My citizenship documents

Мои документы оформление гражданства

The examination of the Russian Federations' readiness to acquire Russian citizenship in a simplified manner, the list of documents, the advantages Depending on the basis of the acquisition of citizenship, the simplified procedure allows for the reduction of the time required for the acquisition of a Russian passport to one year or less. The simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship is usually of interest to citizens who have decided to obtain Russian citizenship as soon as possible. However, it is only possible to obtain a Russian passport under this procedure if the applicant meets the requirements of the law. The acquisition of a Russian citizens' passport without legal means of obtaining citizenship is subject to criminal liability. The payment of bribes and other actions aimed at acquiring Russian citizenship not only involve the issuance of an invalid document but also constitute a criminal offence.

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Can citizenship be granted to the IFC?

The application for citizenship of the Russian Federation is further referred to as the application and documents necessary for the acquisition or termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation are submitted in the complainants' place of residence: by a person residing in the territory of the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic, the Directorate-General or the Office of Internal Affairs of the province, province, the city of federal importance, the autonomous region or the autonomous district, which are the territorial bodies of the federal executive authority responsible for internal affairs, which is further referred to as the internal affairs agencies; by a person residing outside the Russian Federation and having no place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation, to a diplomatic mission or consular institution of the Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation.

The application shall be drawn up in two copies each on a form conforming to the specific grounds for acquiring, terminating or regularizing the citizenship of the Russian Federation of annex N. The application form shall be filled in by hand or using the technical means of typewriters and computers.

When filling out the application form, the use of abbreviations, abbreviations and corrections is not permitted; the answers to the questions contained in the application form must be exhaustive; the text of the application must be legible; when submitting the application, the applicant shall present to the official of the competent authority in charge of the citizenship cases of the Russian Federation the name of the official, the documents certifying his identity, nationality or lack of citizenship, as well as the documents confirming the applicants' place of residence.

The presentation of documents certifying the applicants' nationality and his or her place of residence is not required if this information is contained in the applicants' identity document.

The application of the person certifying his/her identity and nationality by a document issued in connection with his/her official or professional activities, including an official passport, a diplomatic passport or a sailors' passport, shall not be admissible; if the applicant changes his/her name, name or patronymic to the competent authority in charge of the citizenship cases of the Russian Federation, the competent authority shall submit a copy of the certificate of change of name, name or patronymic.

The lists of documents corresponding to the specific grounds for acquiring, terminating or regularizing the citizenship of the Russian Federation are set out in sections II, III and VI of this Regulation. In the event of a change in the nationality of a child between 14 and 18 years of age, his or her written consent shall be given; such consent shall be given in an arbitrary form. The original signature of the child shall be certified by a notary record. An official shall inform the applicant with children of the provisions of articles 24 and 25 of the Federal Law and seek his or her opinion on the change of nationality of the children.

The original document submitted by the applicant certifying his passport and or residence permit shall be returned.

The application shall be accompanied by a copy of the document, the conformity of which shall be verified by the official and certified by the officials' signature and stamp of the competent authority; if the applicant submits copies of other necessary documents, they shall be certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries.

All documents submitted together with the application must be translated into Russian; the validity of the translation or the authenticity of the signature of the interpreter must be certified by a notary record; the application shall be deemed to have been accepted from the date on which the applicant submits all necessary and duly documented documents with the applicants' personal signature and date.

In the cases provided for in article 33 of the Federal Act, a declaration may, at the request of the applicant, be signed by another person whose signature must be certified by a notary.

If, because of the circumstances specified in article 32 of the Federal Act and documented, the applicant transmits the application and the necessary documents through another person or sends them by post, the application shall be deemed to have been accepted from the date of its receipt by the competent authority, provided that the application and the documents attached thereto have been properly processed; the application and the documents that have not been properly processed are not accepted and returned to the applicant.

The complainants' submission of false documents or the disclosure of false information is the basis for the rejection of the application; foreign nationals and stateless persons who have reached the age of 18 and have the capacity to act may be admitted to the citizenship of the Russian Federation on the basis of article 13 of the Federal Act.

