In how many days, the law requires that the money be returned for the return of the goods.

Через сколька дней по закону обязаны вернуть деньги за возврат товара

This is a product that is manufactured in accordance with all standards and standards. There is no claim for the quality of such a product, so you may not be able to arrange a form of stuff, cover, colour or other, but not quality. In this case, you may return to the store and demand the exchange of things or the return of money. The time limit for the return of the good of good quality to the store should not exceed 14 days. In this case, the sequence of your actions should be as follows: Make sure that not more than two weeks have elapsed since the purchase; make sure that the product is returned.

VIDEO ON THEME: Consumer rights as to how to return goods

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Grounds for the return of money for goods under the law

It should be known that the substitution of goods of inadequate quality by the seller takes place within 7 days of the presentation of the requirement, except in cases where additional time is needed to verify the quality of the goods; the guarantee, as an alternative to the guarantee, is the period during which the buyer has the right to return the purchase to the seller and in return to obtain money, other goods or free repairs.

Under the law, for a period of guarantee, the seller is obliged to remedy all defects of the product at its own expense if there are legitimate grounds for doing so. Is it possible to refuse to repair the guarantee and to obtain the money back? Under the provisions of this law, if the product has not been repaired and replaced for a similar item within 20 days of the date of the submission of the claim to the seller, the buyer is entitled to demand from the seller: a reduction in the price; compensation for the consumers' expenses arising from the elimination of defects in the product; and return of the money previously paid for the purchase.

If the deadline is not met or the seller refuses to comply with the buyers' requirements, the seller is required to pay the penalty for each day of delay.

Refunds, whether in cash or in cash, are directly dependent on the way the product is paid; according to Russian law, if the payment was made by means of a bank card, the money will be paid back in cash; if the cash is paid in cash, the cash is paid in cash; the cash repayment period is between 3 and 10 days; but in most cases, many buyers receive the purchase price on the day of circulation.

The legal time limit for the return of money to the map is up to 10 days; the delay in the transfer of funds may depend on the bank, the payment system and so on; in any event, for each day of delay, the buyer is entitled to demand payment of the penalty.

Regulates the relationship between sellers, buyers, manufacturers, performers, sellers, importers arising from the sale of goods, the performance of work and the provision of services.

The provisions of this Act state that every consumer has the right to obtain products of work, services of good quality which are not dangerous to life or health, and which do not pose a threat to the property of the purchaser or to the environment.

If the seller fails to meet the above criteria, citizens may file a complaint with the authorized institutions, and it is recommended that the full text of the Act be reviewed with the latest amendments and that the Act be amended on 3 July.

If you have any questions, consult a lawyer to ask your question in the form below, in the window of an online consultant on the right, at the bottom of the screen, or by calling the numbers 24 hours a day and no weekend :

Period of return of goods and money under Consumer Protection Act

Application to court: Refund of money for goods of good quality and poor quality is possible if specific rules of law are followed; a law that protects buyers ' rights allows for the return of money if the products have defects not specified by the seller at the time of sale; the Consumer Protection Act emphasizes that the return of money for the goods is possible within a strict time limit, and different for items of good quality and poor quality; that such good quality is considered appropriate if: the standards of production that are presented to the facility are met; the parameters of its internal content and appearance are appropriate; the facility meets the buyers' expected and stated needs; the product can fulfil its basic purpose, which is stated in the accompanying documentation.

But it is to be known that these items must be serial if a particular item has been made under an individual order, according to specific measurements, etc. The conditions of return are, therefore, if your goods can be returned, the conditions for the return of the proper goods must be the same. The documents for the goods must be kept as the documents for their purchase of the commodity or cashiers' cheque, contract, consignment note, etc.

If the returned goods are not on the above list, you are entitled to exchange them and return them with refunds of the money they have spent.

How to return the good to the seller

The buyer may apply to the seller within two years of the purchase of the goods; the guarantee period of less than two years is the right of the consumer to file a claim within two years of the purchase of the goods, including when the guarantee has expired; however, if the guarantee is completed by the time of circulation, the buyer of the seller must prove the fault of the production or the fault of the manufacturer for the deficiency.

Return of money for goods, period of return and exchange of goods

It should be known that the replacement of goods of inadequate quality by another product is carried out by the seller within seven days of the presentation of the relevant requirement; the exception is that additional time is needed to verify the quality of the goods; the guarantee, as an alternative to the guarantee, is the period during which the buyer has the right to return the purchase to the seller and in return to obtain money, other goods or free repairs; the law requires the seller to remedy all defects of the product at its own expense, if there are legitimate grounds for doing so; and can the repair of the guarantee be waived and the money returned?

Which types of goods should not be returned In this question, there are two categories of goods that are of good quality and inadequate quality, from which category the goods are returned or exchanged will and will depend on whether your claim is eligible.

To convert the consumers' rights when returning the goods to DOC; Consumers' rights when returning the goods; The buyers' rights when returning the goods and then replacing them with an equivalent with more appropriate characteristics are protected at the federal level; this is a well-known fact, but not all citizens and sellers are aware of the particular nuances of the relevant legal act; the grounds for such a procedure are sufficient; the buyers' right to return the goods arises if the goods acquired do not meet the desired parameters: shape, size, design, colour or setup.

Consumer Protection Act on Return of Goods

Claims and manner of return of funds: Date and signature of the claimant; additional information to be provided on the receipt and delivery of the goods to the seller and to be signed at the time of filing of the claim.

Take a look at this: How to get the money back to the bank key at the end of the product.


How to return money for goods purchased with defects


There's something in the law that requires you to pay back within 14 days and demand that the money be paid back.








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  1. Aza

    In my opinion, you're making a mistake.

  2. Larissa

    We know Meru, but are you going to drink it? Ready, Master! - What's ready? - SLOMAL!!!!! In response to the Disney Anastasia Allamultfilm began the production of a plastic cartoon by John Kennedy. Bronthemkin Bearer Musroconductor - internal communication in the militia. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be distorted and directed against you. A woman as a parachute may at any time refuse, so you must always have a backup!

  3. Valentine.

    I think I've read about it somewhere before.

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