Servitate agreement

Соглашение об установлении сервитута

The administrative procedure begins with the receipt of documents and information upon request, including the inter-ministerial result of this administrative procedure. The outcome of the procedure is either the signing by the Director of the Department of Conclusion or the sending to the IAC of the City of Sochi of a motivated refusal to provide the municipal service to the applicant. The procedure for the transmission of the result of the service is to prepare an opinion as to whether it is possible to establish the easements, or the determination of the possibility of establishing the easements in other boundaries thereafter - Opinion, within a period of 2 three days, and to sign by the head of the Department. The Director of the Department or the person performing his/her duties signs the opinion in due course. 1 day is to be completed by the Executive Director of the Department. The report is attached to Delu by the Department. If the grounds for refusal to provide the municipal services referred to in paragraph 30 of the Administrative Regulations are identified, the perpetrator shall, within 2 days, prepare a reasoned refusal to provide the municipal services on the Departments' form, sign it with the head of the Department within one working day, and transmit the said refusal to the IBA of Sochi for the applicant to be issued with the documents referred to in paragraphs 20, 21 of the Administrative Regulations.

VIDEO ON THEME: Servity for the use of the precinct, word to the lawyer, issue 69

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CAU Altay Province IFC

The conclusion of agreements on the establishment of easements Free certificate The conclusion of agreements on the establishment of easements The purpose of the agreement on the establishment of easements is: to ensure passage and passage through the land; to construct temporary or auxiliary structures, including fences, cabins, curtains, storage of construction and other materials, equipment for the construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities; to install linear facilities, communications facilities, special information signs and protective equipment, which do not prevent the authorized use of the land; to carry out prospecting; and to carry out works relating to the use of the subsoil.

Applicants for municipal services are legal and natural persons citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons, including those registered as individual entrepreneurs; an application for municipal services on behalf of the applicant may be made by his authorized representative when submitting an identity document and a document certifying the representatives' authority in accordance with the civil law of the Russian Federation.

1. A copy of the original document confirming the credentials of the applicants' representative shall be submitted.

A map of the boundaries of the easements on the territorys' cadastral plan, indicating the coordinates of the characteristic points of the territorys' boundaries, is used by the reference system used for the state real estate cadastre, which is followed by a map of the boundaries of the easements, if the applicant asks for the easements to be set for part of the land to be presented in the original.

The cost of the service and the procedure for the provision of the municipal service shall be provided free of charge, and the payment under the agreement on the establishment of the easements for the land in municipal ownership shall be determined in accordance with the procedure established by the municipal legal act.

The duration of the service is as follows: 1. In the event of an agreement on the establishment of a service for the entire land, 30 days from the date of registration of the application for the municipal service.

In the event of a settlement agreement for a period of up to three years with respect to a part of the land without cadastral work and registration on the State cadastre, 30 days from the date of registration of the application for municipal services, in other cases the municipal service is provided in two phases, the duration of which is as follows: at the stage of the decision on the possibility of concluding the agreement, 30 days from the date of registration of the application for municipal services; at the stage of the conclusion of the agreement on the establishment of the mortgage, 30 days from the day of the registration of the notification of the State cadastre of part of the land.

The result of the service provided by the municipal service is an agreement with the applicant on the establishment of the easements.

The following facts may be denied to the applicant for the provision of municipal services if there are grounds for refusing to provide the service: The grounds for refusing to accept the application for the municipal service and the documents attached to it are as follows: 1. The information provided in the application is not readable; the applicants are provided with unreadable documents, documents containing notes, cleanings and stamps.

Documents containing injuries have been submitted which do not permit a clear interpretation of their contents; a statement is made by a person whose authority to sign and file an application is not confirmed by the documents.

The applicant filed an application and documents with the authorized authority at an irregular time, and the following facts constitute an exhaustive list of grounds for refusing to provide municipal services: 1. The form of the applicants' application does not correspond to the form of the application established by the Administrative Regulations.

There are no documents provided for in the Administrative Regulations, and the statement indicates the objectives of the agreement for the establishment of the easements, which are not provided for in the Administrative Regulations.

An application for an agreement for the establishment of a easements has been made in respect of a land under which the City of Yekaterinburg does not have the authority: the land for which the agreement for the establishment of the easements is to be concluded shall be granted to another natural or legal person for permanent and indefinite use, to life-long inherited possession, to rent or to free use for more than one year; the establishment of the land for which the agreement is to be concluded shall result in the exclusion of the use of the land in accordance with its authorized use, or in substantial difficulties in the use of the land.

Administrative Rules.

Conclusion of agreements for the establishment of easements

The procedure for concluding an agreement on the establishment of a easements in respect of a land subject to the procedure for the conclusion of an agreement on the establishment of easements in respect of the land contained in the application for an agreement on the establishment of easements should indicate the purpose and the intended period of validity of the easements; if the application for an agreement on the establishment of easements provides for the establishment of easements in respect of the entire land, the annex of the scheme of boundaries of the easements in the cadastral plan of the territory to the said application is not required; the application and the attached documents of the applicants' choice may be submitted in writing or in the form of electronic documents in the form of the procedure established for the application for the granting of the plots; the competent authority shall decide not to establish the easements in the following cases: 1 application for the establishment of the easements shall be submitted to the executive or local government authorities which are not entitled to enter into an agreement on the establishment of the easements; 2 the proposed use of the land may not be made in accordance with federal laws; 3 the establishment of ease will result in the inability to use of the land in accordance with its permitted use or to make significant difficulties in the use of the land.