If a person can renounce another nationality but is subject to the acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation, the applicant undertakes, within one year from the date of acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation, to submit a certificate of withdrawal from another nationality; in the event that another nationality is withdrawn from the person as a result of the acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation, the applicant undertakes to submit the relevant document within three months from the date of acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

The submission of a document on the renunciation of another nationality is not required if the applicant is a citizen of a State with which the Russian Federation has an international treaty providing for the possibility of retaining the existing nationality when acquiring the citizenship of the Russian Federation, nor is the submission of the said document required of persons who have been granted political asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation and persons who have refugee status in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The complainant also submits a document confirming his knowledge of the Russian language at a level sufficient to communicate orally and in writing in a language environment, and his knowledge of the Russian language at the said level is confirmed by one of the following documents: and the State model for education is not lower than the basic general education issued by the educational institution by the organization before 1 September.

Persons who have reached the age of 65 years and women who have reached the age of 60 years; disabled persons; disabled persons in group I shall be exempted from the submission of documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language. If there is at least one of the grounds provided for in article 13, paragraph 2, of the Federal Law, together with the documents listed in paragraph 10 of this Regulation, the person born in the territory of the RSFSR and who has the citizenship of the USSR shall be presented with a birth certificate issued in the territory of the RSFSR by the civil registry authority.

The admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation, in accordance with article 13, paragraph 3, of the Federal Act, is based on an application to the President of the Russian Federation by a federal authority or a senior official of the head of the supreme executive body of the State authority of the entity of the Russian Federation.

The Russian Federations' outstanding achievements in the fields of science, technology, production, culture, sport, significant contributions to economic development, defence and security of the Russian Federation, and other achievements that have contributed to the raising of Russias' international prestige, are particularly noteworthy.

Additional information and conclusions may be requested from the federal authorities, as well as from the State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in order to make an objective assessment of the merits of the decision to admit such a person to the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

The decision to grant citizenship to a person with special merit to the Russian Federation is taken by the President of the Russian Federation if the persons' will exists.

Foreign nationals and stateless persons who have reached the age of 18 and who have the capacity to do so may be admitted to citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner on the basis of article 14, paragraph 1, of the Federal Law; foreign nationals shall also submit a document of the diplomatic mission or consular establishment of a foreign State in the Russian Federation or of another authorized body of a foreign State confirming the applicants' application to renounce his or her existing other nationality in the manner prescribed by the law of that State, or the inability to renounce another nationality, as well as a copy of the application certified by the competent authority of the foreign State, and shall give the obligations provided for in paragraph 10 of this Regulation if, on the basis of this paragraph, they are not exempted from submitting the documents referred to therein and from making the corresponding obligations.

If the birth certificate is issued by an authority of a foreign State, confirmation that the applicant has been a citizen of the USSR may be provided by the relevant official data of the competent authority, or by the certificate of the competent authority of another State that was a member of the USSR on the exchange of the passport of a citizen of the USSR with the document of a stateless person or the passport of a citizen of the USSR; the admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation of children and disabled persons, a child and a stateless person who are foreign nationals or stateless persons, shall be admitted to the citizenship of the Russian Federation on the basis of article 14, part two, article 24, part one, article 25, part one to four, article 26, part three, and article 27, part one to third, of the Federal Law on the application of the persons referred to in this paragraph.

An application for the admission to Russian citizenship of a child at the same time as the parents, one of the parents or the sole parent, as well as for the admission to Russian citizenship of a child or a disabled person over whom guardianship or guardianship has been established, shall be made at the same time by the guardian or guardian on the application form for the admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation of the parents, one of the parents or the sole parent, guardian or guardian, respectively.

Together with the application of the parents, one of the parents or one of the sole parents for the admission to Russian citizenship of a child residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, a childs' birth certificate and a childs' passport, if any; a residence permit or other document confirming the childs' residence in the territory of the Russian Federation; and the consent of a child between 14 and 18 years of age to acquire the Russian Federations' citizenship, in accordance with paragraph 5 (3) of this Regulation.

