Regional resettlement programme

Программа переселения в регионы

Vladimir region, Ivanov region, Kaluga region, Kostrom region.

THEME: What we eat: product labelling, renewal program to regions

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List of regions participating in the resettlement programme for compatriots

The programme provides for the relocation to the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region of compatriots in order to reduce the shortage of labour resources and to meet the needs of the regions' economy for qualified manpower required in the labour market, and will allow for the integration of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region into the Yamal-Nenets District for up to one year around the country.

The programme provides for the relocation to the Orenburg region of compatriots in order to meet the needs of the regions' economy for qualified manpower required in the labour market.

The programme will attract up to one year of compatriots to the Orenburg region and will provide for the relocation to the Kostrom region of compatriots in order to meet the needs of the regions' economy for the skilled personnel required in the labour market; it will allow for the integration into the Kostrom region of more than one year of compatriots; and it will provide for the relocation of qualified personnel to develop the economy of Stavropol province, including for investment projects, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and the development of rural areas.

The programme will attract up to one year of compatriots to the province, and will provide for the relocation to the Belgorod region of compatriots in order to meet the needs of the region's economy for qualified manpower required in the labour market, and will allow for the recruitment of near-country nationals in the Belgorod region in the years.

The programme will attract up to a year of approximately 7,000 compatriots to the Tver region, including the resettlement of compatriots — skilled professionals and workers in professions and professions needed in the regional labour market.

Some 70 regions of the Russian Federation participate in the State programme for the resettlement of compatriots

Citizens who live in the countries of the former USSR are included in the programme for the resettlement of compatriots. Emigrants who have had Russian nationals of the above-mentioned nationalities, in addition to the descendants of other foreign countries, who have Russian citizenship, who reside permanently or temporarily in the territory of the Russian Federation and take part in the programme are confirmed by the certificate. The necessary documents for the identification of a participant in the programme for the resettlement of compatriots and members of his family are the following: — a national passport — for stateless persons — a residence permit — Document on the family status of a participant in the resettlement of compatriots and members of his family; a document confirming the right of a compatriots to reside in Russia. It is provided by foreign nationals and stateless persons with a certificate of temporary asylum in the territory of Russia. The document is provided by foreign nationals temporarily arriving in Russia and stateless persons who have received temporary asylum; the documents must be valid for at least six months; the certificate of a participant in the resettlement programme is issued within two months.

The RU - Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, has signed orders in which the programmes of the Republic of Tartarstan, the Stavropol region, the Kostrom region and the Orenburg region to assist in the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad have been agreed upon and the official website of the Government of Russia is announced on Saturday; the programmes have been developed in accordance with the model programme of the entity of the Federation for the promotion of voluntary relocation to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad.

The programme for the resettlement of compatriots of any country is a complex and long-term process. In Russia, legal residence in the country for five years is one of the main criteria for the registration of citizenship. Russian speakers can expect a significantly shorter period of three months, but in addition to the standard procedure for obtaining a passport, programmes for the relocation of their countrymen have been in operation for a long time.

Programme for the resettlement of compatriots

The banks' bill of credit or savings book; the checks on the payment of duties, consular fees, transportation expenses, etc. The response payments can be recovered from the participant if he refuses to participate; he moves out of the region before the end of three years; he will allow actions leading to the cancellation of the certificate; the feedback of the participants in the programme is available in forums and on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These are some of them: Elnur, 31, Azerbaijan: Note the consistency of the activities of the specialists, the result was immediately visible to me; the programme was assessed on a satisfactory, higher salary or housing basis; the evaluation would have been higher; Angelica, 52, Uzbekistan: resettlement services at the level, all correct, on time; the only inconsistency we had with the receipt of money: the agency sent funds; the bank only one credited them in one months' account.

The resettlement programme regions were among the best in school management

The programme provides for the relocation to the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region of compatriots in order to reduce the shortage of labour resources and to meet the needs of the regions' economy for qualified manpower required in the labour market; the programme will allow for the recruitment to the Yamal-Nenetsk Autonomous Region of up to one year near its compatriots; the programme will provide for the relocation to the Orenburg Region of its compatriots in order to meet the need for the regions' economy for qualified manpower required in the labour market; and the programme will allow for the recruitment to the Orenburg Region of up to one year of compatriots.

Programme for the resettlement of compatriots: Regions Programme for the resettlement of compatriots: Documents and Information Region Update Janv 17, New Programme for the resettlement of compatriots came into effect on 1 January.

The list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation implementing the State Programme will be expanded as appropriate regional resettlement programmes are approved and the content of regional programmes for the relocation of compatriots to the Russian Federation can be found at the following links: Amur region, Volgograd region.

Regional resettlement programme

The programme does not limit the number of potential displaced persons, but emphasizes that it is Russian-speaking compatriots who have been raised in Russian culture and who do not want to lose contact with Russia that are most capable of adapting in our society.

The general information that such a programme for the resettlement of compatriots, as well as a detailed description of the acquisition of citizenship according to the State programme, can be found in individual materials on our website, will refer to the regions of the host population. The contents of this article are as follows: What is worth noting when choosing a region? The regions participating in the programme do not operate throughout Russia and not in all regions and are aimed primarily at involving the working population in the Russian Federation, improving the socio-economic development of the regions and solving demographic problems. The number of participants in the resettlement programme as well as the requirements for applicants for participation is changing from time to time. The Moscow and Moscow regions have never participated in the State programme and are most likely not to participate.

Regions and cities participating in the resettlement programme 2019


The regions of Russia that are participating in the State programme to facilitate voluntary relocation to the Russian Federation.


Certification of a participant in the State programme for the resettlement of compatriots


Programme for the resettlement of compatriots — list of regions




Regional programmes to assist in the voluntary resettlement of compatriots were agreed upon



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