Reimbursing of expenses to a third party under contract

Возмещение расходов третьему лицу по договору

For example, in one case, the Judicial Chamber for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation had indicated in which cases third persons who did not make independent claims for the subject matter of the dispute could recover costs from the loser.

VIDEO ON THEME: Reimbursement for the cost of the representatives' services

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Opponent against reimbursement of court expenses for performance of an obligation by a third party

Subject: Accounting legislation. It follows from the question that the wagon-cleaning services are provided to your client, including a contract with him and a primary document for him.

The client reimbursed you for the total amount of your freight forwarder services, and you should reimburse the railwaymen from the cost of your services, identifying them as reimbursement of fees, and not include compensation in the revenue and not charge VAT.

Induction documents for reimbursement of costs from a customer cannot be produced by means of an act and an invoice, since these services are not provided to you or in your interest, except in cases where the debtor is obliged to perform the obligation in person by virtue of the law, contract or terms and substance of the obligation. (c) For example, under the general rule, the debtor is obliged to perform its obligations in person when concluding contracts for the performance of R & D.

This may be otherwise provided in the contract: which rights the law grants to the perpetrator and the creditor in the case of payment for a third person, any person has the right to perform the obligation in lieu of the debtor on his or her behalf; unlike the transfer of the debt, this does not require the creditors' consent.

This rule protects the interests of the creditor and does not permit a challenge to the performance that has already taken place. When imposing a duty on a third party, there is no change in the obligation of the persons; therefore, if there are any claims, the creditor will bring them before the debtor and not the third person.

It is not important, however, how a third party has discharged the obligation: whether or not it is appropriate to cause loss to the creditor as a result of the payment of the debtor in breach of the order and time; what documents should be issued in the case of performance by a third party in order to avoid civil and tax risks, the parties to the obligation to the debtor and the creditor and the third person paying on behalf of the debtor need the following documents: a document certifying the debtors' obligations to the creditor against which the third party pays the executing agent.

In order to justify payment, and in order to comply with the requirements for the identification of the beneficiaries, the debtor shall transmit copies of the documents in question to the bank servicing it; a document certifying the existence of an obligation between the debtor and the third person performing the performance; such a document may be a contract, an annex to the contract or an act signed by the debtor and a third party determining the basis for its existence and the value of the third person to the debtor to which the third person pays the debtors' creditor.

These may include, inter alia, contracts of delivery, performance of services, loan contract, etc. The debtor will be prevented from rebutting this document, which would confirm the ex gratia nature of the debtors' settlement of the debtors' obligations. 3 A written instruction from the debtor to a third party containing information on: the debtors' creditor; the debtors' debt to the creditor and the basis for its occurrence; the third persons' obligation to the creditor and the basis for its occurrence, to which a third person pays the debtors' creditor.

This instruction may take the form of: a letter of instruction from the debtor to a third party; annexes to the contract between the debtor and a third party on the settlement procedure between the parties; this annex should state that a third person terminates its obligations to the debtor by paying the debtors' creditor in respect of the performance of the debtors' obligation to the creditor under the said agreement between the creditor and the debtor.

The instruction should refer to documents certifying the debtors' obligation to the creditor and to a third person to the debtor, specifying the details of those documents to enable them to be clearly identified; such a document would help to justify who should, what should and to whom; who, for whom, was performing; and the debtors' written notice of payment by a third person.

It should include the details of the third party, as well as details of the debtor's obligations terminated by the perpetrator. Nikolai Sedov, an expert from the Glavbuch system, confirmed by Sergei Granatkin, a leading expert from the Glavbuch system. Sorry to interrupt your reading in order to ensure the quality of the material and protect the copyright of the editorial, many articles on our website are in camera.

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How can a re-evaluation be properly processed?

The agent may incur costs by spending on certain expenses associated with the execution of the principals' task, which, in due course, is obliged to pay them at the end of the transaction. Reimbursement of the expenses to the Third Person for the Principle of the Agency Treaty on this subject is as follows: the agent may, on instructions from the principal, make payments to third persons at his own expense, with subsequent reimbursement of the costs to the principal. The relevant condition may be included in the contract. Justification of the position: In accordance with para.

Subject: Accounting legislation: It follows from the question that the wagon handling services are provided to your client, including a contract with him and the original documents for him; the client reimbursed you for the total amount of your freight forwarding services.

The appeal upheld the decision of the court of first instance, quashed the lower courts ' decisions and sent a separate dispute to a new court, which rejected the application in a new hearing, and ordered the second instance to recover 60 million rubles from Mikhail Kudriavtsev and the former president of the banks' board of directors, represented by Gitas Anilionis.

Reimbursing of expenses to a third party under contract

The Supreme Court referred to two conditions for compensation and set a point in the disputed question on 4 September: 0 out of 5 topics: the Courts' review of case law dealt with the land dispute and involved a third person who did not make a claim, a citizen to whom the plots were provided for construction; the dispute was settled in favour of the company to which the citizen was a party; since he had incurred the legal costs of the representatives' payment, he applied to the court for their compensation; the three courts granted the claim; the defendant did not agree and appealed to the Economic Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The judges indicated that the costs of the third person who was a party to the party in favour of which the act was adopted could be recovered under the following conditions: 1.

Litigation costs

The experience described continues to this day: the Presidency will soon examine the issue of interest on court costs; finally, work is under way on a draft decision of the Plenum on, inter alia, court costs, in which the long-awaited explanation of court costs for enforcement is expected; and in the current situation, we suggest that a no less interesting question be asked about the case; this is the nature of the case; Himexport did not have the money to handle the case in a court of law.

Forbidden Opponent against reimbursement of legal expenses for performance of an obligation by a third party In the case of performance of an obligation by a third party, the loser may use the fact of payment by the performing party as an argument to refuse to reimburse the legal costs. Consider the argument in favour of recovery.

An error occurred. Consider cases where possible: if third parties make independent claims as to the subject matter of the dispute, such persons shall enjoy all the rights that belong to the plaintiff.

When third parties are entitled to reimbursement of legal expenses

Civil law was entered into between the supplier and the buyer to deliver the goods of its own production; under this contract, the supplier handed over the goods to the buyer; in turn, the third-party buyer handed over the goods of its own production to a third party, which included the products of the supplier; and during the operation of the product, the third party suffered from a defect in the product.


Lawyers commented on the position of the Supreme Court on the possibility of borrowing legal services


The Supreme Court set out two conditions for compensation and set the point in the disputed judge that it was in favour of a third person to recover the costs.


Reimbursement to Third Person for Principle of the Agent Treaty


The appeal dealt with the recovery of the representatives' expenses in favour of a third party in the dispute






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  1. sweradum

    Oh, that's the point, I love it when it's all right and clear for a simple mortal.

  2. rejuvido

    I'm sorry, but I think you're wrong.

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