When a child residing in the territory of the Russian Federation acquires the citizenship of the Russian Federation on the basis of article 25, paragraph 4, of the Federal Law, the application of the parent acquiring the citizenship of the Russian Federation shall be accompanied by the application of another parent for the admission of the child to the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Such a declaration shall be made in an arbitrary form and the signature of the parent shall be certified by a notary record; together with the application of the parents, one of the parents or one of the sole parents for the admission to Russian citizenship of a child residing outside the Russian Federation, the child's birth certificate as well as the child's passport, if any; the document certifying the identity and citizenship of the other parent when acquiring citizenship under article 14, paragraph "a", article 25, paragraph 2, paragraphs 2 and 4, of the Federal Act; the document certifying the status of a stateless person of another parent when acquiring citizenship on the basis of article 14, paragraph "a" and article 25, paragraph 3, of the Federal Law; the consent of a child between 14 and 18 years of age to the acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation, in accordance with paragraph 3 of paragraph 5 of this Regulation.

The written consent of the other parent of a different nationality to the child's acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation on the basis of article 14, paragraph "(a), of the Federal Act is also submitted together with the application of the parent of the Russian Federation. The signature of the parent of the consent shall be certified by a notary record; if the circumstances so warrant, the court's decision to declare the parent dead or missing, or the deprivation of his or her parental rights, or the death certificate of the parent, or the statement made in arbitrary form, that the applicant has no information on the whereabouts of the parent, or a document confirming that the applicant is a single mother, shall be given in place of the consent of the other parent.

When a child residing outside the Russian Federation acquires the citizenship of the Russian Federation on the basis of paragraphs 2 and 4 of article 25 of the Federal Law, the application of the parent who acquires the citizenship of the Russian Federation shall be accompanied by the application of another parent for the admission of the child to the citizenship of the Russian Federation; together with the application for the admission to the citizenship of a child or an incompetent person who has been placed under guardianship or guardianship, the following shall be submitted: the birth certificate of the child or a disabled person, as well as the passport of the child or of the disabled person, if any; the residence permit or other document confirming the childs' or a disabled persons' residence in the territory of the Russian Federation if the child or a disabled person is resident in the territory of the Russian Federation; the certificate establishing the guardianship or guardianship; the consent of the child between 14 and 18 years of age to acquire the citizenship of the Russian Federation, in accordance with paragraph 3 of paragraph 5 of this Regulation.

In the case of an incompetent person, the courts' decision to declare a person incompetent is also submitted; together with the application for citizenship of the child adopted by the adopted spouses, one of whom is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the other has a different nationality, irrespective of the childs' place of residence, the following shall be submitted: the birth certificate of the child and the childs' passport, if any; the adoption certificate; the document certifying the identity and nationality of the other adopter; and the consent of the child between 14 and 18 years of age for the acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation, in accordance with paragraph 5 (3) of this Regulation.

The application is signed by both adoptive parents and, in the event that one of the adoptive parents cannot be present at the time the application is submitted to the competent authority, his signature on the application must be certified by a notary record; the restoration of citizenship of the Russian Federation to a person residing in or outside the territory of the Russian Federation shall be effected on the basis of the persons' voluntary will.

In the cases provided for in article 20 of the Federal Act, there is no possibility of withdrawal from the citizenship of the Russian Federation; the application of the parents is signed by both parents; in the event that one of the parents cannot be present at the time the application is submitted to the competent authority, the signature of that parent on the application must be certified by a notary record.

An application for the withdrawal of a childs' citizenship from the Russian Federation at the same time as his or her parents, one of the parents or the sole parents' under article 24, paragraph 2, and article 25, paragraph 5, of the Federal Law shall be made on the application form for the withdrawal of the parent from the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the documents referred to in paragraphs 24 and 25 of this Regulation shall be submitted together with the application of the parent, and the consent of the other parent who retains the citizenship of the Russian Federation to the childs' withdrawal from the citizenship of the Russian Federation on the basis of article 25, paragraph 5, of the Federal Law shall also be submitted when one of the parents who have citizenship of the Russian Federation withdraws from the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

When a child adopted by a foreign national or by a foreign national leaves the citizenship of the Russian Federation on the basis of article 26, paragraph 1, of the Federal Law, a certificate of adoption shall be submitted together with the application of both adoptive parents or sole adoptive parents and the documents referred to in paragraph 25 of this Regulation.

The application of the adoptive parents is signed by both adoptive parents and the President of the Russian Federation decides on the questions of admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation, restoration of citizenship of the Russian Federation, withdrawal of citizenship of the Russian Federation in general order, revocation of decisions on citizenship issues of the Russian Federation, and ensures the coordinated functioning and cooperation of the competent authorities in connection with the implementation of the Federal Law.

