Nomenclature of secondary vocational education 2019

Номенклатура дел среднего профессионального образования на 2019 год

Administrative liability for failure to comply with the rules on the formation and content of documentation is provided for administrative and civil liability; depending on the seriousness of the offence, the penalty may be a warning, a fine or a disqualification; this is the subject of the articles of the Regulations of the Instrument which are of a recommendatory nature and are not mandatory.

VIDEO ON THEME: Video entitled "Nomenclature of cases: Recent legislative developments"

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Nomenclature of State secondary vocational education institutions

Administrative liability for failure to comply with the rules on the formation and content of documentation is provided for administrative and civil liability; depending on the seriousness of the offence, the penalty may be a warning, a fine or a disqualification; this is the subject of the articles of the Regulations of the Instrument which are of a recommendatory nature and are not mandatory.

This is a nomenclature which is approved by the organization, which may use the provisions of the model and the model nomenclature, and the educational organization may develop a consolidated nomenclature of all cases, which includes lists of cases by organizational unit, to be drawn up in a single form in a similar form; the legislature has not approved a model nomenclature for all educational organizations.

How to fill out the organizations' nomenclature of cases It is of three types: an individual firm develops it on its own, taking into account the indicative and generic nomenclatures.

It should be developed for the first time at the beginning of an enterprises' operation; at the end of each year, it should be revised as necessary and applied in an updated version from the beginning of the new paragraph. The nomenclature of the cases of the liquidation of the companys' successor companies should also be included in the nomenclature list, with the exception of printed publications, which include, inter alia, books and registers, as well as various applications from staff members, internal correspondence between divisions, etc.

The document is periodic and is compiled once a year at the end of the reporting period in December, and the model nomenclature of cases is understood to include a set of documents and to establish a list for the human resources service, taking into account the degree of relevance.

Not all the documents provided for in the labour legislation of the Russian Federation are listed in the list approved by the Order, in particular, there are no orders or notifications.

An example of the number of cases in which a company is actively involved in arbitration proceedings is provided in annexes 7 and 8. Transmitting cases As the most striking example of moving cases, I always bring court cases. If a company is actively involved in arbitration proceedings, there is a very large number of cases. The court may last for years. The transferable case is the companys' statute until it is replaced. Most often, the statute has been in force for many years and is a rolling case throughout.

The Nomenclature of State-run secondary vocational education institutions is taught how to fill out the form of the list of cases of the budget organization. The approved document is subject to annual review, i.e., if necessary, the institution adjusts the current list and applies an already amended order from a new year; the initial drafting and annual updating of the DPP should be entrusted to the heads of the structural units and departments so that specialists can draw up an exhaustive list of the forms and forms used in the work.

A consolidated document should then be consolidated into a single document, which is approved by a separate order or by an order of the head; if the companys' activities are State secrets or specific features exist to ensure that the records are fully and reliably recorded and preserved, a consultation should be held with the representatives of the State archives, and the structure of the document should be determined in order to determine the manner in which the document is drawn up.

In addition, individual MDs may identify those documents that are actually used in the organizations' document flow, even if they are not mentioned in the approximate MD.

For example, the approximate ND does not include documents relating to the holding of subject-matter olympiads, documentation on the exchange of experience with other educational institutions; in such cases, the individual ND is supplemented by appropriate case headings, with the duration of such records being set in agreement with the public archives; the personnel file nomenclature for the year is a model; but in practice, many private firms still follow the relevant rules.

This is due to the fact that the rules contained therein regulate in a very detailed and effective manner the organization of documents, the main element of which is the number of cases; what is it? If the definition of Rosarchiva is followed, the nomenclature of cases should be understood to mean a list of the types of cases that emerge in the course of the organizations' document management process.

Cases in this case refer to the same type of documents used in the companys' turnover, and how to draw up the right list of cases and what to rely on in this case, you will learn from our article.

The legislation defines the number of cases as follows: a systematic list of the names of the cases in the approved form; the nomenclature of cases in the Personnel Division is, respectively, a list of cases that pass through the Division.

There are three types of nomenclature: for example, the Personnel Division uses this form of nomenclature: Orders on the Personnel of Managers ' Personal Affairs, now more details on the rules for filling out this form. Why not the number? Because most often there are two units: the division number as presented in the company structure; the group number of documents that are included in it.

There are three options in the practice of record-keeping: a case index, a title, a number of cases may be present in the standard nomenclature; for example, a nomenclature is used in the Personnel Division: an analysis of the entire set of documents that pass through the Personnel Division each year; a systematization of these documents; the identification of major groups; the development of a nomenclature form and its completion; and if any type of document is out of circulation within a year, no separate order is issued.

