How to register an alien through public services

Как сделать регистрацию иностранца через госуслуги

The list of ministries providing their services in electronic form is quite broad: the FMC, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Customs Service and many others. On State services, you can apply for or exchange civil and foreign passports, for registration of your vehicle, for information about your debt to the tax service, for statistical information from the public administration and for a child to be placed in a kindergarten. When you apply to a public institution through the State Service portal, you will not have to defend a long line with the public service, which is the main advantage of using the website. The information required for the provision of documents is available on the website, and all information about the status of the application will be available to your electronic address in real time. In order to obtain full access to all the facilities of the State service, you only need to go through the registration procedure, which is carried out in several stages. Preparation for registration on the website to provide you with some information: passport data; insurance number of the individual identity account of SNILS; e-mail address, which will be notified; mobile phone number, if you can be returned to the website, and if you can have access to the website, and if you can have access to the page.

VIDEO ON THEME: Registration of citizens, temporary permanent receipt via the State Services online website 2019

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Temporary registration through State Services

Data will be needed on the dwelling or house where the person will be temporarily registered, in advance the owner of the dwelling will need to know the area of the dwelling, the postal address, the consent of the owner of the real estate, and the electronic documents have the same legal effect as in the original.

Once the application has been submitted, it is reviewed by the FMC and notified of the completion of the registration; the original passport, the employment contract and the owners' application for the temporary registration certificate must be provided to obtain the provisional registration certificate of the FMC.

The nearest migration fund is selected from the list at the time the application is submitted; as a general rule, an address is already attached to the migration fund; it is only necessary to know its location and to collect the documents on the scheduled date; the registration of a minor is often a temporary transfer to the city of a family with children; children need to attend day-care centres, health clinics, schools and registration is compulsory, at least temporarily.

In order to register a child under 14 years of age, electronic copies of the following documents will be required: the passport of one of his or her legal representatives or guardians; the birth certificate; a document that confirms that the child can be legally registered in the house or apartment; and if the child is under guardianship or adoption, a copy of the adoption certificate shall be added.

Temporary registration through the State Service for persons over 14 years of age and under 18 years of age is based on the minor's passport, and the child's application is completed by the parent or guardian representing him or her.

Temporary registration of foreigners for Russian citizens is more relevant when moving to another city for the time being, in order to obtain credit in the inhabited region, medical assistance and employment; for foreign nationals, registration at the place of residence is compulsory, since by law a person coming from another country cannot stay for long periods in the territory of our country without being tied to his or her place of residence.

An alien must receive, within a period of seven days, a temporary permit for lawful stay in the territory of the Russian Federation; if this condition is violated, he or she faces a fine of between 2,000 and 5,000 roubles and forced deportation to his or her home country; if he or she is deported, he or she will not be able to return to Russia for five years; if he or she does not comply with this condition, he or she may also apply to a foreign national for temporary registration at the place of residence through the State services.

If he or she is staying at a hotel or hotel, the registration card shall be completed by the administration of the organization. The date for granting temporary registration by the Real Estate Owner shall determine the period for granting temporary registration. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the period may not exceed five years; for foreigners, the period shall not exceed one year; if the registration is to be extended, the registration shall be on the basis of the written application of the real estate owner; where temporary registration is authorized, the Register at the place of residence must be registered by any person residing for more than 90 days outside the place of his or her permanent residence.

List of facilities authorized for temporary registration: apartments, shares in flats, rooms in communal apartments; house, part thereof; treatment facilities where patients receive long-term treatment; sanatoriums; hotels, hotels; rental real estate under a contract of employment.

The declaration and consent of the owner of the real estate or of the administration of the organization is required everywhere; registration is prohibited in both temporary and permanent homes; how much is temporary registration through public services to register relatives and acquaintances of the owner of the dwelling or house free of charge; temporary registration through the State services is not subject to a State duty.

There is also no reason to refuse to grant temporary registration to a citizen if all the conditions of the owners' consent are met, all the documents are provided, and the registration of the place of residence through the State Services takes no longer than a week.

The filing and filling-in of the data itself is a procedure that does not take more than hours. Any user of the system will be easily cleared during the filling process. Once a workday application has been submitted by the migration and passport fund, the data provided will be checked.

The personal office will then provide information on the readiness to issue documents, but only to come to the migration fund and collect a document confirming the temporary registration; in order to obtain the documents, the applicants' passport must be provided; the benefits of registration through public services are the main advantage of applying for a residence registration via the State Services Internet Portal: savings in registration time; no personal presence of the owner of the dwelling; and no need for a visit by the FMC or the IFC to be processed.

There is no need to stand in line, ask for work, bring the children with them to register and the owner of the dwelling to confirm his consent.

All data are submitted by the applicant at any time of the day. Documents can be scanned in advance, and it is also possible to agree with the owner of the real estate about his consent and the application for temporary registration at his apartment or house, to prepare a contract for the employment of the dwelling. How to trace the readiness to know that the temporary registration through the State Services has been successfully completed can be checked by a private office on the State Services website.

Upon verification by the FMC of the documents provided, it will be reported that it is possible to come to the funds' office and to collect supporting documents; the alternative to the local registration through the State Services is not limited to the State Services; it is possible to apply to the FMS by providing an original package of documents.

But often you have to stand in long lines before you get to the migration passport officer. This is a rather uncomfortable option. You can get a temporary receipt through the IFC. This is done by collecting documents and providing the original employee of the Multifunctional Centre who helps the client write the application, accepting the documents. Then the entire package of documents is transferred to the FMC. This is a convenient but long way to register the place of residence. In some cases this is not acceptable, because temporary registration may be needed here and now.

