If the leather bag does not meet the requirements

Если кожаная сумка не соответствует требованиям

The odor test-- yeah-- the skin is covered by a lot of dyes, it's covered by an extra vinyl, and it can be completely offset by the natural scent of the skin that we're used to. We all know that skins, when they're used to it, will immediately melt or burn. There are skins that withstand more than one hundred and thirty degrees, but these skins make only the shape and shoes of firefighters until they're far from women's gloves, because it's really hard, but if you use that thing, it'll be spoiled, so I'd recommend using less radical methods that we do today, by the way, and test.

How to fix a leather jacket, a bag.

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Claim for poor leather bag

A true companion and friend in all situations, she has long become a cult object in our wardrobe, but it is time to learn more about her secrets, and more about how to choose a quality, beautiful and reliable model.

Today, womens' bags are made of natural fur, skin, castles, textiles, as if they weren ' t lost in this diversity, and the most budget models are made of skin, which in turn is made of veal and sheeps' skins, which are made in a special way.

Because of the many interesting technologies used for the face layer, it can produce a huge amount of invoices and flowers, and it can also be just glossy skin, which was produced with acrylic emulsion, which produces a transparent glitter film on the surface of the material.

However, if you look at the descriptions of handbag manufacturers and leathermakers that supply their products, it can be a dead end because there are many other special terms used there, and velure is the skin that is treated with chrome duplication, which then passes through the scaffolding of the face surface.

In a similar way, nucuk is given, but it is characterized by a more voracious surface. Today, it is popular to embroider the skin under reptile. It should be said immediately that there are in the market bags made of the natural skin of a crocodile or anaconda. But they are very expensive. The fact is that for most firms, the purchase of such raw materials is a problem. Under current legislation, it is prohibited to kill adult reptiles with a length of 1.5 metres higher.

It appears that there is not much material available to the masters, but from the raw materials available, a very serious part is rejected because it does not meet the established quality standards or technological requirements.

For example, the crocodile's skin in the back area is solid and unusable. As a result, this material is sold not even by square meters, but by almost inches. Therefore, very often invoices such as python or crocodile skin are simulations, but it is also of high quality to respectable producers; in fact, it is performed on a quality natural skin without a thin upper layer.

It's called a split. It's got a variety of invoices on it by pushing it. After that, it's treated with special substances that fix the pattern. It's got a lacquer layer on the top that can be washed. In time, it's covered with a noble patine and almost indistinguishable from the natural. Some manufacturers use different technology. They take a picture that's moved onto a very thin film, and it's already sticking on a split, and then it's laminated.

But it's a more expensive option, it's used more often to make furniture. It's usually a glittery, lacquery surface. But it can be lubricated with normal skin. How is it? The process usually consists of two steps. Before creating a glossy layer, the pre-prepared skin is used to make a grounder, which is usually derived from certain cellulose derivatives. This layer is characterized by a high adhesion, i.e. clutch capacity.

The grounder does not penetrate deep into the skin, and it remains flexible and soft. On top of the ground, the polish is made of lacquer. It is usually made of polymeric resin, most often polyurethane resin. The polish produces not only glitter, but also a more rich color, because there are different shades, and the polishing composition can also be made of glitter, slug cereal, and other mineral additives, depending on the effect they want to achieve.

In quality bags, the lacquer thickness is very small — up to 0.1 mm and most often 0.07 mm. But it cannot be increased, otherwise the skin will become softer and elastic, losing its natural appearance.

And, of course, the quality of the lacquer must be more severe than the skin itself to provide it with adequate protection against damage, high humidity, and temperature variation. The lacquer skin may be pressed, but such bags must be carefully chosen. The fact is, if the technology is not met, the upper lacquer layer may be damaged or even destroyed, so you must check its keeping.

Today, specialists select the so-called laminated skin, which is covered by a pre-formed sheet of fine plastic, is also a polymer, usually polyurethane. The thickness of the skin is slightly larger and may even be 0.15 mm. The surface of the skin is like laminated but is smoother. Another type of skin trim is the so-called metalization, when the powder of a metal treats the surface of the skin and the surface of the decorative layer is lubricated.

It looks very beautiful in evening purses. It's not easy to distinguish the natural varnished skin from the artificial skin, especially in view of the variety of trim methods that exist today. You should look closely at the model, check its bends and sutures, and look at the inside, which will give you the most complete picture.

Another popular material for the manufacture of bags is the natural castle. It always looks respectable and even luxurious. The natural castle is the skin of a deer or lamb made in a special way. The process of processing it is very long and laborious. It is not surprising that the bag from a natural castle is not cheap, because first the skin is handled very carefully, it is pulled out, then washed, then removed from the top layer, then impregnated with a special composition containing fat.

Of course, in the most obvious cases, a simple touch is enough, because a real castle is very soft and delicate, and a synthetic is much harsher, but there are other ways to define an artificial castle. If it is easy to draw a hand on a natural clot, it will change its shade immediately.

But the synthetic material will keep its color, and no one has yet been able to forge this property of natural castle. The quality of the castle is a short thief. The shorter it is, the better the material and the more expensive it is.

