Application for personal reception from the president of the court

Заявление на личный прием у председателя суда образец

The procedure determines the rules for the organization of the personal reception of citizens of natural persons, including representatives of organizations of legal persons, voluntary associations, public authorities and local self-government bodies by the president of the court; the personal reception of citizens of natural persons, including representatives of organizations of legal persons, voluntary associations, public authorities and local self-government bodies, is carried out on matters relating to the organization of the activities of the court, complaints about the inaction of judges or members of the judiciary that do not involve the consideration of specific cases, the appeal of judicial acts and the procedural actions of judges; and the personal reception of citizens of natural persons, including representatives of organizations of legal persons, public associations, public authorities and local self-government bodies, is conducted by the President of the Court on each working Monday with Kodinsk, Uhl Mikhaylov, etc.

VIDEO ON THEME: Counsel and order of the President of the Court (training)

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Rules for the organization and conduct of personal visits

In addition to the weekends and holidays, the office will now receive all the applicants on a daily basis, and the schedule for the admission of the President of the Supreme Court, Jacíp Asanov, has changed. Previously, the reception was held in one of the offices of the Supreme Court of Justice, and a separate wing of the building has now been set aside for this purpose. The reception for citizens can be seen immediately by passing through a checkpoint. Nurserik Sharipov, Head of the Court Management Department, described the procedure for receiving applications from citizens to meet the President and judges of the Supreme Court.

Nurserik Sharipov has been admitted, but there has been no clear admission policy in the department that has not been explained who may or may not receive a personal reception for the chairman.

We've been thinking about it in light, home-made tones. It's convenient, neat, warm, it's all about all the things in the house, and there's a consultant who's gonna give you the right information, there's TV, there's chess, there's a party you can play while you're waiting for -- it's all the psychological advice. There's got to be these attributes in this environment. I also agree," notes Nurserik Sharipov. The president of the Supreme Court held the first meeting with the citizens in the new room the other day.

For some of them, the President ordered certain proceedings to be carried out on his behalf by means of submissions", noted the head of the Court Enforcement Department, who had previously received only the President of the Supreme Court and the chairpersons of the Panels; the chairpersons of the Panels, the judges in cases which were not subject to cassation by law, and the refusal to refer them to cassation.

The chairpersons of the Judicature and the Judicial Ethics Commission - on complaints against acts, ethics of judges - the head of the department - on complaints against acts, ethics of court officials and organization of their work," noted Nurserik Sharipov. In order to get a personal reception for Jacíp Asanov, one of these persons, the chairpersons of the panels or the judges of the Supreme Court, must have a first reception.

The Department also noted who is not subject to personal admission, and that the cases are pending before the courts, and the third point is that if the complainant has not filed a cassation appeal, his right to appeal to the Supreme Court and his procedural right has not been lost, that is to say, we must verify the validity of the act by means of legal proceedings.

And the last point is that those who already have a reply from the Chief Justice are not welcome," said Nurserik Sharipov. In a statement, apart from personal data, it is important to state the substance of the matter. The head of the Court Support Department of the Supreme Court, Nurserik Sharipov. They write emotionally, without reference to specific rules, indications of arguments. We have made electronic templates for the application to the record and have indicated what needs to be written.

After registration, each application is considered for a personal appointment; if the application is submitted in electronic format, the applicant will be placed on a personal receipt schedule within five working days.

In case of refusal, the answer will be given immediately, when the electronic form is completed; when a paper-based medium is submitted by mail or on an urgent basis, the application will be processed within five working days of the receipt of the application to the Supreme Court.

The result will be a written reply about the recording of the personal appointment or the rejection, and we've moved away from it, and we're writing a simple, human language," Nurserik Sharipov summarized.

