Quality assurance of a technically complex product

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Where should we go, the seller or the service centre? What if the warranty is denied? What is a quality test? What is it different from an examination? Quality checks determine the existence of deficiencies, the reasons for their occurrence and the nature of the production or the fault of the consumer?

VIDEO ON THEME: ZONE, Art. 18 Technically complex goods

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Quality control of the product — the order of inspection

Within 15 days of the purchase, the seller, the importer, the manufacturer may verify the quality of the guarantee by an authorized person within a period of two years or, in the absence of the guarantee, the seller, the importer, the manufacturer after two years, taking into account that the guarantee has expired. The consumer must prove that there is a substantial deficiency before receiving the goods or that there is a connection with the reasons that arose prior to the transfer. This table is based on a review of the practice of the Utility Court.

The Bureau of the Federal Republic of the Russian Federation must meet the claim for return within 10 days of the date of submission of the article. It is recommended that the application be submitted in writing; the authorized person must be contacted with the request or sent by mail in case of refusal to receive it in person; it is desirable to keep a second copy of the claim with a note of receipt; and for breach of the time limit for replacement of the goods or return of the money, a claim may be made for payment of the penalty by the authorized person.

It is further possible to recover moral damages for violations of the rights of the consumer to be determined by the court subpart. Return of the goods within a period of 7 days when sold remotely. How to return the technically complex goods of good quality when purchased remotely is explained in article. The right to refuse goods at any time before receipt and within 7 days of their absence cannot be sold under an individual order to another consumer.

It is possible to return if the commodity of the purchase is retained. Buying the goods after examining their description through catalogues, pamphlets, booklets, photographs, various means of communication, television, radio, mail and other means, without the possibility of actual examination of the goods themselves or of the sample at the time of the purchase. Please note that when the goods are returned to the buyer, the money shall be returned to the buyer, except for the sellers' cost of bringing them back from the buyer.

The return shall be made within seven days, subject to the condition that the type of purchase and its consumer properties are preserved; written information on the timing and manner of the return in the case of remote sales shall be provided by the seller at the time the goods are handed over; in the absence of such information, the period may be extended from 7 days to 3 months; and the lack of evidence of the purchase of the goods, for example, does not prevent the consumer from confirming the purchase of the goods by means of other evidence.

The return of goods of inadequate quality purchased remotely takes place in general order, taking into account the provisions of article 1. The exchange of goods from the list of technically difficult possibilities for the exchange of technically complex goods of inadequate quality is provided in paragraph 1.

The procedure for the exchange is the same as for the return of the goods. Within 15 days of the purchase, the exchange may take place regardless of the materiality of the deficiency. Later, only if the situation meets the criteria of abs. The replacement of a technically complex item of inadequate quality may be requested: for a similar item without recalculation of the value.

The buyer is given the same non-food item with the same articular, similar product from another manufacturer, another model and article of the product, and the purchase price is recalculated.

The goods of inadequate quality shall be replaced by goods that have not been used by others. From the time of replacement, the period of guarantee shall start to flow again. The goods with defects shall be replaced within 7 days of the date of presentation of the claim. This period may be changed if: a further quality check is required, up to 25 days before replacement. The goods are not available for replacement, up to a month.

For the regions of the Far North and the equivalent, there is no time required for a further delivery: there is no provision for the exchange of a technically sophisticated good of good quality of STDs; there is no right to obtain temporary goods during repair or replacement; there is a right to require the replacement of non-expendable goods during the repair period. No fee is charged; some of them are technically complex goods; there is no obligation to provide them to the seller or importer or other authorized persons if there is no declared replacement requirement.

The time limit is set when the consumer wishes to obtain a temporary replacement of the main product; it is set at 3 days; during this period, the consumer is provided with a product with similar basic consumer properties for the duration of the repair.

In general, the substitute model should meet the basic needs for the use of a particular product, but not be identical; in addition, it is required to be provided within 3 days of receipt of the claim.

