Can you get a new sleeper for changing a family name through public services?

Можно ли получить новый снилс в связи заменой фамилии через госуслуги

If the name changes for a child who has not reached the age of 14, the application is not required because he or she does not yet have an insurance certificate but only SNILS. When he or she is issued with an insurance certificate, he or she will have a new name as specified in the application. If the child has a pension certificate, it is done in general order by his or her parents or legal representatives. If the citizen does not have an active profile, it is not necessary to think about the task. It takes about 14 days to process. It is necessary to understand where the insurance certificate is exchanged and initially issued.


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Replacement of the blues with a change of last name where and how to change the blues

There are only two options for a citizen to rewrite SNIL due to a change of data: to contact the Pension Fund office or to go to the Human Resources Unit; for an employed citizen, the second option is preferable, since in this case there will be no need to ask for work and to maintain a line.

The package of documents to be collected by the applicant includes: the old certificate; the application for a replacement of the AVD form for a marriage certificate or another document from which it becomes clear on what basis the name was changed; the passport of the citizen after the replacement.

It is therefore recommended that the ILS number be rewritten into a sheet or that a document be copied before submitting the documents. Unwary citizens will have to go back to the RPF office to get the number, because it is very difficult to do it online. Try to optimize the time spent by filing documents with all authorities at the same time. The RPF will refuse to work with the passport where the old name is written.

For this reason, the deadline for replacing SNILS for two weeks is often disrupted by law, but it is not necessary for applicants to worry - there are no penalties for late replacement - the free form of the application is inadmissible - only the AVD, although it is not difficult to fill out the form, is recommended to do so in the presence of a specialist; corrections and deletions are not acceptable - the completion of the form must be carried out in a very responsible manner; if an employee discovers an error in the new document, he must complete the AVD-9 correction statement and obtain the form from the employer.

It is recommended to check not only the FIO, but also the ILS number, which has been carefully rewritten from the old document. Note: When the name changes, the ILS number does not change; it is assigned to a citizen for life.

If a citizen changes the SNIL through the employer, an inventory of the documents must be attached to the package, and it is interesting that there is a lacuna on the document indicating the reason for the change of family name, and it is considered that there are only two such documents: marriage and divorce certificates.

However, Russian legislation allows a citizen to change his or her name to any other name for no good reason, at his or her own free will, and parents can replace the name of a minor child, say, with a father's name to a mother's maiden if they want to.

How to Change Documents and Don't Go to Hell

The essence of this procedure is to change the reference data in the pension certificate; it is to be known that the SNIL itself will not be changed because it is assigned to a person once and it will be fixed to him for the rest of his life; citizens are required to replace SNIL with a change of name in order to ensure that all the data on the pension certificate are similar to those on the passport; marriage certificates or other documents that confirm the change of name; the former pension certificate.

The RPFs' office for the Udmurt Republic has sent an e-mail to confirm the subscription. The RPFs' office for the Udmurt Republic recalls when it is necessary to specify the data and where to contact the citizen. In fact, there may be situations where a citizen, for any reason, specifies the place of residence, date of birth or FIO, e.g. at the time of marriage, one of the spouses takes the second half of the family name, or after divorce, the woman decides to return her maiden name to her family name, or the citizen has decided to change her family name to a new family name, patronymic, etc.

As practice shows, this document is now very often required; it is not possible to contact any social or health service without it; it requires a document and a copy: when public services are obtained through the Internet portal; without SNIL, you will not even register there, let alone carry out any actions; when you apply to the NPF for insurance for the savings portion of the pension; in health facilities; in employment; and in the Social Protection Office for the request for benefits or benefits.

Replacement of SNIL with change of last name: where and how to change SNIL

There are only two options for a citizen to change the SNIL in connection with the change of data: to apply to the Pension Fund office or to go to the Human Resources Unit; for an employed citizen, the second option is preferable, because in this case it will not be necessary to ask for work and to maintain a line; the package of documents to be collected by the applicant includes: the Old Certificate; the application for a replacement of the AVD form for a marriage certificate or other document from which it becomes clear on the basis of which the name changed; the citizens' passport after replacement; it is therefore recommended that the ILS number be rewritten into a sheet or that the document be copied before the submission of the documents.

Change of name via public service online: How to implement it?

The Russian Federations' legislation provides for cases in which a replacement of the model is required, such as the modification of personal data in a passport, the conclusion and dissolution of a marriage, the change of the FIO, and the loss of a certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

Despite a small list at first sight, without SNIL, you will not be able to use the State Services e-service portal, you will not be able to apply to pension funds, to free medical institutions, many employers will not hire new employees without SNILS, nor will the State pay benefits or benefits to citizens without a personal insurance number.

However, without a new policy, it will not be possible to use public health services; in order to replace the health insurance policy, the following documents must be collected:? The date of replacement of the document is not more than 30 working days.

Replacement of SNIL at change of last name: necessity or wishful thinking

If you don't change the referenced green card in time, you won't be punished, as opposed to the delay, let's say, for an inactive passport, and it becomes that as soon as your new name appears on the register.

If you are registered by the employer, the list of documents on the AVD form must be attached to the above package after the new pension certificate is ready, the employer must give it to the employee no later than a week after receipt and the employee must, in turn, sign for it on the ADI statement. If the employee found an error in the certificate, a correction statement on the AVD form shall be prepared and sent back to the Pension Fund. So, you have changed the name, collected the necessary package, and you have a question: where to change the SNILS?

We change our dreams when we change our last name.


The change of name after marriage through government services. The replacement documents. This is a need to visit various authorities in connection with the change of status. But if with.. through State Services. Getting SNILS via the Internet is a relatively new service. Where and how do you get SNILS?








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