In the circumstances provided for in article 16, paragraphs (b) to (g), of the Federal Act, the President of the Russian Federation is entitled, in exceptional cases, to consider the question of the admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation or the restoration to citizenship of foreign nationals and stateless persons of the Russian Federation; in order to exercise his/her powers with regard to questions of citizenship of the Russian Federation and the preliminary consideration of applications, the President of the Russian Federation shall form a Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Russian Federation.

The Commissions' regulations are approved by the President of the Russian Federation; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: on the basis of the conclusions of the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, it draws conclusions on applications for change of nationality in general; it establishes the form of statistical records and maintains a database of persons who have applied outside the Russian Federation and for whom a decision has been taken on questions of citizenship of the Russian Federation; it exercises other powers as provided for in the Federal Law and the present Regulation.

The conclusions of the competent authorities provided for in paragraphs 29 to 32 of this Regulation shall be drawn up on the basis of the form approved respectively by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and shall include information on the applicant and his relatives, based on the documents submitted by the applicant and the results of the relevant checks, an assessment of the reasons for the change of nationality, a reasoned opinion on the substance of the application and an indication of the article of the part, paragraph, of the Federal Law to be applied on the application.

The opinion shall be signed by the head of the competent authority or by the person performing his/her duties; when accepting an application for consideration, the official shall verify the documents provided for in paragraph 4 of this Regulation, the validity of the application and the documents submitted with him/her, their conformity with the specific grounds for acquiring or terminating the citizenship of the Russian Federation and the availability of all the necessary documents.

The fact of such verification, as well as the authenticity of the signature of the applicant or other person in the case provided for in article 33 of the Federal Act, shall be confirmed by the signature of the official on the application form.

The officials' signature, as well as the applicants' photograph, shall be stamped with the stamp of the competent authority; the application shall be registered; the registration number shall be placed on the application form; the applicant shall be issued with a certificate confirming the acceptance of the application for consideration and payment of the State duty or consular fee; and the certificate shall include the registration number of the application and the part, paragraph, of the Federal Act on the basis of which the application was submitted.

The application for a change of nationality in general order submitted by a person residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and the documents submitted by the applicant after verification, together with the conclusions of the internal affairs body and the territorial body of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and other relevant materials, are sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; the application for a change of nationality in general, submitted by a person residing outside the Russian Federation, and the documents submitted by the applicant after verification, together with the opinion of the diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation and other relevant material, are sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation issue opinions on the application and transmit it together with the necessary documents and materials to the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation checks and gives an opinion on the documents, materials and information submitted in respect of persons who have reached the age of 14 years, together with documents and materials, including these conclusions, submitted to the Commission for its preliminary consideration and preparation of proposals to the President of the Russian Federation.

The time limit for the consideration of applications by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the internal affairs agencies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies shall not exceed two months in each of these bodies, and the application for change of nationality submitted by a person residing outside the Russian Federation and the documents submitted by the applicant shall be sent by the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for the purpose of organizing the necessary checks carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Decisions on applications for change of nationality are taken by the internal affairs authorities in agreement with the territorial authorities of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and by the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Decisions on applications for the change of nationality of children under 14 years of age and of persons with disabilities are taken in a simplified manner by the competent authorities without consultation with the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies and without conducting inspections by the internal affairs agencies, and the time limit for the consideration of applications in each of the bodies referred to in this paragraph must be determined in the light of article 35, paragraph 4, of the Federal Act, according to which applications for change of nationality must be dealt with and decided in a simplified manner within a period of up to six months from the date of the submission of the application and the submission of all the necessary documents in due course.

In the event of the discovery of facts indicating the existence of the grounds provided for in articles 16 and 20 of the Federal Law for the rejection of applications for citizenship of the Russian Federation and for the restoration of citizenship of the Russian Federation or for refusal to withdraw from citizenship of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or its territorial authorities shall inform the competent authority concerned in writing.

