The amount of income for the social benefit of the Yekaterinburg

Размер дохода для получения соц льготы екатеринбург

The amount of the income of the poor to receive the social benefit from Catherineburg turns out that the money will still have to be fought against the mother-in-law. In order to ease the struggle, it is necessary to learn all the subtleties of its conduct. These payments do not replace, close or cancel other benefits; they are not given on a single basis, but are given monthly transfers on the mother's or father's bank card, if the mother has died or has been deprived of her parental rights for a period of one and a half years. They are also not subject to NPFL. The applicant must, however, be a citizen of Russia and permanently resident in the territory of the Russian Federation, and the child must be a citizen of Russia.

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Favourable to the Poor Families in 2019 in Yekaterinburg

In Krasnodar province, a ruble for every minor each year; in Voronezh, a ruble for every child; and the rights and benefits of poor families per year. Each situation is determined individually by the right to which poor families are entitled.

There are minors: if the children are already students, the benefits will be extended to life; there are children under the age of 3 under guardianship; the number of children is three or more; single mothers or single fathers; access school uniforms and sports uniforms; use travel tickets; attend exhibitions and museums once a month free of charge; visit a sanatorium.

If the child is sick, he/she is required to travel once a year, his/her parents' passports, originals and copies, a birth certificate, a statement written by hand or printed on a computer, you can write a document yourself, a certificate confirming your marriage or divorce if the family is incomplete, documents about your family property, such as a car, real estate.

A statement containing information about the registered tenants in your home or apartment, a paper confirming the composition of your family, a job certificate for the last three months. If you do not work and have applied to the employment centre, you will need a document stating that you cannot get a job, a certificate of disability, if necessary, to families with many children in the Sverdlovsk region, but in addition to the federal payment, the Sverdlovsk region has also established regional maternal capital.

The families in which the third child with Russian citizenship was born or adopted may claim it, in which case the payment will be thousands of rubles per month for each of the children raised in the family, to cover the cost of public transport by buses, trolleybuses and trams.

There is no allowance for taxis or route taxis: a monthly payment for the third and subsequent children, in the amount of the childrens' regional subsistence minimum, to be paid for the childrens' stay in sanatoriums, rest homes and health camps; free attendance by all family members of cultural events — exhibitions, museums and theatres; admission to kindergartens without waiting lists; financial assistance by the beginning of the school year — 2,000 roubles or the amount actually spent on the purchase of school and sports uniforms for all children attending school.

An interest-free subsidy for the renovation of an apartment, room or individual dwelling is provided for pupils in schools and full-time students of higher education institutions, and free meals are provided in an educational institution during the course of their studies; medicines and medical devices are provided without charge at social pharmacies, as prescribed by a doctor for each child under the age of 6; free land is provided for personal support services, gardens, gardens or individual housing.

A family consisting of a minor son of four years of age, who has no income and his mother, receives a salary of 15,000.

The allowance for a pregnant woman who is registered with the WC at an early date of pregnancy will be.49 roubles from 1 February.

Maternity benefits for employed women will be equal to the average wage for the last two years; if the wage is less than the SMIC, the minimum wage is taken as the basis for the calculation.

For non-working women, the maternity allowance is also calculated on the basis of the SMIC; if a woman studies at a university or technical school, the calculation is based on the amount of the study grant.

For military personnel, the average amount of the allowance for two years is taken into account; the one-time payment on the birth of a child is 16,000. It is not important what the family has born; if the family adopts a minor child who has been officially assigned a disability group, she is entitled to a payment of 1,000. For wives of persons performing urgent military service, the amount of the allowance is 26,000 grants to low-income families in the year: a decision on the payment of social benefits is made within a month, but the conditions of residence are reviewed by the commission before its adoption.

The majority of the housing subsidy for the poor is in the form of a certificate; in order to obtain housing in this way, an action algorithm should be followed: a passport and a birth certificate; a certificate of income; in the case of an unemployed persons' status, a certificate of registration at the Employment Centre, possibly a workbook and a payment certificate; a marriage certificate; an extract from the family home book issued by the local administration; a plastic card; and a social assistance account number.

The low income rent for a member of the Yekaterinburg family 2019

In Krasnodar province, a ruble for every minor every year; in Voronezh, a ruble for every child; the rights and benefits of poor families per year. Each situation is determined individually by the right to which poor families are entitled; there are minors.

What is the social map and why is the State providing support to poor families at the federal and regional levels by providing them with cash benefits and benefits, the most up-to-date information on the benefits paid to poor families in the year, their size by region, benefits, etc.

Michael we came from a different region and we had a daughter, a wife on maternity leave I work but my income has a temporary prescription. Can we get the status of a poor family?

The amount of income for the social benefit of the Yekaterinburg

The monthly allowance for the child is paid up to the age of one and a half years; the payment of an insurance category in the event of injury at work or an occupational disease; the funds derived from the use of property that is property; other sums of money, including: remuneration for works of literature, art; funds derived from business activities; sums received from bank deposits; moneys received from an inheritance or gifted; the period for which the calculation is made is the last three calendar months; in addition to the cash payments of profits received in kind; in the case of foreign currency, they are transferred according to the rate indicated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; for example, the family of two working citizens and one minor child applied; the profit of one spouse in three months is 40 roubles; the other spouse is 28 roubles; the subsistence minimum is 16 roubles; therefore, the calculated amount is below the limit.

Social protection

In accordance with article 72, paragraph 1 (g), of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, protection of the family, maternity, paternity and children is jointly administered by the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for which, in accordance with article 75, paragraph 2, of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other legal acts adopted in accordance with them are issued, in accordance with article 72, paragraph 24, of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the following measures of support and benefits for large families are laid down in the legislation: 1 monthly allowance for travel on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region on all forms of urban passenger transport and on public road transport in suburban transport, in the amount of rubles for every child studying in an educational organization; 2 compensation for 30 per cent of the cost of payment of communal services within the limits established by the Government of Sverdlov province in accordance with the procedure established by the Sverdlov Region Law for a large family with average per capita income below the per capita subsistence level established in the Sverdlovsk region; this Act establishes a measure of social support - compensation for the cost of the purchase of a set of clothing for the children to attend an educational organization, but not more than the amount of the Sverdlov province for a large family with a social benefit.

More than 30 billion rubles are allocated annually to social protection in Sverdlov province.

To whom you can receive rent benefits for the ekaterinburg you are here: the main payment of assistance to poor families in the year: the status of the poor gives the right to receive social assistance from the State in the form of certain benefits and subsidies, the full list of which depends on the region of residence. Which families can be recognized as poor? The level of per capita income is the main, but not the only, criterion for the identification of citizens in need of State support. It is also important that social assistance applicants live together and maintain a common household.

What benefits are available to the poor family and how to obtain them



Benefits and benefits for low-income families in 2019


The status of "poor family" means receiving benefits and financial assistance for a year, what documents are needed, what the amount of assistance is and what benefits are for poor families — where total income divided by social benefits, leave payments, termination payments, etc.








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