The maximum waiting period in line 15 minutes. The procedure for registration of a request for registration of an application on personal application to the Administration shall not exceed 15 minutes. If other means of submitting an application to the Administration in the form of electronic documents, by means of a paper link on working days, on the day of receipt, on weekends or on public holidays, on the first working day following the day of receipt.

The applicant shall not be required to provide other documents not referred to in paragraph 2. The applicant shall have the right to withdraw the application on the basis of a personal written statement of withdrawal of the application, in which case the work on the application shall be terminated by an authorized authority and the applicant shall be notified by letter to the authorized authority within thirty days of the date of registration by the authorized authority of the application referred to in paragraph 1 of this paragraph. In the event that the applicant does not submit the documents referred to in paragraph 2.

Servitate Agreement

The limited use of the land area shall be carried out by Party 2 strictly within the boundaries defined under paragraph 1. Servitut shall be maintained if the rights to the land, which is encumbered by the land, are transferred to another person, as well as if the lease is entered into by Party 1 or otherwise, except as provided by law. Party 2 shall pay for the easel not later than the date of each current month, in the amount set out in the annex to this agreement. Party 1 shall not be obliged to prevent Party 2 from carrying out the easements. Party 1 shall be entitled to demand the payment of the cover within the time specified in the agreement. Party 2 shall be entitled to act on the use of the land in accordance with paragraph 1. Party 2 shall be obliged to: 4. Parties shall be liable for failure to comply with or to properly comply with the terms of this agreement in accordance with the law in force. Disputes arising from the implementation of this agreement shall be settled in accordance with the law in force by the courts.


Questions and answers with the possibility to ask the lawyer a free question: the concept, characterization and legal regulation of Servitut is the right to limit the use of other persons ' property; in the Russian legal system, the easements can only be established with respect to real estate; legal regulation of easel legal relations is carried out with the help of art.

An indicative form of agreement for the establishment of a portion of the land plot has been prepared by the experts of the company "Guarante" of the Agreement for the establishment of a part of the land plot.

Checks that there are grounds for deciding not to enter into an agreement on the establishment of a easements; prepares a draft notice of the possibility of concluding an agreement on the establishment of easements within the applicants' proposed boundaries; where there are grounds for establishing the easements within other boundaries if it is not possible to set them within the boundaries specified in the application, prepares a draft proposal for the applicant to do so; where there is no basis for a decision on the refusal to conclude an agreement on the establishment of the easements, subject to a decision on the establishment of the easements for the whole of the land or for a part of such a land without undertaking work that would result in the preparation of the documents necessary for the implementation of the State cadastre of the part of the land to which the easet is set, without the State cadastre of the said part of the land and without the State registration of the limitation arising from the establishment of the cover, prepares an opinion on the possibility of concluding an agreement on the establishment of a cover.

The conclusion of agreements on the establishment of easements is based on the following objectives: to ensure passage and passage through the land; to construct temporary or auxiliary structures, including fences, cabins, sheds, storage of construction and other materials, equipment for the construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities; to install linear facilities, communication facilities, special information signs and protective equipment that do not prevent the authorized use of the land; to carry out prospecting; to carry out work related to the use of the subsoil; to provide services to the applicants by legal and natural persons of the Russian Federation, foreign nationals, stateless persons, including those registered as individual entrepreneurs; and to apply for municipal services on behalf of the applicant by his authorized representative when submitting an identity document and a document certifying the representatives' authority in accordance with the civil law of the Russian Federation.

1. Unless otherwise established by federal law, the payment under the agreement on the establishment of easements in respect of land in State or municipal property shall be determined by: 1 in the order established by the Government of the Russian Federation in respect of land in federal property; 2 in the procedure established by the authority of the State authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in respect of land in respect of land owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and land owned by the State; 3 in the procedure established by the local authority in respect of land in respect of land in municipal property; 1 in the order established by the agreement on the establishment of serum in respect of land in the municipal property; 1 in the order established by the agreement on the establishment of non-servity in respect of land in that part of the State property in that part of the Government of the Russian Federation in respect of land in respect of land in federal property; 2 in the procedure established by the authority of the State authority in respect of land in respect of land owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and land in respect of land in which there is no separation; 3 in the procedure established by the local authority in respect of the agreement on the establishment of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of which the implementation by the parties in respect of land in respect of which it is made by the authorized by the authorized by the authorized by the authorized by the State authority; or by the State authority of the State authority in respect of the State authority in respect of the establishment of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in respect of land in the establishment in the establishment in the establishment in the land in the land in the establishment in the establishment in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in accordance in the land in the establishment in the establishment in the establishment in the establishment in the land in the establishment in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land in the land


This agreement on the establishment of a private emergency easements for the land (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") is concluded between the two.








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