To what extent temporary registration is safe If the owners of real estate were previously afraid and concerned about maintaining the right to full use of their home or apartment after other people have signed it, the new legislation of the Russian Federation has now clearly distinguished the rights of citizens living and registered in real estate.

A person who is temporarily registered in an apartment or house cannot claim the right to the dwelling under any circumstances; even if the matter concerns minors who are incapable of being citizens, the temporary registration is fixed for a period of time after which the person is automatically removed from registration; the owner of the dwelling may also be removed from registration at any time upon application to the FMC.

Temporary registration through public services is also safe; the site is public and all the data provided for the application cannot be disclosed to third parties; when checking the data, the owner is informed that the applicant will be temporarily registered in his apartment or house; therefore, it is not possible without the knowledge of the real estate owner to make it available to anyone; the difference between temporary registration and permanent temporary registration is easier to register than permanent registration.

For example, if registration on a permanent basis requires the consent of all adult citizens living in a house or apartment, only the statement of the owner is temporary.

Registration at the place of residence only indicates a persons' temporary residence, but does not specify his or her right to real estate in which he or she is temporarily registered; the owner of real estate may be removed from the registration at any time on the basis of an application without the tenants' consent; in the case of permanent registration, it is difficult to release a person from an apartment or home without his or her consent.

The owner applies to the court and it is not always possible to evict a resident, for example, that a minor child cannot be removed from registration without having been given a different living space; temporary registration is much easier because it does not cause problems for the owner of the property.

Temporary registration through public services

At present, a Russian citizen has the opportunity to apply for registration at his place of residence via the Internet, i.e. in any event, the request for this State service in electronic form greatly saves the applicant's personal time. Registering at his place of residence via the Internet How to make a temporary registration through the State Services for registration at the place of temporary registration requires entering his personal office on the Portal and choosing "Registration at the place of residence or residence" from the list of popular services. The next step would be to choose an electronic service.

Registration is usually required if people move to a region for work, study or credit; the use of the site does not allow them to stay in line for long periods in the FMS office, since when a computer is available and the Internet is available, all information is readily available through the State Services portal.

Data will be needed on the dwelling or house in which the person will be temporarily registered; in advance the owner of the dwelling will need to know the area of the dwelling, the postal address; the owners' consent is mandatory; the electronic documents have the same legal effect as the original document; once the application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the FMC and the registration has been completed.

Step-by-step instruction on temporary registration through State Services

It is available at the place of residence for both an adult and a child, e.g. for school attendance, the place of residence for foreign nationals. The application of the person providing the documents and the owner of the accommodation only for the tenants will be required. Many are concerned about the number of temporary registrations through the online portal. The timing of the production does not change depending on the application to the institution or online. You will need to follow our step-by-step instruction, then hand over the documents in person and collect the paper after that time. The list of documents the originals of which will have to be entered into the selected office includes the following: the Russian citizens' passport for foreign nationals; the lease agreement; the owners' application for housing; the owners' statement. Please note that it is necessary to bring the original documents only after you have completed the electronic application. You will be shown by a table indicating the need to provide the documents. This is the passport of the person receiving the service as well as the permit document for living in the premises. Your record must be confirmed to have full access to the private office.

Temporary registration through State Services

In Moscow, in connection with the World Cup, the rules for the registration of citizens at their place of residence will be changed from 25 May to 25 July, and temporary registration is now required within three days of their arrival in the capital, and new developments will involve those who are going to live with friends or rent an apartment; hotels, sanatoriums and holiday houses will be registered at their place of residence; for foreign nationals or stateless persons, temporary registration will be issued by the host country.

Migration records for foreigners can be obtained through a networked public resource, as well as through a multifunctional centre.

The necessary documents for the registration of citizens can be made available on the basis of the following documents: the electronic application; the writing of the data must be in strict conformity with the information provided in the official documents; the scanning of the passport documents on the basis of which the temporary request will be made; the preparation of an online entry list; the writing of the data should be done when the applicant plans to be at the temporary registration address for more than nine months; the electronic application of the owner of the dwelling for the residence of a citizen, as well as the registration papers for the apartment, room or house; and the loading of the documents and the filling of the application should bear in mind that only reliable information should be written.

Implementation of migration records

Do not forget to check that you have agreed to the processing of personal data and that you have knowledge of the giving of false testimony. The application has been completed and we have to bring the originals of the following documents to the agency: a Russian citizen's passport or a foreign passport contract for the employment of a dwelling; your application will be considered by the owner of the premises and you will be notified in your private office. If you approve it, you will only have to take your ready temporary registration, which you will be able to travel peacefully not only through Moscow but also through any other settlement in our country. It can be obtained at the place of residence, whether for an adult or for a child, for example, in the place of residence for foreign nationals.

Also on our website are temporary registration procedures through organizations such as the IFC and the mail. Fill in the application. Please specify the applicant's type: when applying for the application, select the first entry point, the third entry for the child. In the open form, enter your identity information of the IFI, date of birth, sex, e-mail address and telephone number, or check whether it is correct if it appears automatically. Next, it will be necessary to complete the passport data, including the place of birth. The next entry is permanent registration. If available, enter the blank address.

How can a citizens' temporary registration be processed through the State Services portal?


The public service centres will help to quickly finalize the temporary registration for the time of FM Changes will be in effect from 25 May to


Temporary registration through host State services







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