The so-called eco-skin is also used, but in fact it's just the name of an artificial skin variety, even though it's very good quality. You can talk a lot about the characteristics of the production and fabrication of the material. But how can a non-specialist distinguish a brand from a forgery? Especially today, when no one is immune to the acquisition of counterfeits, which have become a kind of business for a certain category of people, it should be noted that the quality of the thing is always visible.

Well-made skin on the touch will always be soft, and if it was thought to be smooth rather than topography, for example, made under reptile, there will be no roughness on its surface.

By the way, a quality certificate must always be provided for a branded item. The buyer is always entitled to demand it from the seller. Counterfeit products can always be detected by fermentation. Of course, there are brand-made luxurious-class models in which the frenzy is made of precious metals of gold or palladium. But in more democratic accessories, it is metal, not plastic, covered with metal film.

So you have to check the locks, the rings, and the blues. Bags can sew from different materials, but if you want to make sure you buy a leather accessories, just remember it with a little hand. Natural skin quickly returns its original form, and fake or artificial skin remains deformed. In fact, the more you know about the brand, about its various policies, the better your chance to recognize the fake.

In most cases, the weight and dimensions of a model remain constant; unfortunately, companies that forge accessories can also be aware of such nuances, so this method can only be seen as additional in itself.

As you know, both leather bags and textile bags require care. To ensure that there is no dirt left on the surface of the accessories, you can use a special composition based on glycerin soap. It is done by adding literally a few droplets of glycerin soap to half a litre of warm water and baking it. Then the soft tissue is bathed in this foam, and it is first tried on the surface of the bag in a place where it would not be visible.

After that, the hot water is washed and the dryer is left. If there are no traces left after drying, then you can safely clean the entire surface. Sometimes the skin surface of the bag leaves traces of the ball handle. To get rid of them, take the cotton tampon, pump it into medical alcohol, and process the area of the bag in an undetected place. If there are no traces left, you can continue to clear the stains of the ball handles by regularly changing the tampon, and then process the surface with a special skin lotion.

There are simple rules for the storage and care of such products; in particular, experts do not recommend the storage of natural leather bags in polyethylene bags because air access is important for such accessories; leather bags should never be soaked.

When it is wet, then dry it only at room temperature and as far away from heaters, central heating, and hot air as possible.

Secrets of bag production

What is the guarantee period for different purpose bags made of different materials and the regulatory documents that govern it? will be dealt with in the article. If there is no guarantee period, it is permissible to file claims within a reasonable time limit, but within two years from the date of delivery of the goods to the consumer.

The guarantee for the bag is the manufacture of leather bags by the Leather Quality Expert, using the example of women's bags to return the bag to the store — how to return it? The same applies to the skin from which shoes or belts are to be made: How to do this? What conditions should the seller meet to return the bag to the store?

Thank you for the help of the consultant, Berrukine Tatiana, and I'm making a great deal of shopping. I'll come back again. Well, can't I leave you without buying? How could I not buy it? And the discount on my card was great, and the counselor caught a girl in space! Thank you for allowing me to give my family joy!!!!!

If the leather bag does not meet the requirements

So almost everyone has faced a very serious problem: how to provide their daily diet with the right food? Because the food in the cafeteria or cafeteria often does not meet our expectations. It's delicious, but it's usually not useful and the proportions of BLU do not meet the requirements. One way out of this situation remains: food in containers. But then there are other difficulties: containers can leak and, if you carry them in a bag, they can damage electronics or important things. Yes, it usually does not fit in at all. And carrying a bag of things and a bag of food is not at all convenient. In the bag, a special compartment for containers is made up, and they have a pile in it, which significantly reduces the risks of leaks. The lining is made of waterproof material - if something leaks or leaks, valuable things and documents will not be damaged. Under all these conditions, the bag is almost as small as the one you walk every day.

Client opinion of the Krasnoyarsk Bag World

Lawyer, St. Petersburg. Communication in chat room 7.0 Rating Jurist, City of St. Petersburg. This right of every consumer is established by the law of the country and protected by the public authorities, but before filing a claim it is useful to know in which cases the return can be made.

A true companion and friend in all situations, she has long become a cult object in our wardrobe, but it is time to learn more about her secrets, and more about how to choose a quality, beautiful and reliable model.

An expert examination of the quality of leather products, using the example of women's bags, return of the bag to the store — how to return it? The same applies to the skin from which the shoe or belt is to be made: in the process of duplication, it is tried to make it as strong as possible. How do you do that? What conditions should the seller meet in order to return the bag to the store?

Guarantee period for bags under Russian law

I ask for feedback and constructive criticism from people who, in one way or another, are watching their figure, understand that without proper nutrition, it is extremely difficult to achieve results, and almost everyone has faced a very serious problem: how to provide their daily food with the right food, because eating in cafes or cafes often falls short of our expectations.

Take a look at this: Qualitative repair of the leather bag, how to fix the old defects on the leather bag at the author's hotel.



However, if you look at descriptions by which bag manufacturers do not meet accepted quality standards or technological requirements, the fact is that if the technology requirements are not met, then there are traces of a ball handle on the leather surface of the bag.








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