What's the timing of the return and the car?

Какие сроки возврат а машина

Returning money for work of inadequate quality return of vehicles of inadequate quality. If your car has suddenly ceased to start or your faults have reappeared after repair, and you have decided to return the car dealer, or return the car under guarantee, you can apply to us in full-time at St. Petersburg, V. After a preliminary check and preparation of all the documents, our public organization will apply for the protection of your interests in court for the replacement of the car for a new or the return of all money. Depending on the age of service, the action will be brought against either the car seller or the importer.

VIDEO ON THEME: Consumer rights as to how to return goods

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Return the car to the seller.

Returning money for work of inadequate quality return of vehicles of inadequate quality: If your car has suddenly ceased to start or after the repairs, the defects are reappeared and you have decided to return the car dealer, or return the car under guarantee, you can make a statement to us in person at St. Petersburg, B.

After pre-screening and preparation of all the documents, our public organization will apply for protection of your interests in court for the replacement of the car for a new one or the return of all the money. Depending on the lifetime of the vehicle, the action will be brought against either the car seller or the importer. Provisional recording on telephone 8 First of all, you must know that the manufacturer was obliged to produce and the seller was obliged to sell to you a good product of good quality, which meets the requirements of the Russian GOSTs, the terms of the contract itself, including those specified in the instructions for the operation of the car.

For example, if the instructions to your AVC state that the oil consumption is up to 0.5 litres per km, then the higher consumption will be a deficiency. If the instruction says that your car has to run in five seconds, the acceleration in more time will be a deficiency. Finally, if the oven started to blow cold air instead of hot air, then you found a deficiency.

Simply put, a deficiency is any apparent or perceived fault in a car's operation, no matter what kind of fault it causes in the car's systems, because for the consumer, any loss of the consumer's quality is a disadvantage. What if you discovered a deficiency and decided to return the car? True, because the car is a technically difficult commodity, the right to replace the goods or return the money paid for them is only available to the consumer for the first 15 days after the transfer of the car without any additional conditions.

We'll deal with each case separately, and you'll also learn about the practice of our lawyers, what we've been able to achieve in protecting consumers' rights in disputes with auto dealers, for example, in our practice, the consumer complained that the steering wheel of his car had not returned to its original position, the lack of corrosion of the body, the disruption of the paint cover, in which case you have to stop moving and deliver the car on the tow truck to the nearest authorized service centre of your brand.

Require that your complaints be recorded in writing and in detail when receiving the vehicle at the service, that the master confirm the deficiency at the time of admission in the advance purchase order or other similar document, and that the document itself request that the deficiencies in the warranty be corrected.

And most importantly, you must have one copy of this document with signatures and seals, or a copy of it in the same way. Why not? It's forbidden.

One of our clients complained that his car, Chevrolet, had been under repair since November. When the repairs were completed, it was only two days before the engine problems were resolved.

The dealer refused without any motive, after which we filed a claim for consumer rights before the Khoroszew District Court in Moscow, and at a total cost of about 1,000 cars. You also need to pay attention to the registration of the return of the vehicle from the warranty, and note that the purchase order contains a statement that the repair is a warranty.

All this may be necessary in the future when the issue of the replacement of the vehicle or the termination of the contract of sale arises; during the period of the vehicles' stay in the warranty, the period of guarantee will be extended; therefore, require the issuance of documents relating to each case of warranty, indicating the date of circulation, the date of delivery of the vehicle, the date of completion of the repair, the date of issue of the machine, the description of the work performed and the spare parts used for it.

The right to demand such documents is granted to you. Yes, no one wants to think about future problems, but practice shows that there are almost no cars that would not have been in the warranty.

In all such disputes, there are important documents to prove that the shortcomings of the past have been corrected, so let us consider replacing the car or returning the money paid for it. However, since the price of the question is not small and the car dealers and importers are reluctant to meet such consumer demands, it is important to have quality legal support and to record their claims correctly.

First of all, you have the right to request the replacement of a car or the replacement of a new car, not only from the seller, but also from the importer or the Russian manufacturer. See the information on the importer or manufacturer. You can learn from the PTS for the vehicle. The written claim must contain an indication that you are requesting the replacement of the vehicle with the same model or brand; either that you are terminating the contract of sale, that you are requesting the return of the value of the car in the sellers' claim, or that you are requesting the return of the value of the car to the importer or the Russian manufacturer; that you are prepared to hand over the existing car and that you are asking for the location and time of the transfer.

The claim is filed either on purpose, then the second copy requires receipt of the acceptance mark or is sent by mail with an inventory of the investment and a notice of service.The easiest way to deliver the claim is to deliver the claim by courier, stating in the consignment note that the departure contained a claim for replacement of the vehicle with its value, indicating the VIN of the vehicle.

Further correspondence with the auto dealer, the importer or the manufacturer is likely to require the assistance of a lawyer, either because it may require a quality check or before forensic examination at the sellers' expense. On the contrary, they must prove that there is no shortage in your car or that it is due to operational reasons. If you agree to the warranty, you will no longer be able to request replacement of the car or return its value. An example from our practice is that the owner of Audi A4 has approached us with increased oil consumption.

Expenditures after that seemed to have decreased, but a few months before the end of the guarantee period, oil consumption still exceeded the norm.

It was a signal that some of the systems were not working normally, which meant that after the end of the guarantee period, the consumer would still be at risk of falling into a bad situation where it might have required a costly repair of the engine. Referring to a re-detection of the deficiency, the consumer informed the seller of the termination of the contract and demanded the return of the value of the car, for which he received an unexplained letter.

