List of documents for the extension of the weapons permit

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You're here: The main payment of the news is the extension of the weapons licence. What is the procedure for the renewal of the weapons licence? What documents should be prepared for extension? The compulsory documents for the extension of the arms licence include the extension application. The application form can be downloaded here or on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The applicant's civil passport together with a copy.

VIDEO ON THEME: How to extend the authorization to possess and carry weapons (ROH)

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What is needed for the extension of the arms licence in 2019?

The owner of the weapon is allowed to use it for five years, and at the end of this period the document needs to be extended, how to extend the weapons licence, where to turn, and how much it costs, read in our article.

The extension of the weapons licence, which must be known by the weapons permits, is carried out by the licensing and licensing offices, which were previously part of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which were handed over in the year to Rosgaardia. Documents for the extension of the weapons permit must be filed not later than three months before the date on which the licence expires.

Another period of extension of the weapons permit is provided for only in force majeure situations; attempts to extend the licence are meaningless if the holder has been registered with a drug or psychoneurological clinic; convicted of an offence involving the use of firearms or illicit drug trafficking; serving a sentence under any criminal offence; and, during this period, has made constructive changes to the weapon by replacing the gun with more powerful rounds of ammunition, increasing the capacity of the store, etc.

There are two ways to do this: to bring the papers to the LRR office in person, or to post the scans through the public service portal. Whatever way you choose, you need the same package.

The period of extension of the weapons permit is the same as 5 years as the original permit. 3 months before its end, the licence will need to be renewed again. Where to apply for the extension of the arms licence of the Rossguard Licensing Unit exists in each region and in most cities.

There are inter-district offices for the rural areas, as well as office hours, and already in the office, the staff member will prepare a technical inspection of the weapons, which will also be attached to the package of documents.

See also the security requirements for shooting. How much does it cost? C The method of payment can be any: cash through the bank's office, card through the ATM or on the Internet bank. Filling out the application form is filled in by most of the personal information automatically with the information you indicated when registering on the website.

Selecting a licence and authorization office at the place of permanent registration will not be a temporary option to register for the weapons inspection certificate. Please enter information on your weapons ' destination, model, permit details. It is not important here to arrange for the extension of the permit for sliced weapons, smooth or sports uniforms are the same form. Attach the scanners of the required documents to the same package as for personal delivery through the LRR office.

The deadline for the extension of the weapons licence is 30 days, if the document is ready sooner, you will be informed by a text message.

You can obtain an extended permit for weapons in paper form by making an appointment at the LRR office through the public service portal or through the agencys' telephones.

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Procedure for the renewal of the arms licence 2019: What is needed?

Since the original licence for the purchase of the listed weapons is granted for five years, as a result of the positive decision of the LRO officer, the licence is extended for a further five years. It can and must be renewed every five years. In order to renew the licence to store and carry the sports weapons we consider as an example, the LRO must submit the same documents as the licence for the purchase of the weapon: passport, a sportsmans' certificate, etc.

For reasons of refusal to renew the permit, it is necessary to renew the previous hunting licence once every five years and to collect the relevant documents and refer them to the local police authorization unit; the basic rules for extension can be found on the public services website, which indicates what the procedure is and what data should be provided by the applicant.

In five years' time, the permit will have to be extended, but this will be a little later. So it's important to prepare the necessary package of documents and make it available to the local D.A. The list of documents for obtaining a weapons licence in the year is as follows: Passport and its copy; Med. It is issued only after the examination by specialists such as a therapist, an oculist and a drug doctor.

What is the procedure for extending the permit for weapons (licences)?

The extension of the permit for smooth weapons is therefore necessary; the permit for traumatic weapons issued by the State authorities is a limited period of validity. After five years, the permit for the possession of weapons must be renewed. The procedure for the renewal of the licence for civilian weapons is necessary; therefore, the possession of the permit must be registered and, upon completion of the primary permit, it must be renewed. The extension of the licence for civilian weapons is not required, but the knowledge, as mentioned above, will be verified. In order to extend the licence for the carrying of civilian weapons, you must be provided with such documents to the FRA: the procedure for the extension of the licence for civilian weapons is such that the response to the application will not necessarily be positive; the refusal must be given in writing and the justification given; the extension of the licence for traumatic weapons - Rossimport Weapons - If the application for the extension of the licence is accepted, you will be sent to the training centre where you will have to undergo the test; if you are not sure that you will be able to take the test again, then it is better to repeat the training course.

How to extend the hunting weapons permit in 2019, all about this procedure

In order to obtain a licence for the possession and use of firearms and traumatic weapons, it is necessary to provide a large package of documents, a medical commission, etc. Moreover, the right to use a weapon has a certain period of time after which it must be renewed, otherwise it would constitute a violation of the law; how many valid weapons permits are there; in the case of a certificate for the purchase of firearms, the period of validity is six calendar months; if it has not been used during this period, the citizen is obliged to return it under the law in force.

The extension of the permit for the weapons licence takes place in the licensing and authorization department, where it was initially applied for.

How to extend the licence for the possession and use of weapons through the State Service Portal Our State regulates the subject of weapons sufficiently strictly: in order to obtain a licence for the possession and use of firearms and traumatic weapons, it is necessary to provide a large package of documents, a medical commission, and in fact, the right to use weapons has a certain period of time after which it must be renewed, otherwise it would constitute a violation of the law; how many weapons permits there are in fact two answers to this question.

How to extend the hunting permit 2018: documents, deadlines, government, extension rules

In the year, it is easier to start this procedure on the Public Services Portal of the State Service, but it will take you about a month or more to renew the permit, and consider in detail the procedure for processing the new permit, the required documents, certificates and the cost of the services you want from the State, and the information will be particularly useful to all who are first faced with the Roha licence extension procedure.

At the end of this period, the holder of the licence to use the weapon shall be granted a five-year extension of the document; on how to extend the licence to weapons, where to turn and how much it costs; on the basis of our article, the extension of the weapons licence, which must be known by the weapons permits, shall be carried out by the licensing offices; on the previous occasion, they were part of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and handed over to Rosguardia in the year; the documents for the extension of the weapons permit shall be filed not later than three months before the date of the expiry of the licence.

Arms extension documents


How to extend the permit for hunting weapons, the time limits, the documents that are included in the list of necessary documents for extension;


How to extend the weapons licence in 2019







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