, and the complainant also presents the original refugee certificate in his name, copies of the family status documents of the complainant and his family members.

The acquisition of citizenship under the resettlement programme The acquisition of the citizenship of the pf under the resettlement programme for compatriots This article describes the programme for the resettlement of compatriots, as well as how to accept citizenship as a participant, which stages include this procedure and much more. What is the programme of compatriots? The programme of resettlement of the Russian Federation is intended to help compatriots living abroad to voluntarily move to Russia for permanent residence.

The State programme for the resettlement of compatriots is a copy and originals of what needs to be prepared? So the following documents will be required: The Council will also need to read articles: participation in the resettlement programme will also require the provision of copies of certain documents, as described above. Let us consider in more detail which documents will need to be submitted to the officials: a copy application for participation in the programme, which must necessarily be in writing; the application must specify the level of qualifications, including the university year of completion, speciality, academic qualifications, professional skills, State awards if any, as well as the length of service over the past 10 years, the date of work, the employers' address; under the rules of this programme, the following persons may participate: representatives of the indigenous peoples of Russia who live outside the country.

How to Surrender Public Programs

Certification of a participant in the State programme for the resettlement of compatriots The programme for the resettlement of the State programme for the promotion of voluntary resettlement in the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 22 June N on measures to facilitate the voluntary relocation to the Russian Federation of compatriots residing abroad.

Documents for the resettlement programme for compatriots

2. The validity of the translation and the authenticity of the signature of an interpreter must be notarized; the validity of the passport must be at least six months before its completion on the date of the application; for children of Kazakh citizens under the age of age, if there is no passport, a birth certificate may be provided as an identity document; but in future, when leaving Kazakhstan, children will have to issue a passport regardless of age, in accordance with Kazakh law.

Documents for the resettlement programme for compatriots — stimulating and supporting payments to participants in the resettlement programme — The necessary step for acquiring citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Refusal by the participants of the state program to pay the lifts. Who can claim the lifting and compensatory payments? Moving to Russia for many foreign citizens is a very difficult process, especially in financial terms.

The State programme provides for the possibility of moving to Russia to work for the vacancies specified in the regional programme, to carry out business activities, to run personal support farms and to study in vocational training institutions, to which Russian compatriots residing abroad, as well as compatriots permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation on a legal basis or having temporary refuge in the Russian Federation, are entitled to take part in the programme; persons who have reached the age of majority, who have the capacity to move under a certain job vacancy, who intend to obtain vocational education in the Russian Federation, and compatriots who intend to start their own business, including in the agro-industrial complex, or who simply engage in a personal subsidiary economy, and the State programme provides for the relocation of a fellow country participant in the programme, together with members of his family.

1. Where to apply for Russian citizenship? Who can apply for Russian citizenship in a general manner? Sputnik, a potential participant in the State programme — raised in Russian culture, who knows Russian and does not wish to lose contact with Russia, a fellow countryman who has reached the age of 18, has legal capacity and meets the requirements laid down by the State programme — are the basic requirements for a person who wishes to move to Russia and acquire the citizenship of that country.


List of necessary documents for participation in the State Programme, when applying for participation in the State Programme of Assistance.








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