At the same time, the letter questioned whether the increased oil consumption might be related to the way the consumer was driving, and when we got involved in the case, we first wrote a notice of willingness to transfer the car, and then we wrote a third statement to the seller, explaining to him that within 10 days of the first consumer's claim, he was obliged either to return the money or to appoint an independent expert if there were doubts as to the reasons for the increased oil consumption.

Not a few days later, our consumer was asked to replace the car without a trial, or to replace the car, or to return the value.

Identification of a significant deficiency: the concept of a significant legal deficiency: almost always requires an auto-technical examination to confirm that a deficiency is significant; however, it is not a problem, we cooperate with the main expert organizations conducting such research; the main task here is to put the questions right for the expert; one of the significant deficiencies mentioned above is that once the guarantee has been eliminated, the same increased oil consumption is the same.

An example of a recurring deficiency can be found here and there, but the coolant went away again, and it was impossible to drive such a car because any moment could start overheating the engine. For the third time, the consumer demanded that the money paid for the car be returned. First, the dealer did not acknowledge the fault, one after several claims we had prepared admitted that the deficiency was present and that it would take about hours to repair it.

However, with this duration of repair, the deficiency is significant, so we have prepared an application to the Vidnovsk City Court of Moscow Region, which has appointed an expert examination of an organization independent of the dealer, and the case is suspended for the duration of the examination.

The most advantageous situation for the consumer is that the warranty has been delayed by more than 45 days. Since on that day the consumer has the unconditional right to refuse to carry out the repair and to require the replacement of the vehicle or the return of its value. No matter how significant the deficiency you requested the warranty repair. Example: M. However, the seller refused to perform the warranty repair, the claimant filed a claim.

As a result of the sellers' failure to repair the guarantee, the claimants' vehicle, including production defects, remained at the service centre for over a year.

All purchase orders issued to the claimant by the seller indicated a time limit for the elimination of the lack of 45 days; a different period of time was not agreed upon by the parties; in view of this fact, the court concluded that the time limits for the elimination of the lack of the goods, as set out in para.

On this basis, the court ordered the seller to replace Mitsubishi to the consumer; first, you must know that if the contract provides for an advance, it must specify a specific period of time for the transfer of the car; and this period must not depend on the sellers' own actions; secondly, if a specific period for the transfer of the car is not specified, the contract cannot be considered to have been concluded in due course.

You will therefore always be entitled to return the advance paid, regardless of whether the contract states that the advance is retained by the seller.

In this case, within 15 days, you have the right to return the vehicle and to demand the return of the money paid for it.


This means that returning the vehicle under the guarantee has a number of features. One of the important conditions for returning the vehicle is that a defect in the vehicle must be detected within 15 days of the transfer of the vehicle to the new owner. If you have discovered various kinds of damage in the guarantee machine, you have the right to demand either the return of the full amount of money or the exchange of the vehicle for identical but no defects. If you have encountered the need to return your vehicle by guarantee, we suggest that you first consult our professional lawyers.

How do you get the car back to the salesman?

It's not a cheap purchase, even if you take the cheapest model and you do it consciously and for a long time, but it's a shame that after all your expectations and experiences, your long-awaited friend doesn't justify your demands, and you have to think about the terms of returning the car to the seller, because it's not as easy as it seems, and it's not a secret that the new car has a guarantee that's supported by all the necessary documents.

Return of the purchased car to the seller at the auto salon

Article Consumer rights when faults are detected in the red. Return the washing machine to the unquality washing machine. Free legal advice on the return of the goods! The legislation is rapidly outdated and each situation is individual. Save your time and money - call the phones below, fill in the form or contact an online consultant in the lower right corner. Free consultation is not obliged to do anything. The principle for returning the washing machine is: Return of the washing machine with defects within 15 days of transmission. In case of deficiencies, you are entitled: The type of deficiency and its materiality in this case is irrelevant - you are entitled to return the washing machine with any faults not caused by your fault, if the 15 days from the time of transfer have not passed and the period of guarantee has not expired. The period within which the goods can be returned is within 15 days of the guarantee period.

Return of the vehicle under guarantee

How do you get your car back to the salon? How do you get your car back to the VIDEO dealer on THEME: Consumer protection: return of the goods, refusal of the service, advice of the lawyer if your car suddenly ceased to start, or after the repair has taken place, your faults show up again, and you decide to return the car to the dealer, or return the car on guarantee, you can apply to us in full with a statement addressed to St. Petersburg, V. After pre-checking and preparing all the documents, our public organization will apply to the court for the replacement of your interests for a new car or for the return of all money. Depending on the duration of the operation, the action will be brought against either the car seller or the importer.

You want me to take the car back to the salon?

In practice, a lot depends on the particular situation: a new or used car, which ended with a guarantee period or not and whether it was bought on credit.

Return on the washing machine guarantee

A claim for return of money for goods of inadequate quality The return of a new car after 15 days from the time of purchase, however, is very often the case where a buyer enters into a legal relationship with an unfair dealer by buying a vehicle of poor quality, which is equal to two weeks, but provided that substantial deficiencies are detected in the time in which the vehicle is purchased. In such a case, the entire amount of money paid can be claimed back. You can also exchange the car for another but similar model.

How do you get the car back to the car salon? At what time can you return the car to the car salon? What are the rules for returning the car to the car salon? Read this article. What does the law say? So, for example, you entered into a contract for the purchase of the car at the car salon, paid for it, or loaned it, but when you got into the car, you realized that you were hot with the color.

Returning the car to the car salon after purchase


14 days from the date of sale, the buyer has to return the defects and if the time limits allowed to be met have not been met;


What's the timing of the return and the car?


The return of vehicles of poor quality.






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