A sample of a prying to the store when the phone's broken again.

Образец притензии в магазин при повторной поломке телефона

On average, smartphones are now sold in guarantee stores for one year, but the buyer can extend this period for an extra fee. What is the advantage of a fixed service period? If your phone fails or any, even minor, defects occur during the guarantee period, you are entitled to transfer the device for repair. The seller is obliged to re-establish the machine or return it to the owner free of charge. How is the quality check performed?

VIDEO ON THEME: Return of the goods to the seller: claim, court, counsels' advice

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Model claim for telephone repeat breakage

Marina, good morning.

I've taken it back to the store and I've written it for the money back, and so far I'm told that the forensics didn't show any defects, and they don't want the money back, and they say that if I bring it back again and they don't find any faults, they'll return it, too. What do I do? Thank you. Please tell me how I'm going to be in the next situation. And it's just after one winter, what happens next?

The door's still on the warranty, but the store said that all the front doors are rusty, and you're probably not going to get any refunds.

After they started taking off all the stickers and the parts of the package under the glued ones. The store representatives sent their lawyer, who told us that we wouldn't prove that this marriage was a factory marriage, and we promised to deal with it for 14 working days! How to live without a bath, 3 weeks. What to do? Dmitry Tell me, 3 months ago, they bought themselves expensive hand-held watches, waterproof, and anti-blasts, and after a month, they started to sweat the glass, they brought them back to me, and I told you to go to the service center, and they were snatched, and in a week I'm in the rain, the situation was the same, sweating the glass, bringing them back to the service center, sending them back to Volgograd for an expert examination, and in a week's time, nothing comes up for my problem, just to give up the guarantees, because there's a little scratch, what to do, and how to be, thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Anna, please tell me, in what order of action is it that Marina came to work today the owner of that store and we showed her the shoes, and they moved my shoes, and they said that if they broke up at all then they would return the money, and the friend said that they wouldn't give her back the money, and they could give her a discount, and they could give her back 67.00 grin slaps.

What are we gonna do, wait for them to break out at all or what we're gonna do, and within what time frame are we gonna get them back at all?

As a result, we breathed out glue when we used the oven. After the call, we were replaced by a table table, and we had a letter that we had a case that wasn't secure, but they were so good that they replaced us. The first time we used the cupboard, the new table of the edge immediately jumped off, and again with the claim, we were offered a new table again, if you don't want to take the same one from the stone, but it's got to be rubbish.

We don't want to put any more money in this kitchen, we don't want to change tables every two months.

Claim for return of telephone money (unquality)

According to the legislation in force, the consumer has the right to know and use the following information in his interest: within 15 days of the purchase, the purchased goods can be returned to the seller even if the faults of the telephone are not too substantial; the seller is obliged to return the money; to return the money to the seller the following dates are given: 10 days or 20 days if additional verification of the functionality of the mobile phone is required; if the payment dates are not met; the sooner the damage to the cell phone becomes ineffective; the more likely the buyer is to be satisfied with the claim; the technical examination of the cellular phone and its particular features. If the consumer insists on an examination of the quality of the purchased cellular phone, the seller must be provided with the following information in the form of a certificate of acceptance for technical inspection: no visible mechanical injuries; data relating to the shortcomings of the cellular phone; no damage to the battery; no traces of moisture; it is mandatory to require the seller to carry out an examination of the quality of the purchased cellular phone in writing; in case the buyer does not agree with the results of the opinion, he may carry out an additional examination with independent experts as to challenge his/her of his/her having to challenge as to appeal his/his knowledge as a further to challenge as an independent experts.

A claim for the return of money for technically complex goods, repeated repairs amounting to more than 30 days, broken cell phone — return the money! You need to indicate to whom you present it, present yourself and describe your claims in your own words.

If you find any faults in the goods, you have the right to refuse to perform the contract of sale and to demand the return of the sum paid for the goods, and you have the right to demand full compensation for the damage caused to you by the sale of the goods of inadequate quality.

Qualitative Goods Claim — A Model How to Compute

At least during the guarantee period, if something happens to her during this period, the consumer law will not hurt us. All of this is true. But the product is divided and the guarantee period has its nuances. In general, the scenario of events after a lack of guarantee period has been discovered in the product or service will be approximately such a claim - writing to the seller to correct the lack of repair or to replace it or to return the money. The seller - the seller - performs it to ascertain the failure and its possible origin is paid by the seller, but the consumer has the right to be present. The seller decides whether or not to meet the consumers' requirements. So, starting at the beginning of the guarantee, who sets the time limit? The Russian Consumer Protection Act grants the right to set a guarantee period for the manufacturer.

Consumer Protection Act on Return of Goods

Marina, good morning, tell me, as if in this situation, I bought a phone at a shop, and after a few days, he started hanging out, losing the network, and so on.

Model guarantee statement Model Claim Two Repairs 30 Guarantee Days Purchased goods, consumer expects quality, sellers' and manufacturers' integrity.

What is the duration of the repair under the warranty contract? Rebreak after the warranty repair. According to para. 45 days' duration of work; replacement of the instrument for the same mark, model, articula within 20 to 30 working days; exchange of the product for a similar but different stamp or model, recalculation of the value and return of the difference in terms up to 1 month; return of the cash within 10 calendar days.

Refurbishment under guarantee

Returning the phone back to the store — how to proceed? The rules for returning the cell phone, however, are not considered correct. The sixth paragraph of section 18 of the Consumer Protection Act should be invoked when returning the phone of inadequate quality.

Take a look at this: Model claim for return of money for goods of good and inadequate quality.

If the returned goods are not on the above list, you are entitled to exchange them and return them with refunds of the money they have spent.

We're writing a claim for poor telephone repair.


Model Claim Tel Two Repairs 30 Days Guarantee based on the fact that the goods are in the process of being tested and that it has not been established that the device was broken, in which case the store must send the device back to a repeater If the issue is not resolved, the claim must be filed.


Claim for return of money for technically complex goods, multiple repairs in excess of 30 days


Claim for return of telephone after 14 days of purchase




A sample of a prying to the store when the phone's broken again.



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  1. Catherine


  2. raypuequatou

    I'm sure it's a mistake.

  3. decerxembluc93

    I can't participate in the discussion right now - no time available, but I'll be back - I'll be sure to write what I think about it.

  4. Pulheria

    What a talented message.

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