For my passport records, they bought these cards and made a fraud.

На мои паспортные данные купили сим карты и произвели мошенничество

SIM card re-release: how fraudsters steal money and steal blogger accounts why this is happening, what operators do, social media, and how to protect themselves. Communications staff in Moscow confirmed to Lazarev that the SIM card had been re-released without his presence. Turned out that the replacement was made in Chelyabinsk: an unknown person wrote a statement and gave a service centre officer a power of attorney with Lazarev's passport data.

EVERYTHING'S ENOUGH THE PHONE RINGS: Swindlers have come up with a new way of stealing - Russia 24

Dear readers, our articles talk about model ways of dealing with legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know,How do you solve your problem - use the form of an online consultant on the right or call the phones on the website. It's quick and free!


For my passport records, they bought these cards and made a fraud.

As the mobile phone number is being robbed on the phone, not only is the main identity on the Internet, but also the key to the bank account where the money is lying, and those who still consider their mobile to be a means of communication are easily exposed to fraud. If you have not ordered this service, contact our contact point as soon as possible.

In all the groups, I was denied the rights of the administrator, while my SIM card was given to strangers who allegedly co-conspired the fraud, and perhaps only to finance the code word on passport and other data, which in general the Bank made transfers from your accounts without your orders.

Author: Dmitry Grigoriev, the world's trend in combating terrorism, has a major impact on the telecommunications industry as one of the most important spheres of interaction and human activity.

A great deal of attention is given here to the Internet, namely, the monitoring of the dissemination of information on the network. The operators have already been forced to maintain the PRMS and to keep all user traffic on the servers, and mandatory identification is provided for users by the Wi-Fi public network.

In general, it's as dark as apocalyptic antitopia, but by twisting the nuts, and by adopting laws such as the Yarov Amendment, requiring huge budgets and investment by the commercial sector, the State forgets to fulfil its obligations under long-standing initiatives, and they are no less relevant to the anti-terrorism topic that is already under way.

In the first half of the year alone, several thousand unnamed "sympos" have been identified and confiscated, and as recognized by the agencies, this is only the tip of the iceberg; in fact, the distribution of "grey" sim cards is much larger; questions about fraud and the fight against fraud have begun to check the owners of grey symcards since 1 June, cellular operators are required to turn off subscribers whose identity they cannot confirm.

The requirement begins on 1 June and applies not only to new contracts, but also to those previously concluded, and she specified that the operator intended to use state-owned information systems to confirm the clients ' data, and that Alexei Mercutovs' spokesperson for the MTS reported that the company was also taking steps to comply with the requirements of the law as of 1 June.

The operator must establish the name, name, patronymic, date of birth as well as the number of the identity document; they can be obtained by asking the subscriber to come to the office and present an identity document or send a document supported by an electronic signature; the operator can also confirm the identity of the subscriber by joining the Unified Identification and Authentication System of ESA or the Public Services Portal.

When entering into new contracts, the caller will have 15 days to check the caller; if the information provided by the caller is suspicious, the operator will have to send a message to the subscriber asking for further identification; the caller will receive 15 days to specify the data; otherwise, the operator will have to stop providing the service to the client; the prohibition to sell the SIM card without the buyers' presentation of the passport and the requirement to enter personal data into the contract is in force in Russia as from 1 January.

At the end of the year, the head of the Ministry of Communications, Nikolai Nikiforov, acknowledged that the ban was being violated on a continuous basis, and the terrorist attack on the St. Petersburg metro on 3 April, when the President of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, stated that it was necessary to suppress the illegal sale of SIM cards.

More than 60,000 more. Another 19,500 SIM card re-release: how fraudsters steal money and steal bloggers' accounts Bank card fraud. What do you do if you steal money from a card? Published: 9 July, Author: Anton Kramorov Hi dear readers of my blog jonyit. I think each of you has a plastic card for a long time, whether it's Sberbank or Uralsib, they all have one standard.

Why am I writing this article? You need to know what to do if you took money off a bank card or other bank cards.

Svetlana's online bank, Svetlana Abada, specified vc. According to her, the company's rule is to block the phone number of the subscriber in three months if no calls are made. In order for the number not to be blocked, it would have to perform at least one operation performed by the subscriber himself. The company promised to respond within three days.

I find myself in a pathetic situation where, in order to recover any account, I need to confirm an action through the phone or email, and I've been taken both! The police report is written down, and my phone can call up to the pile -- to buy the anniversary coins in Sbera -- the identity -- the use of passport data without the passport itself, and that's how all the operators operate -- in operations to replace the SIM card in... the recipient's passport data and the trust in it -- is not entered in the same CRM?

The amendments to the Federal Law of FZ came into force on 1 June. That is, they did everything according to the law. It was convenient, and the main thing was very economical. The liaison staff in Moscow confirmed to Lazarev that the SIM card had been reissued without his presence. It turned out that the replacement had been made in Chelyabinsk: an unknown person had written a statement and gave a service centre officer a power of attorney with Lazarevs' passport data.

