15-20 yearss'alary Military as percentage of allowance 2019

Оклад 15 20 лет военные сколько процентов надбавка 2019

Private, sailor, a new rank can only be acquired at a certain length of service; officers, starting with a lieutenant, can be assigned only if they have higher education; this type of salary, in addition to contract holders, is reserved for students of military educational organizations: higher education and professional education; the salary of the cadet is the lowest in the hierarchy and amounts to rubles; the salary of the primary positions of soldiers and crewmen is slightly higher than 10 rubles.

VIDEO ON THEME: Military personnel will be increased in 2019

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15-20 yearss'alary Military as percentage of allowance 2018

Private, sailor A new title is only possible at a certain length of service; officers, starting with a lieutenant, can be awarded only if they have higher education, and this type of salary, in addition to contract holders, is the right of students of military educational organizations: higher education and professional, and the salary of the cadet is the lowest in the hierarchy and amounts to rubles.

The primary positions of soldiers and crewmen are slightly higher than 10 rubles. Commanders, depending on the level of responsibility, have salaries ranging from 15 to 24,000 rubles. Officers ' positions follow: overall military command and strategic command, up to 26,000 rubles; higher salaries in senior positions proportional to the size of the control facility; for example, the head of the team has a salary of 29 rubles; the head of the head of the head of office, up to 40,000; and the maximum salaries of the deputy ministers are thousands of rubles.

There are two possible promotions: as a promotion, carried out with the agreement of the soldier with the proposed leadership of the vacant post.

On the basis of the outcome of the competition, a member of the armed forces has the right to present his or her candidature for the vacant post, but the advantage will be for those who have the merit and the positive character of the leader.

Military reports requesting a candidate are reviewed by the military units' evaluation commission, and recommendations for a decision are sent to the candidates' commander.

The salaries of the recruits when a young person joins the Russian Armed Forces are entitled to a monthly allowance, which is based on the salaries of conscripts; the position of Chief Battalion Officer, Unit, Division, Company, Battery, Senior Inspector of the Road Patrol Service, Chief of the Firefighter, Chief of the crossing point, Head of the petrol station, Inspector of the Road Patrol Service, Armour Commander, Vehicle Mechanic, Head of Strategic Missile Launching Units, City Chief, Chief of the Drivers' Highway, Telephone Officer, Rescuer, Syndicator, Sniper, Shooters' machine gunner, Masker, Roadway, Roadmaster, Road Trainer, Trainers' Training Unit and Trainers' School, This amount may be increased in the event of the application of the regional coefficient.

This is only possible when a sergeant or an efrettor is promoted to a position of commander. The payment for complex tasks: sniper tasks, underwater and diving work, parachute jumping, material assistance to family conscripts. At the end of the service, soldiers receive additional allowance in the form of a double salary increase. For orphans, the salary is increased by a factor of five.

Cash is paid on a card, which is issued on the day of entry into service; money may be spent, but is more likely to be saved; allowances from soldiers, whether they are recruited or contracted, in addition to salaries, are entitled to allowances; the types of additional payments for fixed-term staff are set out in para.

The qualification allowance ranges from 5 per cent to 20 per cent of salary, for special conditions of military service, for performing tasks involving risk to life and health in peacetime, from 50 per cent to 50 per cent of salary, for secrecy, and for such payments may vary as they are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The additional payments received by the contractor are regulated by article. A total of six types of allowances, two types of increases, a bonus and material assistance may be paid by contract: an allowance for years of service.

A period of service of two years or more is considered to be seniority, an increase of 10 per cent to 40 per cent is assumed, the maximum allowance is applied to service for 25 years or more and the allowance for grade qualifications is assumed.

The special conditions of military service allowance is identical to that of the emergency officers, the risk of life in peacetime, the special service allowance, the higher rates for service outside the country or in a state of emergency, the size of which depends on the location and the tasks, and the higher factors related to the location and the climate.

For example, the district coefficient of military service in Kamchatka will double the allowance, but Crimea and Sevastopol are excluded from the territories in which the coefficients are applied; the annual honorary service bonus may be up to three times the salary of a soldier; annual material assistance is at least one salary; and the rules for calculating all additional payments are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The basis for calculation is always the amount of salary in terms of rank and position, seniority allowance, qualifications, secrecy and special conditions.

The rest of the allowance is considered to be from this base. In addition to the payment, the servicemans' work implies a sufficiently large social unit and is intended for contractual personnel: when the station changes, accommodation is provided for the soldier and his family, in accordance with the housing standards.

Travel to a new place of residence and transportation of goods is also paid for, and if the employee has completed 20 years of service and above, he or she is entitled to a free dwelling or a subsidy for its purchase.

The right to health care: In the major cities there are medical complexes in which both employees and their families can be treated; disability compensation and separation from the life of a member of the armed forces: 2 million and 3 million, respectively; higher education is provided free of charge to contract holders who have served three years; early retirement, if they wish to serve 20 years or more and because of their health condition, they may retire from 45 years of age.

