Facilities Management Specialist

Специалист по эксплуатации зданий и сооружений

Description: The maintenance and repair engineer for buildings, installations, equipment and facilities is responsible for the management and repair of buildings, installations and facilities, which include the inspection and repair of production buildings with all construction structures, sanitary facilities, including water supply and sewage outlets, electrical lighting, plotting of the area adjacent to the building and scaffolding of buildings and structures, including in-house and access roads, water and sanitation facilities, thermal and gas networks, electricity and communications, as well as various relays, platforms, open warehouses and other facilities. In the course of the operation of buildings, installations and equipment, a specialist in this field carries out technical supervision, periodic inspections and inspections of the condition of certain structural elements.

VIDEO ON THEME: Specialized capacity 08.02.01 "Construction and maintenance of buildings and facilities"

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Work of Buildings Management Specialist

Procedures for the reception of buildings, premises, normative, methodological and other materials for the organization of the renovation of buildings, premises and their equipment.

Procedures for the preparation of technical and accounting documentation: the procedure for the conclusion of business contracts: the foundations of economics, labour organization and management: the basis of labour legislation: to ensure that:- maintenance is carried out at intervals that ensure the effective operation of the building from the time of completion of its major renovation to the time of renovation;- renovation of the accommodation and accessories, apartments caused by the failure of the buildings' roofs, engineering systems, etc.

Checks the readiness of residential buildings for operation during the autumn-winter period and specifies the scope of repairs to buildings and utilities, ensures that work is carried out to prepare for the seasonal operation of residential buildings, their components and systems, as well as public utilities, and that the personnel of all the individual organizational units of the enterprise are involved in the tasks assigned to them, if this is provided for in the structural unit regulations, if not with the permission of the head of the enterprise.

Receive information and documents from organizational units and specialists necessary for the performance of his or her duties; report to the immediate manager, within his or her competence, on any shortcomings identified in the process and make proposals to remedy them.

See the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities; contact the management with proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities of this instruction.

To request the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their duties and rights and to request the management of the controlled facilities to ensure the necessary organizational and technical conditions for the performance of their duties; to consult the documents defining their rights and duties in the post and the criteria for the evaluation of the quality of their duties; and to submit proposals to the management of the enterprise for improvement in the performance of the duties provided for in this regulation.

The official instruction of the Facilities Management Specialist during the absence of a building control specialist, premises — travel, leave and illness — is the responsibility of the person appointed in accordance with the established procedure.

This person acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him/her. 1. The duties of the Specialist for the Control of Buildings and Premises Management. 1. The Specialist for Buildings and Facilities Management..................................................................................................................................

On the basis of his or her duties, specialists draw up an official instruction containing all the rights and duties of the worker and a complete list of job requirements according to his or her position and type of organization, which is governed by the following regulations and local technical regulations; by orders and regulations of the director of the machinery; by rules and regulations of occupational safety; by safety and fire protection; by internal labour regulations; and by a real job instruction.

During the period of leave and temporary incapacity for work, other employees of the service staff may be required to perform their duties on the basis of an order issued by the director of the machinery in accordance with the requirements of the labour law.

2. The main activity of the equipment is integrated maintenance and repair of buildings, installations and maintenance of their normal operation and operation, and the responsibilities of the Technician are as follows: 3. Common requirements for the characterization of the post of engineer for the organizational operation of construction facilities in the first category: it is mandatory to have a higher engineering degree and to have worked in the post from three years; the characterization of the post of specialist for the management of various buildings in the second category: the existence of a higher technical or secondary specialized education and the experience of an engineer for the repair and operation of construction facilities for at least three years; knowledge of the basic economics, production practices and management of workers under your supervision; and the basic requirements for the post of engineer for the operation of buildings: the relevant post of engineer for higher education, without seniority, or secondary and specialized engineering education, and the time spent in that position for at least three years, in other technical posts from five years to five years.

The functions of the Facilities Management Engineer are as follows: 2. Maintenance of buildings, installations and equipment in these buildings, elevators, escalators, etc. The duties of the Facilities Management Engineer to perform the functions assigned to him are as follows: 3.

