Order to supplement the monthly office clerk for volume increases

Распоряжение о надбавке ежемесячной делопроизводителю за увеличения объема

Section 7 of the Regulation on Incentives does not prescribe any conditions for which incentives are being removed. Is the activities of the accounting profession lawful when agreed with the director of the U.S.? Alexander Zviagin replied on 18 September above. NataLi57 on 19 September, Alexander Sergeievich, thank you very much for the clarification. If I understand you correctly, those incentives that are fixed in the tariffication and prescribed in the contract of employment must be paid in full, and which, on the orders of the director, they are also distributed to us for a year, but under another provision, the tariffication cannot be paid if there are objective reasons to do so. And the question also arises: In the Regulation of Ot, the ratio of a teachers' post, regardless of education: secondary special or higher, must be one?

FOR MYSELF AND "that guy" - Elena A. Ponomareva

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An order to increase the volume of work

If the worker consents to additional work, he or she must specify: what the work is, its maintenance and the period during which it is to be performed; the amount of the supplementary payment; and the period during which the citizen will be employed under new conditions.

On the basis of the agreement, the employer will issue an order for the temporary performance of additional duties, to be communicated to the staff member by signature.

The following is a model order for an increase in the volume of work: data on the combination of occupations, the increase in the volume of work, the performance of duties of a staff member who is temporarily absent, without being exempted from basic work, are not required to be entered into the labour register: how is the additional payment going on? According to what is required in determining the amount of the supplement, the employer must take into account: the content and or scope of the additional work. The Labour Code of the Russian Federation does not define the minimum or the maximum amount of the supplement.

All payments are made officially and the relevant documents are issued, and any discrimination in the establishment and modification of the conditions of pay is prohibited; the increase in the amount of work without pay may be envisaged in the instructions of some employees when another staff member is absent from the workplace with similar responsibilities as an absent colleague.

These provisions of the official instructions, which form part of the contracts, do not provide for the implementation of an additional payment, because in this case the work is performed within the framework of the contract concluded; this is stated in the letter from the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation from the point of view of the fact that, under the official instruction and the employment contract, one employee is not authorized to replace the other in full, the additional payment is possible; the employers' liability if the employer fails to document and pay for the additional work of the employees, he or she may be subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine from rubles to rubles.

In this case, the director of the enterprise must issue an order to stop the accrual and payment of the supplementary payment by the accounting profession, and both the employee and the company may refuse the increase in the volume of work ahead of schedule, and for this purpose one party must notify the other party in writing within three working days of its wish; this must be either the employees' application or the employers' notice, which shall be made free of charge.

The employees' notification should be communicated by signature; the termination of the increased workload should be recorded by order; the date of termination should be indicated; the employees' order should be communicated by signature.

Supplements and allowances - additional pay for employees

The model and form of this paper are attached. In most cases, in small organizations, the clerk handles the case, but sometimes the organization does not have a secretary at all, and a person is needed to process documents of fundamental importance to the company, or there is a secretary, but he does not deal with the amount of documentation that needs to be filled in, processed, sent, etc.

1. This Regulation on the Pay of Employees of the Municipal Budget Institution "City and Forestry" is further elaborated with a view to ensuring social protection, improving, regulating and regularizing the remuneration of employees of the Municipal Budget Institution "Cities and Forestery", including the directors, respectively, the Institution, the employees.

If the employee consents to additional work, an order will be issued by the employer for the temporary performance of additional duties, which must be communicated to the employee, as follows: a model of the order for the additional payment for the increase in the volume of work, the increase in the volume of work and the performance of the duties of the staff member who is temporarily absent without being released from the main work on the labour register is provided below.

Incentive payments: employers' right or obligation?

That this increase in the volume of work by some of the employees of enterprises confuses two concepts from the human resources lexicon: combining and increasing the volume of work; they are somewhat similar, but have one fundamental difference: in combining jobs in two different occupations or jobs, at the same time being in two positions in the staffing table; in increasing the volume of work, it does not happen: the staff member, in addition to his or her standard functions, has a parallel obligation to perform additional tasks without taking up a second full-time unit. It should be noted that the increase in the volume of work is beneficial to both sides of the labour relationship: the employer does not have to be embarrassed by the creation of a new job, especially if the additional function is not so large and his or her subordinate is able to earn more; who may be affected by an increase in the volume of work. In general, it is possible to assign additional responsibilities to any staff member of the organization or even more; it is only important that the level of education, work experience, qualifications and position are consistent with the newly assigned functions; the conditions for an increase must be approved by the management of the enterprise before the subordinate before carrying out of the additional responsibilities.

Payment for increased workload

The Articles for Accountant Supplements and Allowances are supplementary pay for employees on the basis of Art. It is calculated on the basis of tariff rates, salaries, allowances and allowances, and various questions arise on which it is difficult to find clear answers in the legal framework; incorrect calculation of the Supplements and Allowances leads to disagreement with the inspection bodies.

Administration of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy Specialist for Youth Work; Specialist 2.

The basis for the implementation and termination of the payment to the heads of the institutions is the orders of the Russian Federations' SWD, which are paid in proportion to the time worked, and the monthly allowance for special working conditions.

Office Officer Order

1. The remuneration of employees shall be determined on the basis of: a single tariff and qualification manual for the work and professions of workers; a single qualification manual for the positions of managers, professionals and employees or professional standards; State guarantees for wages: the wage of employees shall be fixed by contract in accordance with this regulation and shall consist of: salary of the employee; compensation payments; incentive payments; a ceiling of the average monthly salary of the director, his deputies, the general accountant, which shall be drawn from all sources of financial security and shall be calculated for the calendar year, and the average monthly salary of the employees, without taking into account the salaries of the director, his deputies and the general accountant, shall not exceed the number 3.



Monthly allowance for difficulty, tension and high performance in labour: increased workload (position of vacant post in the unit concerned; execution by the Business Manager.








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