However, the seized type of documentation no longer appears on a systematic list and the following years' nomenclature does not appear; after all changes have been taken into account, the procedure for approving the nomenclature for the following year is followed; if this requires the development of a separate order, it must be issued in a short period of time; how to complete the organizations' nomenclature of cases.

In applying it, several important tasks can be accomplished in relation to current paper: classification and accounting; systematic preparation for selection for further storage and destruction; a nomenclature of cases for years - a form and a sample of filling-in for a general education institution - a model for filling out the educational institutions' nomenclature; all documents forming at the enterprise need to be kept for a certain amount of time; their proper systemization and distribution will help in the preparation of the nomenclature.

It aims to facilitate the transfer of materials, the compilation of inventories, the search for necessary materials, the preparation of materials for storage and mass disposal, and how to fill out the template of the budget organization Nomenclature of the organization's affairs is a special list of cases of forms, forms and personnel records entered into the institution's operations, drawn up according to a structure that specifies the time frame for the storage of documents.

The ND consists of the following elements: The organizations' Nomenclature of Affairs, each organization, in the course of its work, accumulates a vast array of documents.

The personnel department's nomenclature of business for a year can be used by any employer firm, and how it should be structured and what is the specifics of its use, we will describe in our article: through the human resources service of any modern firm, there are a great many different kinds of documents: local regulations, cards, workbooks, contracts.

Of course, it requires a systematization of documents in order to account for them effectively, but even if the firm is in theory willing to handle personnel documents outside the system approach, in certain cases it will have to systematize them according to the requirements of the law.

The procedure for drawing up the nomenclature of the educational institutions' work is as follows: Determination of the scope of documentation.

Illustrative number of cases 2019

In the event that you do not find the necessary information in the sources provided, the firm may assign a period of storage itself. With regard to the accounting and tax records of the accounting profession for a year with new storage periods, the procedure for storing, destroying and holding them is prescribed by law in the Tax Code, the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of the Nomenclature of Personnel Affairs for a year with new retention periods must be drawn up by a specially appointed staff member, issued by order and approved by the head of the organization. Where each copy is kept, the first copy is placed in the file and kept by the documentaries; the second is used in the work; the third is a record in the archives of the enterprise, if any; the fourth remains in the State archives, if necessary; the remaining copies are sent to the structural units.

Nomenclatures of cases under the amended rules of the Nomenclature of State secondary vocational education institutions are removed from the magazine after a five-year period, with a summary of the students' performance; a list of athletes enrolled in the educational institution at the stages of sports development and higher sports skills.

How to develop the nomenclature of the school begins with its organizational units: the director prepares orders for the heads of units to submit draft nomenclatures by which the secretary of the department, the clerk or other responsible person integrates the established descriptions into one consolidated educational institution; this approach will take into account all forms of case and will not forget any of the forms used in the institution; in schools with a small turnover, it is advisable to develop a single nomenclature centrally; in the process of drawing up the nomenclature, three phases should be implemented.

Nomenclature of amended rules cases

The document is then agreed upon by the expert inspection commission to the State Archives with respect to the documents to be kept permanently; the State Archives has the right to request that the existing document be amended; most recently, the nomenclature is certified by the management; it is permissible to sign and print at the beginning of the document or to issue an order for its approval; the Nomenclature of the educational institution has a recommended form for filling in, and may therefore be amended and supplemented; it is a tomatoized list of cases with a time frame for their storage; for SPRAVI: because the letter in question has approved a model nomenclature for educational institutions, the organization has the right to make adjustments to the proposed version and to approve its model; to do so must be agreed with the archival institution; to prepare the nomenclature on the institutions' form.

What to add to the number of school cases for the school year 2019/20

Documents confirming the ownership of real property objects of a certificate of operational management, a document of the right to use land, a lease agreement, a free-of-charge contract, the legal regulations of the federal executive authorities of the State and the executive bodies of the Moscow region on the main activities, orders from the director of the educational institution on the main activities and the grounds for them, and acts, certificates and other documents on accidents involving students.

Dear readers, our articles describe model ways of dealing with legal issues, but each case is unique.

For example, the documents of the patent department can be combined with the documents of the professional department or the research sector, the planning and finance department with accounting, the capital construction and logistics departments with the business unit, etc. The files of the department are compiled for each study sample.

Nomenclature of secondary vocational education 2019



Nomenclature of school cases and retention of documents in 2019


Nomenclature of cases for the year Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education. 61. Sverdlovska........................................................................................................








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  1. Wanda

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  2. laycatiti93

    I'm sorry, but I think you're wrong.

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