The fake document contained all the necessary information, except the owner's signature -- the salon officer ignored her absence; it was not possible to re-establish the password by telephone number and e-mail -- the fraudsters took the data off the account; because the blogger had not been financially damaged, the police failed to acknowledge the fraud.

The official paper from the police and the photo of a fake trust wasn't enough to prove ownership of the account, yet it hasn't been returned.

By the way, I'd advise you to go into the salon and put a check in their database that any action with the SIM card could only be done by the owner in person and by the original passport I was completely unaware of the existence of the trust until then. I found out this morning.

Mt's application for a sym card. It's been a week since the spare parts didn't answer the e-mails either.

I've got a wallet of Yandex money, there's always a certain amount of money in there, and it's always there.

The man's voice was introduced by the Yandex-Money Technical Support Service and asked me to give you four digits of the text that was sent to me at the time of our conversation.

I certainly didn't do it, and I didn't go on talking about these cases, and I notified Yandex's technical support, and I called Yandex's tech support immediately, and it's lightning, so let's say, Photo: photo: photoxpress, the subway station and the territory of the long-distance train platforms are making a huge profit to illegal vendors. Photo: photoxpress.

But what matters to consumers is not the number of participants in the market, but the quality of the services, because hundreds of Moscows are victims of mobile scammers every day, and the sale of anonymous SIM cards has become a real scourge of the capital. Once the balance of the obtained SIM is replenished, the money goes to another account, and it's impossible to return it. More recently, the sandy street counters have been seen almost everywhere. The best points for such business are places near subway stations, as well as markets and underground crossings.

In the public parts of the capital, there are black guys who can get a card for a symbolic ruble without paperwork, and after receiving specified rubles, the seller did not issue a check and did not sign a contract.

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The fraudsters got the passport data from the fraudsters asking me on the phone to read the passport data. The investigator came home the other day and told me that my SIM card had been tampered with. According to the investigator, the victim was in contact with someone on social media that I don't know, and he was offered to buy the goods, and I don't know the rubles either, and the victim paid through the kiwis with a wallet that was registered to a SIM card that belonged to me.

The SIM card for a mobile phone without a passport is no longer going to buy Sberbank my story. In the spring session, a bill will be initiated to use SIM as a full-fledged citizen identification card. The Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, Anatoli Aksak, believes that smartphones can now replace any payment card, the next step in mobile technology is to replace the passport with a smartphone.

I have a history of passport fraud, and I have to look separately at what passport fraudsters can do, because it's much more relevant and sad, and together with your passport data that you gave when you faked it, it could be fatal.

SIM card re-release: how fraudsters steal money and steal blogger accounts

What the fraudsters can do when they learn your passport data. Another fraud with the replacement of the sim card Humanck gets for a long time a certain telephone number until the contract is terminated, which is fixed to the buyer. The identification of the recipient of the shipment at the phone number no longer works. Perhaps it's because the phone can be transferred, lost or stolen. But the changes made in the legislation are not limited. I have also been assured that the money will be returned after the proceedings. No, 63 rubles, compared to the global crisis, of course, the money is small. But you feel uncomfortable knowing that at any time you can be charged for the money you allegedly spent on your mobile phone. And then I have to wait two months to deny that you didn't do it.

As the mobile phone number is being burgled on the phone, not only is the main ID on the Internet, but the key to the bank account where the money is lying, and those who still consider their cell phone a means of communication are easily victims of fraud. If you don't order this service, contact our contact point immediately. In all groups, I have been denied the rights of the administrator.

Without a jackass, and life is bad, considering a certain category of the population, and if we've been "divorced" in a simple way before, then with the spread of the Internet, fraud takes other, sophisticated forms that many of us find unprepared for.

They need to be made available for employment, for the purchase of a SIM card or for registration on the website, but what fraudsters can do if they know their passport records is unknown.

Our articles talk about model ways of dealing with legal issues, but each case is unique. If you want to know how to solve your problem, use the form of an online consultant on the right or call on the phones on the website. It's quick and free! I come to the police, and I find out it's just a cover, I've actually been called in on a criminal case where my passport records appear.

Be careful with the fraudsters, or as we lost 80,000, I'll tell you a curious story, maybe someone will come in handy. I've got a wallet of Yandex money, there's always a certain amount of money to do with websites and customers so comfortable, a man's voice was introduced by Yandex-Dengy's technical support service and asked me to give you four digits of the texts I was texting at the time of our conversation. I certainly didn't do it and continue talking about these cases, and I notified Yandex's company's technical support.


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  1. Vasily

    What a phrase... great, great idea.

  2. snifphitita1989

    That's a very good idea.

  3. Milena.

    It's time to be smart, it's time to come to your senses.

  4. Emile.

    Is there any alternative?

  5. Milica

    Somethin' new, write it down a lot.

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