What personnel documents should be issued in the event of an increase in a staff members' salary

Какие кадровые документы необходимо издать в случае увеличения оклада сотруднику

There are two options: first, the order simply indicates the new salaries of the employees and the date on which they operate; this option is appropriate if the salaries are not evenly increased.

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How to correct a salary change

As often as a minor must undergo medical examinations, he or she must, in the appropriate notification, propose to such staff members the transfer to other positions available to him or her, which they may hold according to their qualifications and state of health.

Such positions may be commensurate with the level of skills and knowledge of the individual or be simpler and therefore of lower pay; in the event that the employee disagrees with any of the proposals submitted, the employer may terminate the employment contract with the employee on the basis of the provisions of paragraph 5 above. In general, it is the employers' duty to inform the employee of the possibility of taking up vacant posts only in the area where he or she is currently employed.

In the event that the employee agrees to continue to work under new conditions, a supplementary agreement to the employment contract must be concluded between him and the employer.

New wage conditions need to be laid down, and a salary change order modelled on that of the head of the enterprise is to be used as a basis. Preparation for an increase in salary is generally not required to raise the employees' salary in such a large and long-term manner: the employers' initiative is sufficient to do so, but in practice such an initiative may be triggered by the employees' proposal to increase his pay.

In large organizations, it is also the practice to request an increase in the pay of a particular employee who shows excellent performance in his or her work by the head of the unit in which he or she works; it should be borne in mind that the current labour law requires prior notice of the employee within two months only if his or her salary is to be reduced.

Therefore, in a situation where the employer is preparing an increase in his pay, the two-month period is not mandatory, but can be enforced; in general, the specific date for the introduction of the new salary is set by the supplementary agreement to the employment contract.

Changes in the staffing table would be the next important step in the preparation for salary changes: changes in the staffing table of an organization would be the result of the fact that the staffing table was the basis for the payroll of individual staff members in accordance with their posts; therefore, changes in the post salary without the relevant information would be inappropriate.

In the event of a change in the salary of a particular staff member, the increased salary of one representative of the same post should not be indicated in the staffing table: this would be in violation of existing legislation.

In such a situation, his duties should be supplemented by new functions or a different title of the post: that would be sufficient to establish a higher salary; in all situations, changes in the staffing table should be made by an order signed by the manager.

At the same time, the example of an order for a change of pay should clearly indicate which positions the changes concerned; it was also important to indicate to which direction and how much their salaries changed, and from which date the changes listed would take effect.

The question from practice: When is it necessary to perform a mandatory medical examination of a staff member? Also perform a medical examination of staff under the age of 18. Please read more about who is required to undergo a medical examination and at what time, in our recommendation.

Staff performing certain types of work are subject to mandatory medical examinations at the expense of the organization.

In the case of a reduction in salary, the order must state that the recorded changes shall take effect after two months, i.e. after the mandatory period of notice of such changes to the employee, the model of the change order to the employees' salary shall be the final stage of the staff members' salary adjustment procedure.

In general, it is one of the standard documents that do not depart from the generally accepted framework of business documents; the latter, in turn, is presented in accordance with the order of numbering adopted in the organization; the main part of the document indicates the changes introduced by the order and the reasons for their introduction.

Here, in most cases, the details of an order for changes in the staffing table, which are considered to be the basis for an increase or decrease in the salaries of staff members, are indicated; in addition, if changes in the staffing table have in turn been initiated by other documents, it is appropriate to include their requisitions in this section; for example, the Service Note of the Head of the Division, where the staff member is employed, may serve as such.

The final part of the document should contain the signature of the head of the organization and its stamp; in addition, this section should provide a place for the signature of the staff member concerned with the content of the order; it should confirm that he or she is familiar with its provisions; and download documents on the subject:

Staff members' salary changed which documents

There are two ways to make the most of these adjustments to the staffing table: to complete and approve the new staffing table, which will have the following order number: this is what happens if there are fundamental changes, such as changes in wages or new divisions for all employees. Many participants in the labour process wonder whether the employer can reduce the salary? Is it legal, and what good reasons can it have for doing so? Can the salary be reduced?

To try a salary adjustment agreement free of charge because salary is a condition of pay and thus a condition for inclusion in a contract of employment, the salary change is therefore accompanied by a document such as a salary adjustment agreement.

The main purpose of this exercise is to bring wages in line with the prices of basic foodstuffs and the consumer minimum; the indexation is almost always dependent on inflation, minimum wages and other external factors; the indexation should be distinguished from salary increases; the difference is that all employees are indexed by the same factor at the same time; and the salary may be increased by individual staff members on different dates or by different amounts.

What human resources documents should be issued in the event of an increase in the staff members' salary?

If the employee does not agree with any of the proposals submitted, the employer is entitled to terminate the employment contract on the basis of the provisions of the article. Please note that, in general, the employers' duty is to inform the employee of the possibility of taking up vacant posts only in the area where he or she is currently working. If the employee agrees to continue working under the new conditions, an additional agreement must be concluded between him and the employer. It is necessary to lay down new conditions of pay and to indicate as a basis an order for a change of salary similar to the one issued by the head of the enterprise. Preparation for an increase in salary is not usually required to increase the employees' salary in order to increase the employees' salary. This initiative may, in practice, be prompted by the employees' offer to increase his or her pay.

An order for an increase in salary

What documents do you want to write? The response to the salary increase is based on an order from the manager. After that, write a supplementary agreement to the employment contract with the staff member and make a change in the staffing table. The justification for this position is given below in Glavbuch 1. How to increase the salary rate, the unit rate, the staff member's answer to this question depends on the reasons for the salary increase, the rate, the piece price.

An increase in wages due to an increase in the SMIC is a document of particular importance to the employee and no less important to the employer; since last year, the federal minimum wage has been equal to the subsistence minimum of 11 roubles.

In such a case, it may be possible to establish new salaries for one or more staff members or a certain factor to be applied to the determination of the new salary level; in the event that the order directly sets out the new salary levels for each staff member, it is advisable to issue a separate order for each staff member, but if the document only indicates the increase factor, it should be ensured that the text contains the specific formula used to calculate the final salary.

Example of an order to change salary

The employer will be able to dismiss the employee only after two months from the date of notification of the change in the terms of the employment contract; early termination is possible only with the agreement of the employee himself; the employer will issue an arbitrary order to change the organizations' staffing table.

Take a look at this topic: How to hire a staff member in 2019? List of required documents.

The reasons for salary increases vary widely: the desire to bring wages into line with economic indicators, the encouragement of staff members, the additional motivation for new achievements, etc. The need to avoid confusion between salary increases and salary indexation is two completely different phenomena; the main difference is that salaries can be increased by different amounts for both staff members and for a group of individuals at any time; the indexation takes place simultaneously for all staff members of the organization and the salary is increased by the same percentage; as often as it is possible to increase salaries, there is no limit on the frequency of salary increases; it can be increased at least every month.

We're issuing an order to raise wages.


Each such increase should be accompanied by the issuance of the Order for Salary Increases related to internal local documents.


Wage Increase Order (model 2019)


Wage indexation order




Increase in salary processing: How to process a change in salary


How do we process a salary increase?


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