2000002000020020002000200040403010200200000200041502000302 Can you call your colleagues for delays if you haven't left their numbers?

Can you call your colleagues for delays if you haven't left their numbers?

Могут ли за просрочки звонить коллегам если не оставлял их номера

Add to Flipboard Magazine. Daily news distribution KP. RU Comments: But overreacting collectors are trying to take your stuff away from the law. A Collectors are pissed off all over the country today: husband beaten, wife cut hair, cell phones taken away. Turns out it's only 15,000 rubles owed by battered spouses and so on.

How to stop phone calls from collectors

Dear readers, our articles talk about model ways of dealing with legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know,How do you solve your problem - use the form of an online consultant on the right or call the phones on the website. It's quick and free!


How do the collectors know the family numbers?

What do you do if collectors break the law? Collectors are gangsters who collect debt? That's what happened, but since then, the market has become more civilized, and there are official collecting agencies that have the right to collect debts. Foreign practice shows that the work of collecting agencies is one of the most effective ways to recover problematic debts.

As a rule, collectors buy your debt, it's called the assignment of the right of demand or the procession, and they take the full job of returning it. In Russia, the first collectors' agencies came in in the year. They have to be registered on the register, which is kept on the FSPS website and is constantly updated, now in the agency.

Communicators who collect debts from residents do not lag behind either. How do collectors work? Creditors who are required to notify you of the transfer of debt to the collector's agency within 30 days. Collectors who contact you must present themselves, inform you of the structure of the debt and the terms of its repayment. Collectors can only communicate with you in four ways: — private meetings; — text, voice and other messages; — letters by regular mail at their place of residence or place of residence.

Anything else — calls to relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbours — are permitted only with the consent of the debtor. The disclosure of personal or debt data to an unlimited number of individuals — on the Internet, social media, and in-service communications — is not permitted.

Who can't the collectors work with? Minors, debtors who are in the process of bankruptcy, and people who are incompetent or have limited legal capacity, the law does not apply to the recovery of IP debts arising in the course of business. Yes, but not immediately, but four months after default.

You can also negotiate with the collector's organization only through your representative, a lawyer. What else can't collectors do? Since January 1, Russia has come into force the basic provisions of the law, which severely restricted the powers of collectors.

They are now not allowed to call before 8 a.m. on a Monday or 9 a.m. on a weekend and later on a Sunday or a weekend, with no more than once a day, two a week, and eight a month.

Hidden numbers or call from abroad. A collectors' agency must present his or her name and organization when calling. Meet the debtor more often once a week; for example, threaten to bring a case under the Criminal Code for fraud, blackmail, psychological pressure, humiliation or dignity, mislead the debtor, for example, inflate the amount of the debt or the repayment period.

When you're on the phone, you don't have to warn about it, but a warning like that can affect the collector and make him more careful in his language.

Ask the collector to come forward and name the organization from which he works. Write down the data and see if there is an agency on the SPF list. If a bailiff calls you about the repayment of the debt, find out what the SFI data are, and if the office is working, the unfair collectors can be represented by officials of the various authorities.

In a face-to-face meeting with the collector, ask for one of the documents: "A copy of the identity document - a copy of the certificate of registration of the data of the collector's organization in the State registry - The New Law has forced collectors increasingly to apply to the courts for the enforcement of the debtor's judicial proceedings, on the one hand, which is disadvantageous: fines, government fees and the payment of bailiff's fees are a burden on the loser.

On the other hand, the court is entitled to reduce the disproportionate amount of interest if the default has been paid for each day of arrears and the debt has increased many times, in which case you must report your non-participation in the debt and send a written notification by Russian mail to the collecting agency and the creditor.

The court can rule in your favour and punish the collector's agency with a fine. In Russia there are so-called anti-collector agencies. They are usually just companies whose employees specialize in communicating with collectors. There are also apps for mobile phones that allow the blacklist to add the number of nasty collectors. One of the most famous such applications was developed in Novosibirsk in the year, but the collector's association does not approve its use.

At the beginning of the A with the LKH debt? The LKH debt is a separate story. From year to year, the populations' debt to public services has increased almost sixfold. At the end of the first quarter of the year, Russians ' debts to LKH amount to 1.4 trillion roubles.

From the point of view of compliance with other legislation, this type of activity raises questions. Where to complain if the collectors violate the law? Send a complaint to the Collection Association. Write a complaint to the SVF's court bailiffs. This is the collector's supervisory authority. They review citizens' requests, apply administrative measures and suppress the illegal activities of collectors.

