Vlogde bailiffs official address 160025

Приставы вологда официальный сайт адрес 160025

It will be recalled that, in the event of the debtors ' inability to lend, bailiffs arrest housing, transport, furniture, household and computer equipment.

VIDEO ON THEME: How to check debts through the bailiff website

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Voulgda court bailiffs address: Vlogda court bailiffs address

Specialized division of bailiffs for the collection of administrative fines for the city of Cherpovtsa: Address: ; Mr. Cherepovec, District of Komsomolskaya, Dr. Babajevo, Street of Borova, Dr. Granny, Street of Grandmas', etc.

Belozerssk, K. Marxa, Dr. Grand Ostüg, Street of Pokrovsky, Dr. Verkhovage, Street of Pionera, D. Vlogda, Street of Petrozavodsky, D. Vozhega, Street of Sadova, D. Otegra, Street of Archangel, Dr. Dirzec, Street of Lenin, D. Kadui, Street of the Builders, 4 telephone: ; Division of Judicial Guards in Kirilov and Vashkin District: Address:, G.

Cyrillov, Proletar,1 Tel: ; Quich, City District Judicial Guards Unit: Address:, C. Kichmeng City, Lake River Street, 41; Tel: ; Nikolsky District Judicial Guards Unit: Address:, Nikolsk, District of Marshal Konev, D. Sokol, Kyrova Street, D. Tarnog Town, Uhl.

Proletary, Dr. Tomma, Street of Prostudio, Per. Communist, Dr. Harovsk, Street of Leningrad, Dr. Cherepovec, etc., builders, Dr. Shakesne, Street of Proletar, 13; Telephones: 8 25 62; E-mail: op51 r Petrozavodsky, 3; Telephone: ; E-mail: op21 r In addition, in this paragraph the menu can search for the necessary contact information on the name of the interested office or its structural unit.

Leaders: I. Deputy Head of the Office - Deputy Chief Justice - Saltykov Evgeny Vadimović: ; I.

Deputy Head of the Office, Deputy Chief Justice, Gorustović Igor Mihailović: Selected Audit and Audit posts: Chief Expert, Novoselov Division, Marina Mikhaylovna: Civilian Appeals Division: Head of Division, Krylov Alexei Alexandrovich: Legal Support Division: Head of Division, Egorov Elena Leonidov: Office for the Organization of the Search, Realization of Debtors' Property and the Search for Children: Head of Division, Nemov Vladimir Mihailović: ; Deputy Head of Division, Scripka Olga Vasilevna: Organization and Control Division: Head of Division, Suvorov Natali Nikolaevna: Office for the Organization of the Executive Proceedings: Head of Division, Potapova Natalya Nikolaevna: Deputy Head of the Court Management Division, Responsitization Division, Deputy Head of the Division, Kaibans Sergei Anatolievich: Deputy Head of the Division, Scrick of the Svetlan Pavlovna: Division of Information and Information Security: Head of the Division, Batašnov-Tal Kopal, Chief of the Department of Defence; Deputy Chief of Military Affairs, Department of Defence; Deputy Chief of the Military Affairs, Department of the Department of Defence Affairs, Bilyn D.

Precinct bailiffs ' regime of the petro-provincial facility 3

Specialized division of bailiffs for the collection of administrative fines in the city of Cherepovtsa: Address: ; in the city of Cherepovec, the village of Komsomolskaya, Dr. Babajevo, street.

Anton Ivanov locked the Russian businessman's door to the apartment, which the bailiffs took for debts by the businessman from Yekaterinburg, locked the door to his apartment. The businessman's home for debts took the bailiffs.

The Vlogda court bailiffs at the petrosaurus have not yet been evaluated. " The current list of officers with working telephone numbers " is provided below. You can also go to the page of a specific bailiff and evaluate his activities. " A single day of free legal aid will be held on Friday, 22 March, at the Regional Office of the Federal Service of the Marshals. " All interested are expected from 9 a.m. to 16 p.m. in Petrozavodskaya, 3.

Senior Court Officer of the Gvlogda

The address, contacts and other data are checked not more than three months ago. In order to visit the site in person, you should travel here: Vologodsk region, Vologda city district. This section contains materials that are available for downloading, printing and further dissemination at public service locations. To communicate information about the System to users of public services for users who use text messages to evaluate the service received, for users who use your monitoring site to evaluate the service received.

Inter-district Division of Critical Executive Production in Vologoda Region

Vlogda, Street, is headed by Chief Justice Larin Vasilia Anatolievich, who provides an up-to-date list of officials with addresses and telephone contact numbers on our resource. For more information, we recommend that you go to the page of the bailiff you are interested in.

The Specialized Division of Court Officers for the Enforcement of Court Procedures, the Specialized Division of Court Officers for the Recovery of Administrative Fines, Office of the Federal Service of Judicial Guards for Vologodsk Region, before visiting the institution, recommends that the relevant mode of operation of the FSPF divisions be clarified on an official website or by telephone.

Vlogod of the bailiffs of the velvets ' velvets ' velvets ' division of the bailiffs in the Vologod district of Vologodsk province Judicial bailiffs in Vologda Komsomolskaya, D. Komsomolskaya, etc. Judicial bailiffs of the velvet to know the debt.

Vologda's debt to the bailiffs

Paniceva Yekaterina Pavlovna Pavlovna Pavlovna, the official Vlogda website, is currently located in Vlogda, where eight bailiff departments are located. Addresses, telephones, working hours and other contact details of the institutions are listed below. Before visiting the institution, it is recommended that the current mode of operation of the FSPF divisions be clarified on the official website or by telephone.


Vould's official website, bailiffs


Office of the Federal Service of the Marshals in the Vologoda Region Address(a), Vologodsk Oblast, Vologda, Petrozavodsksksk Street, 3.


Vlogde bailiffs official address 160025


Pine of Tatiana Alexandrovna




Vlogde Division No. 2 of the Vologod Region


Vologda's bailiffs are the official website, check the debts, address.


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  1. Mephodius

    Authoritative point of view

  2. Yadwigs

    I think you're making a mistake.

  3. muetabteca1971

    Mm-hmm) so cool)

  4. Cyril.

    Yeah, I get it now, 'cause I don't know where the name is.

  5. Leocadia

    Thanks for the nice company.

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