Disciplinary action for gross violations of gendarme discipline

Привлечение к дисциплинарной ответственности за грубое нарушение слудкбной дисциплины

1. To approve the attached Disciplinary Statute of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation. To establish that the Disciplinary Statute of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation shall apply to officials of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation seconded to the federal executive authorities, other State bodies or organizations, taking into account the special features of service with the organizations established by law of the Russian Federation; to establish that the Director of the State Federal Service of the Russian Federation and the head of the Federal Migration Service shall enjoy the rights granted to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with regard to the application of the Disciplinary Statute of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in respect of officials of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation seconded to the State federal service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migration Service respectively, with the exception of the rights relating to the application of measures of encouragement in the form of an early appointment of another special rank or the assignment of another special rank to one step above the special regulations of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation relating to staff assigned to the State federal service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migration Service, respectively, except for the application of measures of measures of encouragement in the form of a further special rank or special rank to be assigned to the internal affairs of the Russian authorities in the Russian Federation on the internal affairs of the Russian Federation.

VIDEO ON THEME: Alexander Harichkov is fired for gross misconduct

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The Presidential Decree of the Russian Federation of 14 October N of N FZ "On service in the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation and the amendment of certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" and, in order to ensure service discipline in the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation, I decide: 1. To approve the attached Disciplinary Statute of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation.

To establish that the disciplinary statute of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation shall apply to officials of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation who are attached to the federal executive authorities or to other State bodies or organizations, taking into account the special characteristics of their service in those bodies established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and to establish that the Director of the State Field Service of the Russian Federation and the head of the Federal Migration Service shall enjoy the rights granted to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with regard to the application of the disciplinary statute of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation to officials of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation attached to the State federal service of the Russian Federation and to the Federal Migration Service, respectively, with the exception of the rights relating to the application of measures of encouragement in the form of an early appointment of another special rank or the allocation of another special rank to one level above the special rank provided for in the placement of posts in the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation and the imposition of disciplinary sanctions in the form of dismissal from service in the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation.

This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its signature by the President of the Russian Federation, Prim. General Regulations 1. This Statute shall be binding on the employees of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation.

This statute defines: and the nature of service discipline in the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation is further defined by the internal affairs agencies; the duties of the officers to observe and maintain service discipline; the duties and rights of the directors of the directors of the service discipline; the mandatory execution of orders and orders of the head of the head; the procedure for the application of incentives; the procedure for the imposition and execution of disciplinary sanctions; the procedure for the recording of incentives and disciplinary sanctions; and the procedure for appeals against disciplinary sanctions.

Service discipline in the internal affairs agencies is the observance by a staff member of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the oath of an officer of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation, the present statute, the contract, as well as the orders and orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, orders and orders of direct and direct directors of the procedure and rules for the performance of official duties and the exercise of the rights granted to the staff member.

Chapter 2: Duties of an officer to observe and maintain service discipline 5. N of the FL "On service in the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation and to amend certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", of the Federal Act of 25 December N of the FZ "On combating corruption" and of other federal laws. Staff members who are superiors are in all cases obliged to require them to comply with the service discipline, the requirements for official conduct and the rules for wearing uniforms.

7. Disciplinary rights granted to heads of heads of internal affairs are determined by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who, in the interim performance of his duties, exercises disciplinary rights in respect of this post, and who is personally responsible for maintaining discipline in the office entrusted to him or her by the internal affairs authority.

Chapter 4: Mandatory execution of an order from the head of the head of the head of the head - an order from the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head, addressed to the subordinate officer, to perform certain acts, to comply with rules or to establish order, the order must be in accordance with federal law and the orders of the superior of the head of the head of the head, and the order issued by the head of the head of the head must be executed by the subordinate officer, with the exception of a manifestly unlawful order.

When obtaining an order manifestly contrary to the law, the officer shall be bound by the law and shall notify the head of the superior who has given the known illegal order, or the superior of the superior, of the failure to comply with the unlawful order; the order may be given in writing or orally, including through the use of technical means of communication, to one subordinate or to a group of subordinates.

An order issued in writing is the principal executive act of law issued by the head of the staff members' superior, which is the direct head of the staff members' superiors, to whom he or she is subordinated, including temporarily; his or her immediate superior is his or her immediate superior.

