Since when do you sell alcohol in 2019?

С какого времени можно продавать алкоголь в 2019

The situation in Russia today with regard to the prohibition of alcohol consumption is not better: according to the statistics, the amount of alcohol consumed per person has increased as compared to the beginning of the twentieth century; the authorities concerned about this state of affairs adopt laws designed to restrict the possibility of procuring alcohol; the rules for retail holidays and the consumption of alcoholic beverages are set out in article 16 of the FZ Act. Under the regulations, the retail trade in alcohol is not permitted: in institutions dealing with children, education, medicine and sports, or near them; in cultural institutions, with the exception of the sale of low-alcoholic beverages by general-food enterprises; in public transport, urban and peri-urban, at stops.

VIDEO ON THEME: So how many and how many people sell alcohol in Russia in 2019: time of sale by region

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"dry law" in Kiev: How does the capital circumvent the ban on the night sale of alcohol?

The ban on the sale of alcohol on 1 September and on other holidays in the Russian Federation The Navigator Act on 1 September is the beginning of a school year and a holiday for pupils.

But it is not a holiday at all for liquor lovers. On this day in many regions, you can't buy alcohol in a retail way. But not all regions have such restrictions. Let's tell you what holidays Russia has banned the sale of alcohol in and over the years, which days and in which regions the retail sale of wine, vodka and beer is completely restricted.

In which regions there is a ban on the sale of alcohol on 1 September, Russia has only one federal restriction: it deals with the purchase of alcohol at night, from 11 p.m. to 8 p.m., article 16 of the Federal Law of this period is impossible to purchase alcohol at any place because there is a ban on the sale of alcohol; local authorities can tighten the terms for the sale of alcoholic beverages by reducing time and introducing special days when it is not possible to buy beer and wine in a store for the rest of the day.

In Moscow and Moscow, for example, it was decided that federal requirements would be sufficient, so alcohol is purchased in the daytime during the year, and knowledge day is the leader among the days of the year in which the retailing of alcohol is prohibited.

And that's almost half of it.

The Sales of Alcohol Act: latest amendments of 2019

The responsibility for the illegal sale of alcohol is one of the types of products whose circulation in the country is severely restricted, but there are nuances: the legislation on alcohol products and the production and marketing of alcohol or other alcohol-containing products is carried out on the territory of the country on the basis of a valid licence; the individual cannot obtain such a licence; for the most part, the industry is in the hands of legal persons, and some of its areas are in the hands of IPs.

One method of combating domestic and other crimes is to limit the sale of alcohol by commercial establishments.

This restriction does not apply to the sale of liquor in catering facilities; the Act on the Limitation of the Sale of Hot Beverages is prohibited at the regional level, which means that the local authorities have the right to amend, impose additional time limits on the prohibition of the sale of alcohol, and many local authorities have taken up the issue with greater emphasis by extending the time limits on the sale of alcohol.

Permitted time for the sale of alcohol in the regions of Russia

In Russia, they can introduce a rule on the sale of alcohol from the age of 21 years; they will set such a threshold in the regions; the bill has been submitted to the State; the regions can now impose additional restrictions on the retail sale of alcohol, particularly in terms of time, conditions and places of sale; under the bill, they will also be able to raise the age of the sale of alcohol; in the opinion of the drafter of the legislative initiative, Deputy Shamsail Saraliev, such a measure will help to enhance the protection of human health and preserve the spiritual values of society; the Minpromtorg has proposed to remove the beer from the rules of the heavy alcohol trade. The explanatory note states that a young man cannot make an informed decision on the use of alcohol; however, research confirms that "alcohol has a detrimental effect on the various structural elements of the brain of young people at this age, since on average the internal structure of the brain will be completed by about 21 years".

In Bashkiri, the sale of alcohol on sabantuys was banned, on Youth Day, and on 1 September.

In the course of the year, the EGAIS system, which shows all the information on the movement of alcohol, has been used to record in the system the opening of each bottle of alcohol; however, the legal purchase of alcohol is possible for persons who are supply agents in places authorized to sell alcohol at night; the souvenir house, to which the seller offers alcohol, can also be ordered as a bonus; the responsibility will be added in the year to new articles and amendments to the laws that will increase the penalties for violation of the rules on the sale of alcohol.

At the same time, fermented beverages can be purchased from small shops in sleeping areas as well as from some network supermarkets in the city centre.

With heavy alcohol, we have to say good-bye until morning Photo: Timur Sharipkulov from today, 31 May, in Bashkaria, it will not be possible to buy alcohol after 10:00 p.m. The deputies of the Gossabour increased the ban on the sale of alcohol at night from 22:00 to 10:00 instead of the previous version from 23:00 to 8:00 p.m. President Kurultai Konstantin Tolkachev noted that the law had been adopted on the basis of numerous voter appeals, and he even had a public discussion on the Internet. We have chosen the most rational ones.

In the State Duma, they offered to sell alcohol from the age of 21.

A ban on the sale of alcohol on 1 September and on other holidays in the Russian Federation The Navigator Law on 1 September is the beginning of the school year and a holiday day for pupils, but it is not a holiday for liquor lovers.

Look at this: All you need to know about the sale of alcohol in 2019, what's the risk of selling an unlicensed IP beer?

Today, the deputies of the Republic of Kazakhstan passed a law aimed at restricting the sale of alcohol on the day of the Sabantua in the cities and villages of Bashkaria, and they also prohibited the sale of alcohol on Youth Day on 27 June, Knowledge Day on 1 September, and on 2 September, while on 1 September, the President of the State Assembly, Bashkaria Konstantin Tolkachev, noted that the law had been adopted on the basis of numerous voter appeals and had been discussed on the Internet.

Time of sale of alcohol in Moscow and Moscow region


The ban on the sale of alcohol on 1 September and on other holidays to the local authorities may increase the conditions for the sale of beer and wine in the store for the rest of the day.


At what hours and on what dates is the sale of alcohol prohibited?


Prohibition of the sale of alcohol on 1 September 2019 and on other holidays in the Russian Federation




In June, in the Arkhangel region, the sale of alcohol will be restricted.



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