Period of guarantee under the Protection of Rights Act

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In order to return or exchange the goods, the conditions for their return must be met: the goods are not on the list of those that are not to be exchanged and the goods are not to be returned and are kept as they have been purchased for less than two weeks from the date of the goods ' purchase, there is a cashiers' or commoditys' cheque, the sellers are generally familiar with your right to exchange and return the goods of good quality. This right is provided for in article 1. Your requirements are dealt with after the presentation of the payment document of the cheque. In the case of goods for which the guarantee period has been established, a technical passport or other document which replaces it, with an indication of the date of sale. At the time of sale, the seller is required to issue to you a calculation document of the prescribed form certifying that the goods have been purchased, with an indication of the date of sale.

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Guarantees, time frames and obligations:

How to return the goods under the guarantee, and although the Consumer Protection Act provides quite powerful tools, it is not always possible to return the goods under the guarantee. This article deals with the question of what to do in the event that a defective commodity is caught and how to return it to the store. Guarantees, time limits and obligations to protect the consumer from defective products have been imposed by the law on the manufacturer by the time-limited guarantee obligations. These obligations are that the goods or products produced must be properly used for the duration of the guarantee period.

For this purpose, the manufacturer, seller or third person of the service centre must repair or replace the goods free of charge; the guarantee period shall be indicated in the passport on the products, on the label or in any other document, most often a guarantee certificate; for foodstuffs and other products whose consumer quality may, over time, deteriorate and endanger life and health, the validity period shall be specified on the labels, packages or other documents.

This period of validity is considered to be a guarantee period and the expiry date is considered to be from the date of manufacture, but for seasonal goods such as footwear, clothing, fur and other items, the guarantee period shall be calculated from the beginning of the relevant season, the beginning of the seasons for the goods shall be fixed by a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning products for which no guarantee period or expiry date has been set, the consumer shall be entitled to present to the seller of the manufacturer who performs the relevant requirements if the defects have been discovered within two years and, in the case of the construction facility, not later than ten years from the date of their transmission to the consumer.

In other words, the tools provided by the Consumer Protection Act for the repair, exchange or return of the goods may only be used within the time limit of the guarantee period, provided that the goods or cashiers' cheque, the passport has been filled for the goods or the guarantee bill has been completed. It is important to bear in mind that the consumers' requirements will not be met if the seller, the manufacturer of the service centre proves that the defects of the goods have arisen as a result of the consumers' violation of the rules for the use or storage of the goods.

You can also bring a claim to the store for acidic milk within the lifetime of the milk, perhaps only immediately after it has been purchased. The goods can be repaired, exchanged or returned? Now that you have reviewed the time frame and the necessary documentation, you can find that the consumer has the right to demand and the seller is obliged to act in connection with the breakdown of the goods. Thus, according to the law, the consumer has the right to present one of these requirements and, in the event of its failure to comply with the other requirement.

In other words, although the buyer requires it, the seller ultimately chooses the options, but if substantial defects or falsification of the goods have been identified during the guarantee period, then the consumer has already chosen: 1 to terminate the contract and return the money paid for it; 2 to replace the goods with the same or similar goods from among the existing ones; the seller, the performer must be responsible for the substantial deficiencies; and the seller, the performer, is likely to have to carry out an examination to confirm them.

Is there a significant deficiency? On this basis, the exchange or return of the goods can only be claimed if the breakdown was not your fault, but at least once it was attempted to repair it.

As the consumer is now satisfied with a few words by procedure, the seller, the manufacturer, the service centre is obliged to accept the goods of inadequate quality and satisfy their requirements, and the delivery of large goods and goods weighing more than five kilograms and their return to the consumer is at the expense of the seller, the manufacturer, the service centre, and the requirement to replace the defective goods must be met immediately if the goods are available.

If it is necessary to check the defect for 14 days or by agreement of the parties, if the goods do not exist, the goods must be replaced within two months from the date of the submission of the application; with regard to the change in the prices of the goods, the Consumer Protection Act establishes such rules.

If a replacement is made for the same item, which is only valid, the value is not recosted; if the replacement is made for a different model brand, articula or modifications, the price is higher.

That is, if the price has increased, the price is re-calculated at the time of the exchange; if the price has fallen at the time of purchase; similarly, if the goods are returned and the consumer takes the money back: if the contract is terminated, the consumer is paid: if the price of the goods is increased, the price of the goods is increased, based on the value at the time the claim is made; if the price is reduced, the price at the time of purchase.

