Which group of people doesn't charge a transport tax

Какая группа людей не лотят транспортный налог

Other than pensioners, who can not pay the transport tax? Taraskin Phone 8, 8 How can you get information on the status of your application? The categories that have social benefits are exempt from the payment of the property contribution, including pensioners, category 1 and 2 disabled persons, workers ' veterans, disabled persons from birth, heroes of the Soviet Union, Chernobyls, but the taxation of beneficiaries has changed.


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Transport tax for pensioners

The transport tax of St. Petersburg is approved at the federal level as well as at the regional level, since the tax subsidies are a legitimate means of saving costs, we will look into the way in which the transport tax benefit is introduced in the year.

Note that this article will deal mainly with natural persons: tax benefits on transport tax are known to belong to regional charges; such budgetary payments are regulated through the NC of the Russian Federation, as well as by the legislation of the authorities of the regions of the State.

Who is exempt from the payment of the transport tax according to the Tax Code? According to the statute, the TH licence is calculated by reducing the tax itself by the amount of the payment; in addition, the transport tax benefits are granted to the physical persons who are granted certain subsidies in the regions of the Russian Federation; each entity of the Russian Federation decides on its own the list of preferential categories of citizens, in particular pensioners.

In order to find out who is exempt from the payment of the transport tax, it is necessary to contact the tax inspectorate of the region or to consult the FNS portal for background information.

These are primarily motor vehicles, buses, motor vehicles, motorcycles, boats, boats, aircraft, heaters, helicopters, etc. The following vehicles, designed for disabled persons, do not belong to TH taxation facilities: light vehicles up to L. Sea-going fishing vessels, special vehicles, tractors and self-propelled vehicles used in agriculture.

Other facilities: Who does not pay a transport tax in Russia according to regional standards is entitled to a transport tax exemption for veterans of combat action? Are there any transport tax benefits for workers' veterans? Illiteracy answers to these and other similar questions concerning subsidies under TH for enterprises and physical persons should be obtained from the territorial unit of IFNS of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or study local legislation independently.

These benefits may or may not be available in the region.

Pensioners are men over 60 years of age and women are 55 years of age.

Which group of people doesn't charge a transport tax

The precise list of those exempt from the payment of transport taxes in St. Petersburg is approved at the federal level as well as at the regional level. Since tax subsidies are a legitimate means of saving money, we will look into the procedure for the processing of the transport tax allowance in the year. Please note that this article will deal mainly with natural persons.

For the convenience of the passengers, it became possible to buy and hand over the ticket online as well as in the cashiers' office, but how much does the passenger get from the original cost of the ticket on return?

Some of the money spent on the purchase of tickets is lost, the railway ticket purchased at the train station can be surrendered at the point of purchase by contacting the return office; the ticket itself and the identity card must be presented for the return of the funds; the identity of the passenger and the person applying for the return may not be the same; and if the return of the ticket is made after departure of the train from the start-up station, the person to whom the travel document is issued must apply to the register.

Who, other than pensioners, can not pay the transport tax?

The Ministry of Finance has recalled that not only pensioners have the right not to pay the property tax under the law, but also to pay the transport tax, but there are other categories of citizens who may legally refuse to pay the tax for the use of the purchased transport. On paper, everything looks just and noble, but in reality a sufficient number of citizens who are entitled to the benefits do not receive them. It is not the case that the law does not work or the State is trying to escape its obligations.

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There are thousands of such people in our country.

The transport tax for persons with many children in Moscow belongs to a socially disadvantaged category of citizens whose income often consists only of the payment of social benefits, and the State therefore seeks to provide them with additional preferential conditions that contribute to reducing the costs of pensioners, one such condition being the benefit of the payment of the transport tax for pensioners; this type of tax is regulated by art.

How much we lose on an electronic ticket

Many people ask themselves, "How can we not pay or at least reduce the hate tax?

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Transport tax benefits


The Duma proposed a reduction of the transport tax for powerful boats, was considered at a meeting of the working group of the Tax and Budget Committee, by the fact that people would register their ships more frequently, swimming in the Volga in the Saratov region, not registered, at the time.








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  1. Borislava

    I hope you come to the right decision.

  2. Aglaia

    If I were you, I'd do it differently.

  3. All-slave.

    Yes, we can talk about it.

  4. Modest

    It's not a bad post, but it's too much.

  5. Adelaide

    Hell, I'm not gonna get fucked up!

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