In issuing an order, the superior must not allow abuse of authority or abuse of authority; the superior is prohibited from issuing an order that is not related to the performance of subordinate duties or aimed at violating the legislation of the Russian Federation; the order is formulated in a clear, clear and concise manner, without the use of language that allows for different interpretations; and the superior is obliged, before giving an order, to assess the situation in a comprehensive manner and to take measures to ensure its implementation.

Orders are issued in the order of subordination; if necessary, the direct superior may issue an order to the subordinate without the direct head of the superior.

In such a case, the direct superior shall inform the immediate head of the subordinates' superior or the subordinate himself of the receipt of the order to his immediate superior.

The superior may request a repetition of the order in order to ascertain the correct understanding of the order given to him, and the subordinate who receives the order may request the superior to repeat it.

If a subordinate does not agree with the order, he or she may appeal against it, and if he or she fails to comply with the order, the subordinate must report to the direct superior who has given the order and to his or her direct superior, the subordinate who has failed to comply with the order issued in accordance with the established procedure shall be held accountable on the grounds prescribed by the law of the Russian Federation.

The superior officer shall be responsible for the order and its consequences, for the conformity of the content of the order with the legislation of the Russian Federation and for the failure to take measures to enforce it; only the superior officer who has given it, or the superior direct supervisor, shall have the right to revoke the order; if the subordinate who carries out the order receives a new order from the superior head, who may prevent the execution of the earlier order, he shall report it to the superior direct head who has given the new order and, if the new order is confirmed, shall comply with it.

The Chief Executive Officer, who issued the new order, informs the Chief Executive Officer who gave the first order: Chapter 5: Measures to encourage and apply them for the good performance of their duties, the achievement of high performance in their work, and for the successful performance of tasks of increased complexity, the following incentives are applied to the staff member: a declaration of gratitude; the award of a valuable gift; the award of honorary credit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial body or unit; the addition of the name of the staff member to the book of honour or to the board of honour of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial body or unit; the award of departmental awards; the early award of another special title; the addition of a special rank to one level above the rank established for the position to be filled in the internal affairs bodies; and the award of firearms or cold weapons.

As a measure of encouragement, early withdrawal of the disciplinary sanction imposed on the employee may be applied; in the higher vocational education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the following incentives may also be applied in respect of a cadet or student, together with the incentives provided for in articles 27 and 28 of this Statute: the granting of extraordinary dismissal from the educational institution; and the establishment of a specific scholarship.

In cases where, in the opinion of the head of the head, it is necessary to apply incentives that go beyond the limits of his disciplinary rights, he/she shall apply to the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the staff and shall be given orders by the head of the head of the head and shall be delivered to the staff member in person, before the formation or at a meeting; in the event of a personal announcement to the staff member, the content of the order shall be communicated to the entire staff.

The measures of encouragement provided for in articles 27 to 29 of this Statute shall be applied in accordance with the procedure established by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and the submission of staff members to a special title, early on or up to one step above, as provided for in the assigned post in the internal affairs agencies, to the award of State awards to the Russian Federation and to the encouragement of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 6: Disciplinary sanctions, their imposition and execution may be imposed on staff members by the following disciplinary measures: a remark;

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Disciplinary sanctions in the form of exemption from office, reduction of the rank by one step, dismissal from the civil defence service shall be imposed on persons of superior rank whose appointment and assignment of special titles is carried out by the Head of the Luganian Peoples' Republic, in accordance with the law in force, and the name of the person of the rank of private or superior, subject to the disciplinary sanction provided for in paragraphs 67 and 68 of the present Statute, shall be removed from the board of honour of the executive authority of the State responsible for the formulation and implementation of public policy in the field of civil protection by its branches.

The Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Novosibir Regional Court, composed of T. Novosibirsk, presiding over the case on 18 October 1999, heard the report of Judge of the Novosibir Regional Court, Crais V.