However, the money paid for the goods must be returned on the date of termination of the contract or by agreement within a different period of time, but not later than seven days.

For some goods, including mobiles, refrigerators, computers, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine requires the seller and the manufacturer to establish a so-called trade fund for goods from which delivery is provided upon the written request of the consumer!!

A complete list of goods that can be used, even when they are under repair, can be seen here. By the way, for some reason, many confuse the guarantee period within which a good can be repaired, exchanged or returned, with a daily period after the purchase of the goods; in the latter case, the good of good quality can be returned to the store.

Guarantee period: What are the laws of Ukraine writing about this?

The consumer shall bear in mind that the goods are accepted for the guarantee service if there are: 1 operating documents of 2 seals of the manufacturer or of the performer on the product if the operating document so provides; 3 if there is no damage to the goods that may cause the fault; 4 provided that the performance requirements are met; if the goods are not damaged by the fault of the consumer, the operator loses the right to the guarantee service; if necessary, the reason for the loss of the quality of the goods whose guarantee period has not expired is determined, the seller shall, within three days from the date of receipt of the written statement from the consumer, refer the goods to an expert examination.

How to get the goods back under the guarantee, and although the Consumer Protection Act provides quite powerful tools, it is not always possible to return the goods under the guarantee, and not always.

The cost of legal services for the protection of consumer rights in Ukraine Video on consumer protection was known to you that consumer rights were often violated during the sale of goods or services? On situations of life, and on whom to lodge complaints, are described in this video Sign to our YouTube channel so as not to miss a new useful video on the rights of citizens and businesses in Ukraine. To consider what rights a consumer has when buying a good of good quality, what to do if the goods are not good, in which cases the seller is obliged to carry out the warranty, return or exchange the goods, what is the guarantee period, and which goods are not subject to exchange, the Consumers ' Rights and Obligations have been decided by the Consumer to know that, according to article 10, the customer is entitled to exchange the goods of good quality within fourteen days, except on the day of purchase, unless a longer period has been announced by the seller.

Consumer rights in Ukraine from A to I

It is the duty of any seller to guarantee the quality of the goods sold, including by means of the free performance of the guarantee repairs, and who provides the guarantee repair, the guarantee repair is to perform the work related to the repair of the defects of the goods in order to ensure that they are used for their intended use during the life of the guarantee period; the elimination of the defects is done by replacing or repairing the component item or a separate part of it, as well as by carrying out the regulatory work in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents (para.) The quality of the goods is guaranteed by general rules. It follows that the costs of the guarantee repair are borne by the manufacturer. Thus, in the case of goods manufactured outside Ukraine, the requirements set out in paragraph (c) are met by the importer, and the compensation of the losses incurred by the foreign manufacturer are determined by the contract. The liability for the guarantee repairs, not only for imported goods, is assumed by the seller, including the retailer.

How to get the goods back to the store: a guide from the lawyers.

So you can exchange or return the goods only if the deficiency is material; you can only demand the exchange or return of the goods if it is not your fault, but at least once you have tried to repair them. How is the consumer satisfied? Now a few words about the procedure.

However, the establishment of a guarantee period is not necessarily the obligation of the manufacturer or seller, but it is a voluntary option to attract customers; however, the guarantee obligation should include all obligations of the seller or producer as stated in their advertising of paragraph 2 of article 2.

1. Article 1 of the Ukrainian Consumer Protection Act: Definition of terms 12 - a defect which makes it impossible or unacceptable to use the goods in accordance with their intended purpose - has arisen from the fault of the sellers' manufacturer, the perpetrator, once it has been removed, again for reasons independent of the consumer, with at least one of the lower features: it cannot be eliminated at all; its elimination requires more than fourteen calendar days; it makes the goods substantially different from the contract; 15 deficiencies - any lack of conformity of the products with the requirements of the regulations and regulations, the terms of the contracts or the requirements for them, as well as information on the products provided by the manufacturer, the seller; 2. Article 8 - Consumers' rights in the case of the acquisition of goods of inadequate quality 1.

Basic provisions of the Consumer Protection Act





According to article 1, paragraph 5, of the Consumer Protection Act, a guarantee period is a period of time.








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