Contract for pre-routine medical examinations of drivers of vehicles

Договор о предрейсовых медицинских осмотрах водителей транспортных средств

For all road transport owners, the Road Safety Act for Legal Persons and Entrepreneurs engaged in activities related to the operation of vehicles requires the organization and conduct of pre-shipment medical examinations of drivers with the involvement of health personnel. p. The purpose of pre-shipment medical examinations of drivers is to identify persons who, for medical reasons, cannot be allowed to drive a vehicle, both from the point of view of road safety and of protecting the health of drivers and passengers.

VIDEO ON THEME: Organization of pre-routine medical examinations for drivers in Lower Novgorod

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Pre-shipment medical examination contract for drivers

As set out in the article, individual self-employed transport operators, i.e. drivers, are not exempt from examinations, and some of the points concerning the performance of pre-shipment medical examinations are described in the article. The provisions of these regulations coincide, in particular the regulation on the need to keep a register of medical examinations.

The pre-shipment medical examination of drivers must be carried out by the pre-routine medical examination log. This procedure must be carried out by all drivers employed in the organization, regardless of the type of vehicle they are driving. The staff members' condition must be checked immediately prior to the journey. The time spent by the employee for the examination shall be considered as working time. In accordance with para. The results of the examination shall be entered into the drivers' travel manifest at the current date and in the pre-routine medical examination log.

When an employee is found to be in an irregular condition, he is suspended from driving and sent to a medical facility to provide primary care, which may be based on traces of alcohol or drugs, increased pressure, increased heart rate and signs of acute illness.

One of the aims of pre-shipment medical examinations is to prevent people under the influence of toxic drugs, such as alcohol or drugs, from managing TCs because the drivers' assessment of his capacity has increased dramatically and the attention and anxiety required on the road has been reduced.

Tatiana Chirkina, editor-in-chief of the Trudohrana site. Driver inspections can only be carried out in a room to which special requirements apply in a medical office. This room must consist of at least two rooms: inspection rooms and a biological media selection room. It will also require the equipment of medical equipment, appliances and furniture: a medical couch; a desk; a desk; a table; a table lamp; a dressing cabinet; a rack for upper clothing; a floor mat; a safe; and an arterial pressure device of 2 units.

The minimum list of equipment is given in para.

Contract for pre-shipment inspections

1. The employer shall direct and the perpetrator shall assume obligations for the duration of this contract to carry out pre-shipment, post-shipment medical examinations of drivers of motor vehicles of the Employer. The perpetrator shall perform the works listed in para.

Subject matter 1. Moscow, Gabrielsky Street, D.

Contract for the free provision of pre-shipment medical examination services to drivers of vehicles [the place of conclusion of the contract] [number, month, year] [name of the organization], through [position, F. Subject matter 1. Under this contract, the perpetrator undertakes to provide free pre-routine medical examination services to drivers of motor vehicles employed by the Employer. The list of workers to be inspected is annexed to this contract and is an integral part of it.

Pre-shipment medical examinations for drivers

An indicative form of contract for the provision of pre- and post-shipment medical examination services to drivers of vehicles has been prepared by Garant experts. Contract for the reimbursement of services for periodic pre-shipment medical examinations of drivers of vehicles [to indicate the place of conclusion of the contract] [number, month, year] [full name of the organization, enterprises with organizational and legal form], in person [post, F. Subject subject of the contract. 1. The perpetrator undertakes to provide services for mandatory pre-shipment, post-shipment and ongoing medical examinations of drivers of vehicles, while the Employer undertakes to pay for the services of the Executor in the manner, amount and under the conditions provided for in this contract. Organization and arrangements for the conduct of medical examinations. Responsibilities of the Parties. 2. Pre-shipment medical examinations of drivers shall be aimed at identifying persons who, for medical reasons, cannot be allowed to operate on medical grounds, both from a safety position and to protect the health of drivers of vehicles. The prior medical examinations shall be carried out only by medical personnel holding the relevant certificate and the medical establishment.

You are here: Principal Documents of the Pre-Risk Medical Examinations Treaty of Drivers Treaty of Pre-Rational Medical Examinations Updated: Subject matter of Contract 1. The perpetrator performs the works listed in paragraph 2. Duties and rights of the parties. 2. The employer is obliged to: 2.

Subject matter 1.

The employer shall direct and the perpetrator shall undertake during the period of this contract to carry out pre- and post-shipment medical examinations of the drivers of vehicles further to the services of the Employer and the Employer shall undertake to pay for the services rendered in a manner consistent with the requirements of this Agreement.

A contract with one of the medical organizations mentioned in para.

Take a look at this: Find the answer, print the medical examination on the track.

As set out in the article, individual self-employed transport operators, i.e. drivers, are not exempt from examinations, and certain points concerning the performance of pre-routine medical examinations are described in article 3 of the regulations in question; in particular, they contain a regulation on the need to keep a register of medical examinations; the record of pre-routine medical examinations; and the prior medical examination of drivers. This procedure is required to be carried out by all drivers employed in an organization, regardless of the type of vehicle they operate.


Contract for mandatory pre- and post-shipment medical examinations of drivers of vehicles.








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