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Facilities Management Specialist — Occupational Review

The International Production Company requires a specialist in the maintenance of buildings, installations and infrastructure. Preparation of a preliminary forecast of maintenance and maintenance costs, as well as major repairs to the facility for subsequent periods. Analysis of the causes of the increased wear and tear, accidents and downs of engineering systems and equipment, identification of its causes, measures to prevent wear and tear, and further management of its causes. Information to the immediate manager on the shortcomings of the companys' engineering systems. Monitoring and compliance with the maintenance, repair and maintenance budget of the facility. Identification of excess costs associated with the maintenance, repair and maintenance of the facility. Minimum costs and costs for the maintenance, repair and maintenance of the facility. Ensure the timely preparation and transmission of certificates, invoices, invoices, etc.

An official instruction for the maintenance of the building to prohibit the use of defective or dangerous maintenance facilities, machines, facilities, machinery, instruments, devices and structures, to take measures to prevent the occurrence of life- and health-threatening factors and property-related factors, in the performance of their duties, and to submit disciplinary action to the Deputy Director of OIA for misconduct, which disrupts the educational and educational process that is harmful to property, in accordance with the procedure established by the Director of Engineering.

Responsibilities: Systematic inspection of the technical condition of buildings, installations, equipment and machinery: operation and maintenance of uninterrupted and non-crash engineering systems and facilities: electricity, sanitation, ventilation, weak systems, etc., maintenance in accordance with operational rules, minor maintenance of self-contained heating, water supply, sewage and other engineering equipment and machinery, and minor household maintenance; preparation and maintenance of water, thermal and electrical consumption records; maintenance of a weekly technical inspection and technical evaluation of structures, installations and engineering systems.

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1. The name of the building management engineer is classified in the Professional category. 1. The person appointed to the post of building management engineer shall have a higher professional technical education without having to apply for a period of service. 3 yearss'econdary technical education and service experience in the first category of technicians, or other posts replaced by specialists with a secondary professional qualification, shall have at least 5 years ' experience. 3. The building management engineer shall know: - a single system of routine and preventive repairs and the rational operation of technological equipment; - procedures for the preparation of repair budgets, requests for equipment, materials, spare parts, tools, etc. The functions of the building maintenance engineer shall be assigned to the operation of the buildings, structures and equipment in them, elevators, escalators, etc. To perform the functions assigned to him/her, the building maintenance engineer shall: 3. Participate in the inspection of the technical condition of the equipment, the quality of the repair work and the acceptance of newly arrived equipment, as appropriate, of the documentation for its write-off or transfer to other enterprises; and supervise the activities of the units of the enterprise involved in the maintenance, maintenance and maintenance of the equipment.

Seekers' Services

Buildings management services are designed to provide quality and timely maintenance of the facility so as to avoid accidents and the consequences of their elimination. Regular maintenance and repair planning, monitoring of the engineering systems of the facility under the control of our specialists will enable your facility to operate without accidents and 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a result, the Employer is no longer required to deal independently with the boundaries of responsibility between contractors working in related engineering systems.

Arrangements for the reception of buildings, premises.

Education required: Primary professional locksmith, master of relevant equipment — PU with training in the above-mentioned fields; medium specialized technicians with skills in the installation, repair and maintenance of water-based equipment, etc. The engineers develop technical plans and plans for repair and prevention work, as well as travel quickly to a controlled facility in extreme cases or to carry out routine inspections, identify causes and assign tasks to the masters and repair workers, often take part in the repair work themselves. In JEKA and industry, engineers manage the work of building maintenance specialists, hold a workshop and are responsible for the emergency operation of the equipment entrusted to them. Expert engineers conduct periodic studies of the foundations, walls and roofs of buildings, sewage wells, manifolds or other installations and systems in accordance with the speciality received.

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Work of Buildings Management Specialist


Salary surveys: Specialist in Buildings Management, Safety, Fire Protection of Buildings and Facilities.








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