Is it possible for drivers to set an irregular working day

Можно ли водителям устанавливать ненормированный рабочий день

As a matter of fact, it may be imposed on all employees who, for reasons beyond their control, are unable to perform their full duties exclusively within the working hours prescribed for them; for example, the driver of the service car may, in exceptional cases, take the head of the organization out of the house before the beginning of the working day and take him back when the working day is already over for all other employees, since an irregular working day may extend both before the start of the working day or the shift and after the end of the working day.

When you have to dig from the fence to the evening, Elena A. Ponomareva

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Pay for a driver with an irregular working day (Your consulting partner, No. 52, 2008)

Compensation for part-time work is payable to staff members on an annual basis on additional paid leave, which may not last less than three calendar days.

In order to grant this leave, it is sufficient that there is an irregular working day in the local act and an additional contract with the staff member.

This means that even if a staff member was not employed outside the standard working hours during the working year, the extra leave for an irregular working day is due to him/her in full.

There is no obligation to pay additional processing hours, as in overtime, for the employer, after which a contract of employment will be made with the employee, reflecting the condition of work on an irregular working day abs.

The agreement must specify a special work regime and also reflect the duration of additional paid leave; in the case of transfers, other changing conditions are also specified for the new work function, the conditions of remuneration, etc. If an irregular workday regime is established for a staff member in connection with a transfer, no transfer record is added to the workbook without reference to a special work regime; if this regime is established without a transfer, no record is required in the workbook.

In the future, an oral order from the employer is sufficient to employ an employee outside the working hours; in addition, a non-normal working day may be set for drivers of a car.

Features of driving drivers ' working time

Compensation for irregular work is granted to employees on an annual basis for additional paid leave, and this leave may not be less than three calendar days, and it is sufficient for the leave to be granted that there is an irregular working day in the local act and an additional contract with the employee. This means that even if the staff member was not employed outside the standard working hours during the working year, the additional leave for the irregular work day is due to him/her in full.

The organizations' drivers' right to work is planned to schedule the day after day, provided that Saturday and Sunday are his days off, since the organization does not work on these days and there is no need for a driver; it is also planned that the driver will work 10 hours a day with a two-hour lunch break or 12 hours with a lunch break of the same duration; and the working hours for the said employee will be calculated on the basis of a five-day working week.

The uniform form T of the drivers' profession is linked to the driving of vehicles and other vehicles, i.e. direct sources of increased danger. In addition, the driver is often responsible not only for the safety and security of the vehicle, but also for the lives of his passengers and other road users. Therefore, this profession has its own characteristics: the rights and obligations of workers in this complex profession and their employers are laid down by labour legislation and separate regulations.

Can the driver be assigned an irregular working day?

The informal working day of Rostroud explained in detail that such a non-normal working day and how it should be compensated in accordance with the current version of the Labour Code. As stated in letter N, in an irregular working day, workers may be employed outside the limits of their working hours, not systematically, but from time to time and in certain cases. This regime means that an employee may perform work, both before and after the beginning of the shift day. However, he is not obliged to work on weekly rest and holiday days. In the event of the call of the category of employees in question to work on weekends and holidays, the organization must comply with the general rules set out in article. The Rostrud also recalled that the current version of the Labour Code does not recognize the processing of an irregular working day with overtime work as previously drafted; therefore, such work is only compensated by additional leave; its duration is determined by a collective agreement or by the rules of the internal working order and may not be less than three calendar days.

Unnormal drivers' working day

Compensation for irregular work is granted to employees on an annual basis for additional paid leave, and this leave may not be less than three calendar days, and it is sufficient for the leave to be granted that there is an irregular working day in the local act and an additional contract with the employee. This means that even if the staff member was not employed outside the standard working hours during the working year, the additional leave for the irregular work day is due to him/her in full.

We're making a production calendar for a six-day week at the Human Resources Department for about a year.

Part-time work is used by staff of various organizations to work on irregular working hours; drivers are no exception; you will find out from this article what documents the driver needs for employment and what is an irregular working day for drivers.

Drivers' time

The Ministry of Labour and Social Policys' letter of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine addressed this issue, as the Ministry of Labour and Social Policys' specialists have argued, it is possible for drivers to pay a supplement for an irregular working day and to grant leave for an irregular working day at the same time.

LOOK AT THE TIME: Unnormald working day

The article in question deals with the concept of an irregular working day and the manner in which it is set up for certain categories of workers: for example, an irregular working day is a type of work regime in which an employer may occasionally involve an employee in the performance of work outside his or her assigned working time. On the basis of the definition, the following basic features of an irregular working day should be distinguished as a working regime: "It is a legal way of involving an employee without his or her consent to work outside his or her assigned working time;" it is not a system that is allowed to apply occasionally; "It is established to an employee on the basis of a list of posts approved by a social partnership;" it is compensated by the provision of additional rest days for the employee. "An irregular working day should be distinguished from overtime work, which is also a work outside the established working time, but the procedure and conditions for attracting workers to such work, as well as the conditions for compensation for it, are significantly different. "In the case of part-time work, the employee may also be assigned an irregular working day and any involvement in work outside the agreed by him or her or her working hours of work.

Article 101: Unnormal working hours


I've been working in HR for about a year, and that's my first job, and so far, there's not much to be done - there's not much experience, but I'm learning.


Unnormal drivers' working day


Unnormal drivers' day of work of a service car




Unnormal drivers' working day


Drivers' allowance. Unnormal workday. Unnormal workday leave.


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