You can file a complaint with the Public Prosecutor's Office and the police, and attach evidence of a violation of the law, which will be the basis for an exceptional review. The reaction of the law enforcement agencies may be slow, but there are successful stories. If the collectors violate the law, they will be held liable under the article It provides for quite large fines.

The penalty for both illegal activities is a fine for work without inclusion in the register of up to two million roubles and for violations committed during the course of the execution of the penalty; the privacy of the debtor is protected by the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes liability for the unlawful collection or dissemination of information constituting a personal or family secret, and the dissemination of information on debt on social media to relatives, friends and acquaintances of the debtor.

Only bailiffs and in no case collectors may, by a court decision, impose sanctions on the debtor: to seize property, seize the car and property or to evict from the apartment; Roscomnadzor supported the initiative of the bailiffs to post photographs of debtors whose debt is confirmed by a court decision on the Internet and the media, and agreed that the bailiffs were entitled to disseminate biometric data without the consent of the debtors.

However, scientific literature criticizes such methods, and the court has declared the disclosure of such images illegal by virtue of an article: Tatiana Torocheshnikova, lawyer Artem Kutlovsky We - Team 29 Our lawyers protect your right to know and disseminate information, help release innocent convicts, our journalists each day tell us how to defend themselves, which means new laws, what happens in Russia.

Sign our weekly dispatch so you don't miss the most interesting thing: leave this field empty if you're a person: or sign us on social media: Sign to Team 29's dispatch: Leave this field empty if you're a man: Team 29 Councils on how to survive in Russia.

Courts and archives, words and cases. Quoting any text on the website is possible with reference to specific material.

A Guide to Communicating with Collectors: What Should I Say and When to Run?

What do you do if collectors break the law? Collectors are gangsters who collect debt? That's what happened, but since then, the market has become more civilized, and there are official collecting agencies that have the right to collect debts. Foreign practice shows that the work of collecting agencies is one of the most effective ways to recover problematic debts.

Communicating with collectors The instruction is how well to speak to collectors over the telephone. What are they afraid of and afraid of? You're worried about the collector's agency.

How many times a day can banks call customers, dear readers! Our articles talk about model ways of solving legal issues, but each case is unique. If you want to know how to solve your problem, use the form of an online consultant on the right or call on the phones on the website. It's quick and free!

The bank's calling family.

If the collectors have the right to call the debtors' relatives, according to the statistics, one in five of the Russians who took the loan cannot repay the debt in time, and one in eight has not paid the loan for three months. If the principal debt is not paid, interest and penalties are paid. But this is not the worst. Collectors, in turn, act in a non-ceremonious manner to speed up the payment process. Dear readers! Our articles describe the model ways of resolving legal issues, but each case is unique.

Can you call your colleagues for delays if you haven't left their numbers?

The telephone collector revealed professional secrets: in Krasnoyarsk province, the collectors brought in a summer businessman who owed 3 million rubles until he shot a pregnant wife, two children in his sleep, and then put a bullet in his forehead. All of this was the work of extortionists only four days after last January. But it is not easier for debtors. Who are the people who are in debt pursuit who are willing to do anything wrong? I would go to the collectors -- let them teach me -- to work at the collector's agency after I lost my job last fall, says my interviewer, who agreed to give an anonymous interview.

For more than two years, I've been working in one bank's recovery department.

The new collector law: Don't call your family at night, don't bother your family with the rules of conduct and communication with the collectors, whether the collectors have the right to call and threaten.

I'm sick of collectors, what do I do?

The bank calls the family if you are threatened by a bank. How do you react if you are contacted by a collector and you are asked to pay off the loan? Isn't it important that the head of the law-making committee of NAPCA avoid contact with the collector's agency? Trying to avoid liability for the loan obligations previously entered into has negative consequences: In cooperation with the agency's employee, it is necessary to inform him of the reasons for the delay and to come to an agreement with him on further payment of the debt. This information is transmitted to the bank's creditor.

Take a look at this: If you've been working on this piece of telecommunications, you'll have to browse it!

To listen to the complainants, to do nothing. To write a complaint to the police, the prosecutor's office, to file a complaint. To buy a new SIM card. Most people choose the last option: to get a new number, hoping never to hear such calls. The citizen lives in peace, then the annoying calls start again. How do collectors know his family's numbers?

Can collectors call relatives


If you don't pay the loan, sooner or later, you'll get a call like this, with the maximum delay and as much delay as possible. They can only ask them to call a particular staff member if the number of one of the colleagues is listed in the contract as additional.








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