Exceptions to the list of goods for replacement have already been indicated above: the quality test of the technically complex and defective goods upon return is the responsibility of the authorized person to accept the defective goods from the buyer and, if necessary, to verify the quality of the goods.

In the event of a dispute as to the reasons for the defects, the inspection shall be carried out at the expense of the authorized organization; in the absence of any fault, all the costs of the examination and the related costs shall be borne by the consumer; the right to challenge the results of such an examination through the court shall be left to the buyer; and the refusal of the consumer to hand over the goods for inspection to the authorized person is a legal circumstance in resolving the question of liability for the violation of his rights before the court.

The courts must determine whether the buyer attempted to return the inappropriate goods to the importer or seller in order to fulfil its obligation to verify the quality of the goods and voluntarily meet the requirements of the claim; the expert examination was carried out by an outside organization at the initiative of the consumer; despite the satisfaction of the plaintiffs' claims by the courts of first and second instance, the case was referred to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for review.

If there are no deficiencies, return is possible only if the goods are purchased remotely; if the goods are returned, the material deficiency must be determined later, otherwise the return of the goods will be refused.

How long have you been checking a technically complex product?

The time limit for testing the quality of a technically complex product is the same: a substitute product during quality testing The consumer is entitled to a temporary use of a similar product; this is the case if it takes more than seven days to study the properties; these are technically complex TV, washing machine, refrigerator, etc.

As can be seen from the list, a technically complex law considers items manufactured with high technology for long-term use and usually performing several functions, while some of the items in the list are named, others describe only their characteristics, which means that it is necessary to decide whether to assign an item to a technically complex item in the light of the accompanying documentation.

Within 15 days of purchase, the seller, the importer, the manufacturer may verify the quality of the guarantee by an authorized person within a period of two years or, in the absence of the guarantee, the seller, the importer, the manufacturer after two years, taking into account that the guarantee has expired. The consumer must prove that there is a material deficiency before receiving the goods or that there is a connection with the reasons that arose prior to the transfer. This table is based on a review of the practice of the courts in the cases concerning the protection of consumers ' rights of the dungs. The Bureau of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is required to settle the claims on return within 10 days from the date of presentation of the article. It is recommended that the claim be submitted in writing.

Can a technically complex commodity be returned?

As can be seen from the list, a technically complex law considers items manufactured using high technology for long-term use and usually performing several functions. Some of the items in the list are named, others describe only their characteristics, which means that it is necessary to decide whether to assign an item to a technically complex item, taking into account the accompanying documentation. If a dispute arises between the consumer and the seller, it will be possible to resolve it. What the buyer has the right to do when a technically complex item is broken. According to abz. To eliminate the breakdown free of charge or to reimburse the cost of self-eliminating it. To change the product to a correct product. To change the product to the same function, but another stamp or model with a recosting price if it is different.

Time limit for quality inspection of technically complex goods

We define a significant lack of technically complex goods when and within what time frame quality checks are carried out, the need to check technically complex goods may arise when the quality of the purchase is found to be inadequate in the course of its operation or when difficulties arise in its operation; when the defects are discovered, the buyer may refuse to purchase at all and require either the return of the funds or the replacement of the goods for the same quality; if the quality of the goods to be performed by the seller is necessary, the buyer is entitled to participate in the inspection, otherwise it will be carried out without its presence; the ideal option for the buyer will be to apply personally to the expert organization for the competent expert opinion.

An examination of the quality of the goods after the expiry of the guarantee and if there is no guarantee.

As can be seen, the list of technically complex goods is quite broad: the time frame for the quality inspection of the goods should not exceed 20 days from the time of submission of the application for inadequate quality of the goods from the buyer; the timing of the examination varies considerably.

What is it and how is the quality of the product checked?

1. Acquisition of wireless headphones. A week later, she came to the seller to replace or return money for goods of poor quality in one earpiece.


Time limit for quality inspection by seller


Checking the quality of the product, conducting an independent examination. Buying a technically sophisticated product is a TV, a mobile phone.


Quality assurance of a technically complex product


What is the timing of the return of a technically complex product after quality verification?






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