Disciplinary action must be taken in accordance with the gravity of the breach of the service discipline and the degree of fault of the staff member in the performance of the service discipline, which, depending on the degree of severity, is divided into gross breaches of the service discipline and breaches of the service discipline; failure to perform and improper performance of official duties shall be deemed guilty if the staff member acted intentionally or negligently; in accordance with subparagraph 12 of the paragraph of the Regulations, the staff members' failure to comply with obligations: to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws; to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the heads of organs of the drug control, except for unlawful or unrelated to the performance of his duties; to keep a State or other legally protected secret and not to disclose information known to him or her in connection with the performance of his or her official duties that affects the privacy, honour and dignity of citizens; to lose military weapons; to take off duty, including the staff members' absence from service for more than four hours during the established daily service without any valid reason; to the staff members' appearance in a state of alcohol, narcotic or toxic intoxic intoxic intoxic intoxic intoxic intoxic intoxic treatment; to the extent of the staff members of the Regulations.

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1. The present Disciplinary Statute of the internal affairs organs of the Kyrgyz Republic is further binding on the staff of the internal affairs agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic and is based on the principles of legality, justification, fairness, appropriateness, timeliness, inevitability, liability, personal responsibility and non-receivability of double responsibility for the same offence. This Statute defines: the nature of the discipline in the internal affairs agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic is not further determined by the internal affairs bodies; the duties of the internal affairs agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic to respect and maintain the official discipline further by the officer; the duties and rights of the superior officer in maintaining the duty of discipline; the duties and powers of the commander in maintaining the duty of duty; the obligation to execute the order of the commander of the commander of the State; the procedure for the application of incentives; the procedure for imposing and executing disciplinary sanctions; the procedure for the enforcement of disciplinary measures; the procedure for the execution of disciplinary measures by the superior of the officers of the internal affairs system and the corresponding disciplinary rights.

Legal framework

The full text of document III. The following disciplinary measures may be imposed on staff members for breach of performance discipline: - observation; - reprimand; - strict reprimand; - warning of underperformance; - dismissal from service in drug control bodies. Disciplinary punishment must be commensurate with the gravity of the breach of service discipline and the degree of fault of the staff member. - Violations of service discipline, depending on the degree of severity, are classified as grave breaches of service discipline and breaches of service discipline.

The Court, while dismissing the cassation appeal, held that the gross violation of the official discipline of the absence of the complainant in the workplace without good reason had occurred, so that the defendant had grounds for disciplinary action and subsequent dismissal from the internal affairs authorities. The UK Decision on Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 20 May considered that dismissal was unlawful, since the defendant had violated the procedure for dismissal because he was not aware of the subject matter of the service inspection, he had not been informed in advance of the records of the performance review and the certifications, he had not been informed of the impending extraordinary evaluation, the findings of the evaluation commission did not agree, the disciplinary misconduct did not take place, the punishment imposed did not correspond to the gravity of the breach of service discipline.

This Statute is binding on the officers of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation to carry out the following: this Statute defines the nature of the official discipline in the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation as follows: the internal affairs agencies; the duties of the officers in respect of observance and maintenance of the official discipline; the duties and rights of the directors in maintaining the official discipline; the obligations to comply with orders and orders of the head of the head of the Russian Federation; the procedure for the application of incentives; the procedure for imposing and executing disciplinary sanctions; the procedure for taking into account the measures of encouragement and disciplinary sanctions; the procedure for appealing disciplinary sanctions; the duty of the officers in the internal affairs agencies to comply with the obligations established by law of the Russian Federation, the oath of the officer of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation, the present statute, the contract, as well as the orders and orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the orders and orders of the direct and direct directors of the procedure and the rules for the exercise of official duties and the exercise of the rights granted to the officer.

Disciplinary statute of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation

Of course, the law does not contain and cannot contain an exhaustive list of breaches of disciplinary discipline due to the diversity of duties of the internal affairs officers. In theory, any disciplinary misconduct by an authorized head may be subject to disciplinary action against the responsible officer; however, in selecting the type of disciplinary action, managers must bear in mind that it must be commensurate with the gravity of the misconduct and the degree of guilt.

1. The application of the Disciplinary Regulations shall apply to officers of the internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation [4]. Promotion - recognition and approval by the superior, within the scope of the powers granted, of the distinction between merit in the service of a subordinate and the exemplary performance of his or her official duties, as expressed in the form set out in the present Statute.

Gross misconduct: past merit and "faults" are not accounted for


(3) Formulate the concept of "gross breach of service discipline"....................................................................................................................








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  1. terima

    I liked it, but I'm sorry I just bumped into you.

  2. Zoe.

    That's how it goes:)

  3. Timothy

    Thank you, it's a great article.

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