Decisions on the rejection of applications for citizenship of the Russian Federation and the reinstatement of citizenship of the Russian Federation or the refusal of withdrawal from citizenship of the Russian Federation shall be taken by the competent authorities on the basis of the results of the tests carried out; decisions on questions of citizenship of the Russian Federation shall be taken on each application separately, specifying the grounds for acceptance of the citizenship of the Russian Federation and the reinstatement of the citizenship of the Russian Federation, or the rejection of such applications, the authorization to withdraw from the citizenship of the Russian Federation or the refusal to withdraw from the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

How to formalize Russian citizenship in the Cheboksars in 2019

They do not need to file RMPs, VAWs and any other documents, they do not need to renounce their existing citizenship, they need to collect the necessary documentation and they need to apply to the Migration Office, and their passport will be issued within three months of the date of the application; Putins' second decree, issued on 1 May, extended the list of beneficiaries; the President allowed citizenship and those who had previously lived in the DNR and LNR and left the Republic because of the hostilities.

If you need legal assistance of a complex nature, and you do not know how to process documents, IFCs need additional papers and background papers or refuse to do so at all, we offer free legal advice: for the inhabitants of Moscow and MoI - St. Petersburg and Len. The only body competent to carry out this service in the territory of the Russian Federation is the State Migration Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Visa expert: How to formalize Russian citizenship in the Cheboksars in the year: there are two options for obtaining Russian citizenship, either through normal or simplified procedures, which differ in terms of the time frame for the consideration of documents as well as the requirements for applicants; but in any event, persons wishing to become Russian citizens will have to prove their trustworthiness and loyalty to the new home country, their knowledge of the language and their agreement to comply with Russian law; the general procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship may be for foreign citizens and non-nationals who: have a residence permit and have lived in the country continuously for at least five years; they have an official source of income; they have good knowledge of Russian; they have confirmed their agreement to comply with Russian legislation. Foreign citizens will have to renounce another citizenship before obtaining a Russian passport.

My child's citizenship documents.

How to obtain Russian citizenship who can acquire Russian citizenship and how to verify its readiness. What documents are needed to obtain citizenship? At what time does the application for citizenship be considered? 1. Where to apply for Russian citizenship? Who can apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation in general order? What documents will be required to apply for citizenship in general order? Can you apply for citizenship in general terms not five years after the receipt of the VAW but earlier?

How to obtain Russian citizenship

Registration of children born in Russia and their acquisition of citizenship. How do you get Russian citizenship? How do you get officials to comply with the law? And my first question to the guests in the studio.

Visa expert: There are two ways in which Russian citizenship can be acquired in Tumen in a year, either through normal or simplified procedures, and they differ in the time frame for the consideration of the package of documents as well as in the requirements for candidates.

The application for citizenship of the Russian Federation is further referred to as the application and documents necessary for the acquisition or termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation are submitted in the applicants' place of residence: by a person residing in the territory of the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic, the Directorate-General or the Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the province, the city of federal importance, the autonomous region or the autonomous district, which are the territorial bodies of the federal executive authority responsible for internal affairs, the internal affairs authorities are then referred to as the internal affairs authorities; by a person residing outside the Russian Federation and without a place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation to the diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation; the application is drawn up in two copies each on a form corresponding to the specific grounds for acquiring, terminating or formalizing the citizenship of the Russian Federation of annex N.


The procedure and procedure for obtaining the first passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation has reached the age of 14, the day after the date of birth, and the birth certificate is no longer valid, i.e., no longer valid, i.e. one of the first submarine stones on the basis of which the issuance of the passport may be postponed is the existence of citizenship; information on citizenship may be in the form of a deposit in the birth certificate or a special stamp on the birth certificate; and the Russian Federations' citizenship of a child under the age of 14 is certified by a birth certificate which includes information on the citizenship of both parents or of the sole parent, regardless of the place of birth of the child.

Take a look at this: How do we begin to shape Russian citizenship?


How to Formalize Russian Citizenship in Tumen in 2019


Replacement of a Russian citizens' passport with a change of the FIO citizens' passport and acceptance of applications and documents for the issuance of a Russian citizens' passport.


St. Petersburg Migration Forum







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  1. Leonid

    I'm sorry, but I think you're wrong.

  2. Emma.

    It's not great, but it's not bad.

  3. ovunigga

    With the new and coming old NSAs, let the bull piss off your competitors.

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