Punishment for false rights

Наказание за поддельные права

The information that is forged In most of the fraudulent driving permits identified is altered and forged by the following data: the period of validity: in the Russian Federation, driving permits are issued for 10 years; in order to avoid punishment for driving with expired rights, some drivers correct the information on the date of issuance of the license; the ways in which the only institution that can legally obtain a driving permit is the HIBD office; and the way in which the licence is forged.

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What's the penalty for false rights?

The information that is forged. Most of the fraudulent driving permits identified are altered and forged by the following data: the period of validity; in the Russian Federation, the drivers' licence is issued for 10 years; in order to avoid being punished for driving with expired rights, some drivers correct the information on the date of issuance of the rights.

The only place where a driver's license can legally be obtained is the HYBD office. Any offer to purchase such documents is illegal. Fraudsters know many ways to make fake licences that fall into two categories: full forgery of a driver's license.

A completely new document may be produced, and a specially prepared form may be used which does not contain protective watermarks, red embroidery, larvae and other protective features; a partial modification of the document; in this case, modifications and incorrect information on the driving licence issued in GIBB are made; the procedure for the delay in the forgery of drivers' licences if the citizen intends to use a false drivers' permit is better to find a good lawyer in advance.

Sooner or later, the forgery will be detected and will have to be used by the driver; the penalty will be imposed if the driver did not know that he had forged driving documents; when a GIBD employee found a false drivers' licence, the person who presented him must not be aggressive and panicked; it is better to contact a lawyer and explain the situation.

In the present case, it is not necessary to comply unconditionally with all the instructions given by the police officer; it is better to reconcile them with the lawyer; in most of these situations, the outcome of the case depends on the actions and evidence given by the driver in detention with false rights; most drivers do not have a lawyer of their own who is willing to provide the necessary assistance and advice in such a situation.

In all regions of the Russian Federation, special social organizations are working for such citizens to help them in such situations.

How to recognize a fake driver's license

More and more drivers are on the road driving a vehicle with forged driving permits. Most of the false driving permits have been carried out in a poor capacity, which further indicates that they are not real. For this violation, a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles may be collected, as well as the amount of income received by the convicted person in the last six months, and a period of up to six months ' imprisonment or correctional work is also provided.

Lawyer: Anna-Zobnina is now online your intention to go to a car school is correct. You need to be very careful about a forged certificate, because criminal liability is possible. Counterfeiting, manufacturing or selling forged documents, State decorations, stamps, seals, forms [Criminal Code of the Russian Federation] [Chapter 32] [Article] 1.

Despite the legal measures, some car owners do not bend their rights; everyone has their reasons to buy a fake document, these are the main ones. In order to obtain the rights initially, the car owner is obliged to attend a specialized institution. The training lasts for a few months, only after a full course can you pass a license exam, and it costs a lot of money. Some motorists don't want or can't spend time and money to complete the course and then decide to acquire non-real rights.

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So, if someone is caught with a fake license, what is he at risk of? Consider below: Responsibility for forgery of a licence. What would be for a fake driver's licence? Many drivers who have bought themselves a false driver's licence believe that criminal liability is limited to those who directly manufactured them, but this is misleading. Thus, for the forgery itself, further sale, and the use of a false driver's licence, it is also worth noting that there is no separate article in Russian law for the offence in question, in which case the measure of liability set out in paragraphs 1 and 3 of article 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is discussed the trafficking of forged documents. The forgery and purchase of false documents is always committed intentionally with a direct intent.

Falsified driving licences and documents are criminalized

And these rights were supposed to be allowed to travel through the EU territory, and the sellers guaranteed that in Russia, for example, it was not possible to verify the authenticity of these rights at all, writing "MC-Estonia." If you search the Internet, you can find such advertisements and fake rights even for the euro.

Moscow, Bersenian Per.

The penalty for the manufacture and sale of false rights Article PC Part 1: Forced labour for up to two years; arrest for up to six months; restriction of liberty for up to two years; deprivation of liberty for up to two years; punishment for driving on forged, alien, mirror rights; the use of a document known to be false.

What's a fake driver's license like?



Fake driving licences


There is a criminal penalty for forged driving licences and documents, Moscow, 18 July - REGNUM State Duma on third reading.








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  1. lavirtubor

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  2. Ishmael.

    It's time to be smart, it's time to come to your senses.

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