Get the ticket back to the concert if I can.

Вернуть билет на концерт могу ли я

Comments 8 Return of tickets: The legislative framework on any form of entry, whether it be a circus, cinema, concert or other event, indicates the following information: data on the organizing company; date and time of the event; price. The pass may be paper or electronic. Buyers have the possibility to buy an entry ticket either in the official register of the theatre, concert hall, film or on the website of the organization; specialists do not recommend the purchase of a pass from the buyers, since in this case the organizer of the event may refuse to return the money for the entrance. The ticket for any event is a form of strict reporting.

What's to pay attention to when buying a concert ticket, and how do you get your money back?

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Why can't you return your ticket to Yandex.Afiche?

Depends on the reason why you can't go to the event. Respectable reasons: the event was cancelled, replaced or postponed; you got sick; you have a good reason? Yes, I have a valid reason. No, I have no valid reason. We will return the full cost of the tickets if you are able to apply in time: if you are ill, within 14 days of the event; if your close relative dies, within 30 days of the event.

If the event has been cancelled, replaced or postponed, you can fill in the application at any time. Please attach documents that can prove a valid cause.

The day of the event itself is not counted as the day of the event itself. For example, you filed an application on 8 December and a 15 December application was filed 7 days before the date of the event. If you bought a stock ticket or a sale, the organizer may refuse to return it. Please specify through which ticket partner you bought the tickets.

To find out, open the PDF file with the tickets and see which salesman is listed at the bottom of each ticket.

Return of tickets

How to pass the ticket to the concert and return the money to Jun 22, Irina Semashko Pictures: www. So it's only natural to want the money back for it if the event is cancelled or impossible to visit it, especially since the law in this case is on the consumer side. You're going to need a statement; a ticket to the concert. If the concert has been cancelled, you have every right to return the money spent on the ticket or exchange one ticket for another.

Depends on the reason why you can't attend an event.

How do you get your tickets back? When a consumer goes to the concert hall cash register and demands that you return the money for the tickets that have been purchased or exchange them for other tickets, it is likely that you will hear no return. In entertainment facilities, there is often an internal return order. Some organizations do not pay the money for the tickets that the buyers give up.

Rules for the return of tickets

Theater's working, and there's no ticket support. I wrote an e-mail and got the answer: So BigBilet is a digitalized speculator who sells not tickets but his ticket services from the supplier. No public offer, naturally, I didn't see, because I didn't buy a ticket through BigBilet, but through Yandex. There's no one going to go to other sites and read offers. There's no return rules on the ticket either. The ticket return laws were written 20 years ago when there wasn't even such a notion as an electronic ticket. Since then, no one has been updated.

How do you get an electronic ticket to the concert?

The application is made in an arbitrary form, but must comply with the requirements laid down by law. How can you return the amount spent on the ticket if you have not attended the event because of personal circumstances? The algorithm is the same as for the cancellation of the event by the organizers. Only before you go to court must a person file a complaint with the local cultural committee.

The procedure for returning the ticket to the concert is to consider how to proceed when there is a need to return the ticket. To perform this procedure, reserve a certain set of documents: the ticket for the concert purchased in advance; the check received when buying the ticket.

The law provides for the possibility of giving tickets to the concert if the buyers do not have the opportunity or the will to attend it. How do you do so correctly to return the money paid for the unnecessary tickets? How do you hand over the tickets via the Internet or to the host's register?

Return of tickets to theatre, concert or other event



How do you get the tickets back to the concert?


I don't want to look for fault and I want my ticket back through your own service. I couldn't go to the concert and I wanted to cancel the ticket. I wrote to the service. I can't say anything about supporting completely.


Rules for returning tickets to the concert


Return of tickets by law




How to give up a concert ticket and get the money back.



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