President rf address

Президент рф адрес

I agree to the publication of my open letter to the Legal Advisory Office if you have encountered injustice or your problem is a legal one — strongly advised to address our lawyers. The advice is free of charge. There are both general requirements for communications and certain subtleties in the use of e-mail, the Russian Heads' personal website, etc. It is equally important to have an idea of how and where to write, because there are a large number of fakes used by fraudsters along with official addresses. The reasons for Russians ' recourse to the President are varied, but most often: a request for pardon of a relative who has been wrongly accused of a crime; complaints about the incompetence of officials or their abuse of their rights towards citizens; a request for housing or the return of certain benefits; questions about the timing of road repairs and the execution of various State support programmes; questions about the creation of new institutions and the reform of the old authorities; questions related to the Presidents' position on the countrys' international policy; notification of corruption on the ground, etc.

Time will tell, issue of 26.09.2019.

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Write to Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

One of the functions of the Presidential Administration is to receive citizens ' appeals and to monitor the implementation of Presidential decisions relating to such appeals.

In each administration there are reception centres where personal meetings with officials and the processing of letters of communication take place. The addresses and reception days of President Putins' Administrations in the districts can be viewed on the Kremlins' official website at Letters. You must have a passport to work with the terminal. Ilyinka, etc. All communications can be written in an arbitrary form. On the Presidents' official website, kremlin. Written application requirements: It is mandatory to specify on the envelope the senders' data: FIO, return address.

Letters with incomplete, untrustworthy address and anonymous letters are not accepted; the substance of the matter, complaints or motions should be summarized, essentially, without unnecessary detail or emotion; the use of offensive language, abnormal language, threats to someones' life or property in the text is prohibited.

The letter must be accompanied by copies of the supporting official letters, statements and certificates. Please make sure that all material is readable. Treatment is not considered if: It contains information on the act being prepared, committed or committed, as well as on the person who prepares, commits or commits it.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, justice is administered only by the court; the judicial authorities are independent and operate independently of the legislative and executive branches of government; decisions of the judiciary are appealed in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The law in force prohibits any interference in the process of justice; it is not possible to read it, and the reception staff must notify the sender; instead of the text in the field, it only refers to a website or an annex containing the substance of the statement or complaint; it refers to the disclosure of information constituting a State secret; during this period, the officials of the Presidential Administration will give you an official reply.

If no new arguments, materials or circumstances have already been submitted, the authorized receptionist has the right to discontinue correspondence on this matter, and the decision of the sender will be notified in a separate letter, and how to write to the Presidential Administration in the districts in order to ensure that oral and written communications from citizens addressed to the President of the Russian Federation are dealt with, authorized representatives of the Presidential Administration, who are admitted in the federal districts, have been established.

St. Petersburg, Vasiliev Island, 3rd line, Dr. Perm, Street of Soviet, Dr. Yekaterinburg, Nab. Young workers, Dr. Krasnodar, Street of Karasunsk, D. The message function is available only to registered users. After a simple registration procedure, you will receive a password for entering a private office.

Here you can track the stage of the letter, who is responsible for its consideration. To send a message to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putins' administration, you need to go through the list of noteers. The deadline for responding to a letter sent to the Administrations' e-mail is also 30 days. How to register for a private meeting: Online mode. Registered users of kremlin. In addition to a personal meeting with a member of the Office of the President, you can also register for free legal advice.

In the case of personal admissions, you must present your identity document. This can be done by means of a special form: letters. Please fill in a questionnaire indicating the IFI or the name of the organization if the complaint is made on behalf of a legal person; social status; contact details of your electronic address and telephone number. Then briefly, avoiding unnecessary emotions and unfounded accusations, describe the situation. You can complain about the actions or decisions of officials who have violated or interfered with the exercise of your rights and freedoms; acts or omissions of officials that have imposed on you any obligation or responsibility.

The complaint can also be sent by Russian mail to the street. Within 30 days of contacting your e-mail or e-mail address, there will be an official reply.

Depending on whose competence the question has been raised, the complaint may be forwarded to the official concerned, which you will be notified by e-mail and in the user's personal office on an official website; in the case of serious offences, the case may be referred to the prosecutor's office for further investigation; and to the mobile reception room for dealing with complaints by the Russian President of the Russian Federation, a mobile reception complex has been set up, with a certain frequency of visits and meetings with residents of the federal districts.

The Presidents' Plenipotentiary provides legal and procedural advice on each specific issue, and at a meeting with a mobile receptionist, you can complain about the work of municipal services and local authorities and the protection of consumers ' rights.

14. Some useful addresses

Before sending a communication to the Government of the Russian Federation, please consult the following information: the communications sent in the form of an electronic document through the official Internet portal of the Government of the Russian Federation are submitted for consideration to the Office for the Processing of Communications from Citizens of the Department of Culture of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the organization of work on citizens' appeals: the head of the Office for the Processing of Communications from Citizens of the Department of Culture of the Russian Federation, Sergei Valerjevic; the reply to the communication is sent in the form of an electronic document to the e-mail address indicated in the e-mail address received in the form of an electronic document; and in writing to the postal address indicated in the written communication.

