3 Group Travel Cost of Izhevsk

Проездной для инвалидов 3 группы цена ижевск

After that, you have to go through an in-patient check-up, and the patient has to constantly explain why there's a malfunction in the body and how it's gonna get in the way of work and a full life, and the transport card, the Lower Novgorod, helps citizens who are unable to work because of their age, it's the responsibility of the state, and this device inside and outside is very similar to a plastic banking card.

VIDEO ON THEME: Disability pension of 3 groups in 2019 art-in-focus.ru

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What benefits are granted to persons with disabilities from the State

The cost of the trip is 19 roubles, and the passenger can pay for the bus, tram, trolleybus, and it is convenient that the balance is indicated on the ticket, and it is also possible to pay for the passage of several passengers and luggage by means of such a traveller.

The number of trips is limited to the balance of your card. The system is based on a timer for 19 roubles, which allows a passenger to move to another tram or trolleybus free of charge.

In order not to pay for a second trip, you need to present the transport card to the conductor and obtain the travel ticket, the money will not be withdrawn. The ticket that you will receive will indicate how many minutes are left before the end of the free period. Only one passenger can be paid for the trip. If you find that, before the end of the free period, funds have been written off from your card account, you must report by telephone the Transport Card for Retired Persons in Izhevsk, the Transport Card for Retired Persons may be used by Izhevska pensioners who do not receive other social support measures.

This is for 40 public transport trips, and it is important that only a pension certificate or a certificate from the Russian Pension Fund and a passport can be issued with the transport card, and that the pensioners' transport card can be obtained free of charge from the IFC at his place of residence.

The main difference is that it has no restriction on the number of trips and operates in all categories of transport. Its cost is rubles. You can get a social travel ticket from Russia's Post Office by submitting the documents granting the entitlement. Where can you buy a transport card in Izhevsk? In our city, you can buy the necessary transport card without paying extra fees at Lenina Street, 4a.

The transport card can be supplemented at Izhevsk, Lenina Street, 4a. The schedule of work: on Mondays before, on weekends from also the supplement address; on the street, how can Izevska be paid for in public transport by bank cards? It is important that the map should be unconnected with a variable wave badge on the map. If you pay for a bank card, the cost of travel is also 20 roubles. How can you restore the travel card if you lose it?

Bummaszewski, 5... it's possible if you lose your fare, it's stolen from you or it's ruined. 50 rubles is the price of the service.

Disability benefits 2018-2019

You can get confused about their cost, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way you get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they get them, the way they're going, the way they're going, the way they're going, the way they're going, the way they're going, the way they're going, the way they're going, the way they're going they're going, the way they're going they' they're gon're gon's gon' they's gon' they' they' they' they' they're gon'

Depending on the degree of the disorder suffered, three groups of persons with disabilities are identified. The assignment of a group is carried out by authorized specialists from federal medical institutions, who carry out medical and social examinations of the patient, and it is in accordance with the degree of the assigned group that citizens are entitled to benefits, the size and list of which are regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation.

A disability pension for these categories of persons may be established at the same time as an old-age employment pension; by this reference, you may be asked about tax benefits in your region. The property tax of the disabled persons in groups I and II does not pay the property and real estate tax for the following categories of citizens: the transport tax on cars specially equipped for use by the disabled; the land tax on the land tax is reduced by the amount of the inventory value of 6 square metres of land owned, permanently used or permanently inherited by the following categories of citizens: the disabled groups 1 and 2 of the disabled persons of the disabled from the age of childhood of veterans and those of the Great Patriotic War, as well as veterans and the disabled persons of the armed forces who have been or have suffered a radiation disease or have been disabled as a result of tests, exercises and other work related to any type of nuclear installation, including nuclear weapons and space technology.

Travel in Izhevsk 2019: species and prices

Depending on the degree of the disorder suffered, three groups of disability are identified. In this article, the assignment of a group is carried out by authorized specialists from federal medical institutions, who carry out medical and social examinations of the patient. It is precisely according to the degree of the group assigned to them that citizens are entitled to benefits, the size and list of which are regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation. In this article, consideration should be given to whether there are allowances for airline tickets for persons with disabilities and what types of travel benefits are available for persons with disabilities. The amount of the travel allowance for citizens with different degrees of disability depends on the degree of disability, first, second or third. Please note that compensation for travel is paid in two ways, one way or the other. Attention should be drawn to the provision of free travel to the place of treatment for persons with disabilities in the first group only once a year.

Who is entitled to a fare in suburban buses?

As a rule, a disabled person in three groups may be able to apply for public transport benefits on his own, but if he or she is unable to do so for any reason, he or she entrusts this task to a trusted person; there are situations in which a disabled person lives far away, such as a village or a PTA from the Pension Fund or the Social Service, and several times he or she does not have the strength to come to these institutions, in which case the State makes concessions and allows for the sending of documents by mail.

You can buy and add cards without a student ticket or a schoolboy's ticket, and both students and students and their parents can do it.

The benefits of 3 groups of persons with disabilities are limited to buses, trams and trolleybuses, while the first group receives rubles and the second and third groups receive rubles, and the benefits vary from region to region.

Pleasure travel ticket lower Novgorod for a disabled person in group 3

In the framework of State support for persons with disabilities, public transport benefits are granted to persons with disabilities, and in more detail they are included in this material from Invaworld. Let us go into more detail: Travel benefits for persons with disabilities in Group 1. In this case, public transport in the city is completely free of charge.

The cost of the journey is 19 rubles, while the traveller can pay for the bus, tram, trolleybus, and it is convenient that the balance of funds is indicated on the ticket. It is also possible to pay for multiple passengers and luggage. The number of trips is limited to the balance of your card. The system is as follows: 19 rubles have a timer, which allows a passenger to move to another tram or trolleybus free of charge.

Where in Izhevsk will you buy your fares, and what will be in effect in 2019?


In Izhevsk, there are different types of travel arrangements for different groups of citizens: student, not limited, 1, 1 calendar month., 2., 3 is calculated for the use of a preferential category of citizens (veterans, disabled persons and some to add and buy a transport card.


Pleasure travel for persons with disabilities in groups 3


Pension, social, school and student: what are the travellers operating in Izhevsk




3 Group Travel for Persons with Disabilities



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  1. Vitaly

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  2. Gavrilah

    It's usually a half-year requirement.

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