Non-judicial procedure for appeals against a judges' actions and decisions

Electronic communications from legal persons must contain: the name and or address of the organization or the position of the person to whom the application is addressed; the full name of the legal person and his or her location; the statement of the substance of the application; the name, his or her own name, patronymic, if any, or the initials of the head or person authorized to sign the communications; the address of the legal persons' e-mail; in the event of non-compliance with the requirements, electronic communications may be left without consideration on the merits; in the event that the applicant withdraws the application, the individual employer shall close the examination of the substance of the application and return to the applicant the original documents attached to the application; complaints may be filed by the complainants within three years of the date on which they have learned or should have known of the violation of their rights, freedoms and or legitimate interests.

Rules governing the stay of visitors in court The Rules of Conduct in the Court Building of the Niculin District Court of Moscow Utv.

President of the Tümeni District Court of Tümeni Ivan Ivanovović, Tümen, Street of River, 18 May, Judge of the Tümeni Petrov River District Court of Tümena A.

Rules of conduct in the courthouse

Atyashkina Evgeny Nikolaevna Vedenev Marina Vladimirovna, President of the Court, Vice-Presidents and other judges, is not in charge of the personal reception of citizens by the President of the Court, his deputies and other judges, since the Federal Constitutional Act of 7 February, in order to ensure that justice is accessible to citizens and representatives of legal persons in the Chelyabinsk Regional Court, is carried out by the officials of the receiving information and information desk throughout the working day; the reception service is provided to the courts' management on the organization of the courts' work, procedural complaints, applications, motions and other documents; it is possible to obtain any background information on judicial matters, in particular on the movement and outcome of cases and appeals by citizens; on the form of applications and complaints to be submitted to the Regional Court and the list of documents attached thereto; on the payment of State duties and other documents. It is strictly impossible for employees to conduct legal consultations; on questions relating to the evaluation of evidence affecting the nature, the extent of legal relations, etc. The reception room is to request for copies of court records; the court proceedings are also subject of criminal proceedings before the courts.

Scheme of application for a personal appointment

The personal reception of citizens and representatives of legal persons in the Minsk City Court of Reception of Citizens in the Minsk City Court is carried out at Minsk, Dunina Marzinkevich, building 1, building 1, first floor, office of the Reception Days: Monday, from 9 a.m. The President and Vice-Presidents of the Court shall personally receive citizens, their representatives and representatives of legal entities on matters relating to the organization of the work of the Court.

The department will now receive all applicants on a daily basis, except weekends and holidays, and the schedule for the admission of the Chief Justice, Jacíp Asanov, has changed.

1. General provisions 1. Admission to the Penzen Regional Court is further established with a view to improving the handling of citizens ' petitions concerning the operation of the ordinary courts of the Penzen region, increasing confidence in the administration of justice, promoting legal knowledge and ensuring unhindered access to justice by receiving complaints and applications established by law.

Reception of citizens

Persons responsible for the organization and conduct of the personal reception of natural and legal persons are obliged to ensure strict observance of the rules of judicial ethics, public service legislation, procedures for the consideration of applications by natural and legal persons, administrative procedures, requirements of departmental regulations on court proceedings and the provisions of these Rules. When the day of personal admission takes place on a holiday or a holiday, the date of personal admission shall normally be postponed to the following working day; information shall be communicated to legal and natural persons in accordance with the procedure established in paragraph 2.

The procedure for the personal admission of citizens and representatives of organizations by the courts' management is followed in connection with the organization of the activities of the arbitral tribunals of the Russian Federation; the admission of citizens and representatives of organizations in connection with their applications in judicial cases considered or under consideration is not carried out in the arbitral tribunals of the Russian Federation; the procedure for the organization of the personal reception of citizens and representatives of organizations before the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation and the arbitral tribunals of the Russian Federation is approved by order of the President of the respective court; information on the rules for the personal admission of citizens and representatives of organizations to the place of reception, the conditions for admission, the necessary documents, contact telephones, the postal address, the e-mail address are placed in the place accessible to visitors and on the official websites of the arbitral tribunals; if the application contains questions that do not fall within the competence of the arbitral tribunal, the applicant is given an explanation of where and in which manner he should apply; during the personal reception, the applicant may be denied further consideration of the application if a substantive reply has already been given.


The President of the Court shall personally receive citizens, file supervisory complaints in civil cases, and file applications for them.








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