The military pensions are higher than the national average, and for employees in the Far North, they are paid to travel to a rest area once a year, and the salaries of a soldier and sergeant are to be determined by concrete examples of how much the military receives.

The soldiers and sergeants are lower-ranking soldiers. They have low tariff levels, no seniority. For example, to calculate the income of a private contractor, we will take an employee as an arrow who is serving in Kamchatka. We receive a base of 15 rubles. The total amount of allowances is 27 rubles. The total income of such a soldier is 42 rubles before taxation, after 37 rubles. Sergeants, for example, a junior sergeant who is serving in Ural and working with materials at 2 degrees of secrecy as a division commander.

The base will have a total of 24 rubles, a total of 28 rubles per employee before taxation, after 25 rubles. The salaries of middle-ranking officers and positions are higher than those of ordinary officers. In addition to higher salaries, they will have allowances and years of seniority. Let's look at examples of how many officers in the service of Russian troops receive. The lieutenants are the first officers. We will calculate how much the lieutenant who is serving as a second-class on-board specialist in Crimea receives.

The total income of the employee before the taxation of 41 rubles, after 36 rubles, is calculated by way of example, by the colonel's income as chief of staff in the Amur region, 49 rubles, 88 rubles, the total income of such officer before the taxation of rubles, after the ruble.

An increase in the salaries of military personnel in the year Under article 4 of the Act, the price increase is projected to be used in the formulation of the budget, but the decision to increase salaries is taken by the Government.

The paragraph had been suspended for a long time and no indexing had been carried out; the State Duma was currently considering the renewal of indexation for the years, and the Government had introduced a bill to that effect.

Article 2: Pay of members of the armed forces

The classification of the servicemans' work depends on his rank; the salary of 15 to 20 years ' military salary, as much as the percentage of the increase, is not respected; the Presidents' statement stating that the salaries of the military must not be lower than the average wages of workers in the main sectors of the economy, which include oil and gas and finance.

But now it's going to grow every year - up to the end of the year - the indexation, according to Deputy Defence Minister Tatiana Shevtsova, will be 4% per year.

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation explained the salaries of the contractors as of 1 September, which would increase to 50,000 roubles, as reported to the Ministry of Defence, the number of contractors in the Russian army now exceeds the number of military personnel on call, and measures are being taken to improve the social security of ordinary crewmen, non-commissioned officers and chief contract officers, so that the salaries of military drivers will be increased by rubles and those of senior drivers by rubles.


Regulatory legal acts: Federal Act of 7 November Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region; Baikonure Republic of Kazakhstan; carrying out diagnosis and treatment of HIV-positive persons, carrying out work related to materials containing human immunodeficiency virus for military service in anti-immune institutions or departments, departments, laboratories of particularly dangerous infections and sanitary and epidemiological units; directly involved in reloading nuclear reactors and handling nuclear fuel and radioactive waste for each day of participation in such work and handling nuclear fuel and radioactive waste; Percentage allowance for service in structural units for the protection of State secrets. Procedure for the calculation of salaries for military posts: military personnel performing military service under contract: from 1 to 5 years of service to 10 per cent of service; from 5 to 10 years of service to 15 per cent of service; from 10 years of service and management of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste for each day; Percentage allowance for service in structural units for the protection of State secrets.

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation explained the salaries of the contractors as of 1 September

The pay allowance for military personnel performing military service under a contract is the principal means of providing them with material support and encouraging them to perform their military duties; the pay allowance for military personnel performing military service under a contract consists of the salary for military service and the salary for military service, which is the salary of the military personnel, and of monthly and additional salaries; the Government of the Russian Federation determines the salaries per military rank; the salaries for the standard military posts of military personnel performing military service under a contract shall be fixed by the Government of the Russian Federation on the recommendation of the heads of the federal executive bodies, in which the federal law provides for military service; and the salaries for the non-standard military posts of military personnel shall be determined by the heads of the federal executive bodies, in which the federal law provides for military service, with respect to the salaries for the standard military posts.

From January, military personnel will receive increased salaries.

Article 2: The remuneration of members of the armed forces Article 2: The remuneration of members of the armed forces of Garant: The provisions of article 2 of this Federal Act shall apply to certain categories of military personnel as from 1 January. The remuneration of military personnel performing military service under contract shall be the principal means of providing them with material support and encouraging them to perform their military duties.

15-20 yearss'alary Military as percentage of allowance 2019

As of 1 September, soldiers, crewmen, non-commissioned sergeants will be entitled to a percentage monthly allowance to the main part of the salary, in particular, additional payments to military personnel in positions such as shooter, machine gunner, sniper, senior grenade launcher or tank commander, who may increase their salary from an average of 20 to 40,000 per month.

Take a look at this: Increase in the military's allowance.




, viewers: They have a monthly allowance of 30 per cent. It turns out that the military driver's allowance was 20 years old and, in the event of his dismissal from service, Erica Herceg, "VIA Gras" Solist.


Military salaries: how to calculate the militarys' income and the allowances they receive


Monthly supplementary payments






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