As long as there is one person in Georgia who is not afraid on live television to call the route a term for the genitalia of Morzha's grandmother, God himself will keep Georgia! Gabuniya's behavior is often compared to what happens regularly on Russian television, and even in the performances of Russia's top officials. Natalia Gevorkian Oyoya, what a nightmare, in Rustavi-2 a journalist in his author's program has spoken uncensoredly about the Russian president, I understand.

It is recommended, however, that attention be paid to the existing regulations and rules before filling in the form: the response to the application may be electronic or written depending on the applicants' choice. For the first option, only e-mail will be required and for the second, e-mail and mail address will be required. Information on the status of the processing of the message will be stored here. The applicant may attach scanned originals or copies of documents to the questionnaire in any order.

Communications from citizens

The polyclinic is a unique medical and preventive institution, essentially a family institution, because in the walls it is attended by adults and children attached to the polyclinic; the polyclinic is part of the medical and preventive institutions of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation and carries out its activities using the experience and best traditions of Kremlin medicine; the high level of preventive and curative diagnostic assistance, the modern material and technical base, the professionalism of doctors and mid-level medical personnel, the good attitude towards their patients and their health problems have created a good reputation and a well-deserved authority not only for patients but also for insurance medical organizations and the medical public; the dynamic development and updating of health records in accordance with the requirements of time and modern scientific developments. According to the existing licences, the polyclinic: it prepares medical certificates and opinions: the right to manage vehicles and to carry weapons in a timely manner; the preventive examinations carried out by trained contingents and periodic examinations of persons with harmful and life-threatening working conditions; the absence of oppositions to the basin; the sanitary and resort cards are constantly developed and updated in accordance with the requirements of the present licence, the health clinic: the medical centre provides medical assistance to high-level doctors, the medical services of specialists of specialists, the medical specialists of the medical specialists of year, the specialized services of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists, and of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists of specialists of medical assistance to medical assistance.

Macron responded to the mocking of his wife by the President of Brazil.

A brief reference to Egils Levittes' statement about his intention to maintain good-neighbourly relations with Moscow shows his understanding that without economic ties with the Russian Federation, RIGA, 23 July - Sputnik. The expression of good-will by the President of Latvia, Egils Levitts, to Russia, is only a duty phrase; in foreign policy, all Baltic States are not autonomous; an expert from the CIS Institute, Igor Šishkin, stated on Radio Sputnik. As already written by Sputnik, Latvia, Levitts stated the previous day that Riga, as a neighbour, has always sought to maintain good relations with Moscow; relations with all neighbours, including Russia, must be based on respect for international law; this is important for peace in Europe and throughout the world; and an atmosphere of mutual respect must be felt in relations.

From 12:00 to 20:00 minutes local time, applicants who have come to the appropriate reception facilities of the President of the Russian Federation, State bodies or local self-government bodies, authorized persons of these bodies are not heads of State and local self-government bodies and, with the consent of the applicants, ensure that they receive personal communications via video-conferencing, video, audio or other means of communication with authorized persons of other bodies whose competence is to decide questions raised in oral communications.

The hero of history, which had taken place in Soviet times, was trapped by the will of the ship at Murmansk airport, and there were no planes in the waiting room, hoping to fly anywhere, about 200 people, trying to appeal to the airport chief's conscience, and then the hero decided to take a desperate step by picking up a pay phone, and he called the Central Committee of the Commissary, and then began writing a telegram to the then General Secretary, Leonid Brezhnev, and at the same time to the Ministry of Transport, and he collected the names and signatures of the unfortunate passengers, and sent the telegram "at the top."

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One of the functions of the Presidential Administration is to receive citizens ' petitions and monitor the implementation of Presidential decisions relating to these appeals, and there are reception centres in each Administration for personal meetings with officials and the processing of letters of communication; the addresses and reception days of President Putins' Administrations in the districts can be viewed on the Kremlins' official website, Letters.

Take a look at this topic: Address from the President of the Russian Federation

After a major restructuring, the site has been operating in a new format since 1 September: the thematic sections have been moved to separate domains that form part of a single domain area of kremlin. The map shows the latest news related to selected Russian regions or countries around the world. The texts of the documents in this database contain hyperlinks to documents related to this document; they show changes and additions made to earlier documents; earlier documents show changes and additions made later. Publication of legal and regulatory documents on www. Main technical innovations: Socialization of the site has been realized through the possibility of adding materials to various social networks and bookmark services. A new 16x9 video player has been created to post HD high representation videos.


The procedure for addressing the President of the Russian Federation is regulated by article 33 of the Constitution. Only e-mail is specified, and for the second, e-mail and postal address are regulated by article 33 of the Constitution.


There's nowhere to go: the political scientist appreciated the "reverances" of the President of Latvia to the Russian Federation.


"A gift to the dusters." Georgian television host insulted Putin.




Write a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin



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